Wednesday, November 30, 2011

nov 30 - thankful for...

hard times...

it has been in these moments...where i truly felt God intervening for me...whether directly...or through those He has put in my life...

it is always easier looking back after the hard see the mighty hand of God working so perfectly in the situation...but it is in the looking back...which you can draw strength for...for the next hard time...remembering how God had been there...and will be there...time after time...

it is through those hard times...that i have become a stronger person...and more thankful for all that i have in my life...and more and more reliant on the one and only true God...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

nov 29 - thankful for...

God's open door policy...

it doesn't matter what day it is...what time it is...all i need to do is whisper His name...or not say anything at all...and yet...i know that He is with me always...

whether i need to be praise...whatever the reason...He is there...and much more then that...He is always available...

Monday, November 28, 2011

nov 28 - thankful for...

my home... has been filled with family & and laughter...may that always be the open door...

nov 26 & 27 - thankful for...

weekends away & first signs of christmas...

spent the weekend in the city...saw the lighting of the tree in union square...listened to carolers...witnessed the hustle & bustle of christmas shoppers...

love this time of year...thankful for christmas...the spirit of it...but mostly...the reason for the season...

Friday, November 25, 2011

nov 25 - thankful for...

the official first day of christmas music... own rule...but i live by christmas music till after ipod is now set to it...will be filling up my home for the next 30 days...or so... =)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

nov 24 - thankful for...

life...and all that comes with it...

counting my joys instead of my woes...
counting my friends instead of all the rest...
counting my smiles instead of my tears...
counting my courage instead of my fears...
counting my health instead of my wealth...
counting on God instead of myself...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

nov 23 - thankful for...

dreams that turn into reality...

and i've had many...some that came many many many years after i had the dream...but those especially...happened in a way that i couldn't have even imagined...thankful that the Lord knows our dreams for our lives...and delivers them in nothing short of a miracle...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

nov 22 - thankful for...

answered prayer...

and in the most incredible ways...thank you Lord for hearing my prayers...and answering in ways i couldn't even begin to imagine...

Monday, November 21, 2011

nov 21 - thankful for...

peace that passes ALL understanding...

i've had to use that lifeline a time or two (or a thousand) in my life...i can ask for it in times of dispair or frustration...God is always listening and there for me...

nov 19 & 20 - thankful for...

birthdays celebrations & another year of life...

what a fun month this has been so far..lots of celebrating with friends i've known since grade school to friends i've met just this year...i don't take them for i know each one is a blessing from up on high...and thankful for each one that has in one way or another made an impact on my life...

and...the 20th! my official day of birth...i am thankful for another year of great memories...good health...and general...

Friday, November 18, 2011

nov 18 - thankful for...


friends from high school...some even from grade school...have been getting together every 3 months or so...last nite was no exception...30 of us got together...and had a wonderful time catching up with each other...and each other's lives...

the amazing that these are friends that have been in my life for 30 and 40 years...the fact that we still are close...and care about each other...and have made a point to get to be grateful for...

last nite...the icing on the cake...4 of us have our birthdays within a week of each we celebrated with cake & tiara's...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

nov 17 - thankful for...

sweet indulgences...

such as my first egg nog latte of the year...i know...i couldn't wait till after is the official date in my life to celebrate anything "christmas"...i caved... =)

it was delicious...and yes...i will probably have a few more before the year is over...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

nov 16 - thankful for...

second chances...

thankful that i serve a God of second chances...when i think of how many times i have messed up...and He was always help me pick up the pieces and start again...and make them new...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

nov 15 - thankful for...

my two brothers...

...otherwise referred to as the browski' younger...where to begin...i have so many incredible memories with both of young children...the games we now...two young men that are strong & sensitive at the same time...

...there have been moments where things may not have always been as they should have been...but all in all...when push comes to shove...i know that i know...they are always here for me...

i treasure my relationship with the both of them...and love them with all my heart...

Monday, November 14, 2011

nov 14 - thankful for...

for people who are honest and act with integrity no matter the are the people worth knowing...

who would think this would be a rarity...but it is...people may have good intentions...people may "say" that they will do something...but saying...and doing...are two completely different things...

words are just words...actions speak volumes...

and for those that have stated that they would do back something...change something...and then done nothing...may i learn...from knowing how broken promises and statements feel...not to do the same...

nov 12 & 13 - thankful for...

sunshine & new days...

after a blistering cold rainy day friday...we received a weekend full of unexpected...spent the weekend outside most of the time...soaking it up...before the sunny days are far behind us...

new days...there is something so liberating about knowing that you have another chance to do the things that didn't get do the things you should have done...a new day brings new opportunities...another chance to make the most of the day...

Friday, November 11, 2011

nov 11 - thankful for...

the men & women who have served our country...

11/11/11...what a great way to remember all you've done to ensure our freedom...God bless and all...

my deepest gratitude to all the veterans and the men and women who are currently fighting for freedom today...and who have helped keep our country safe...

happy veteran's day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

nov 10 - thankful for...

my eyes...

this is one of the most beautiful seasons...when it comes to color...and even though here in the bay area...we may have one out of every ten trees that changes is still a beautiful sight to behold...

there is so much beauty in this world...for those of us born with our is easy to not think about just is...

but when i take the time to notice...all the colors...all the texture...all the diversity...

or when i take the time to family and friends...

really everything...i'm thankful for my eyes...for the ability to see...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

nov 9 - thankful for...

justice for kate...

on october 29th of last year...a dear friend was murdered in her home in san francisco...she was only 46 years old...r.i.p. dear dear kate...

yesterday...a little over a year later...her murderer pleaded guilty to taking her life...and will be sentenced to 50 years...although this in no way brings kate back...justice is served...may this bring a bit of closure to her friends and family who loved her...she is missed by many...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

nov 8 - thankful for...

my two furry animals...

chester & sasha...who have both been with me for many many many years...their quirkiness...has made me smile...many times...sometimes laugh...

they are as different as nite & day...but they each have their special qualities that make them unique...

they are definately mama's boys...but i wouldn't have it any other way...

Monday, November 7, 2011

nov 7 - thankful for...


my day is usually filled with music...whether at home...or in the is usually has always been like calms me...

recently...i have noticed my cat of 20 years...losing his i've been thinking alot about what i can hear...something...i think sometimes...i take for granted...

whether it be birds chirping...the sound of the good sermon...or the voice of someone you love...i'm thankful for my hearing...and the ability to hear so many wonderful sounds throughout my day...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

nov 5 & 6 - thankful for...

rain & freedom... rained on saturday...and although i don't especially love the rain...i'm thankful for it...for without would our lush country look? i love the freshness that it brings...i love that it watered my yard for me...i love that with it...comes the rainbow... of worship...i am thankful for the freedoms we have to worship as we many choices in churches...denominations...televised spots...podcasts...many countries are persecuted...for worshiping our Lord and Savior...may we never take for granted the freedom we have...

Friday, November 4, 2011

nov 4 - thankful for...


as it is clear we all have our favorite seasons...each one offers some pretty incredible's all about how you look at it...right?

so although i love warmer climates...fall is definately here...and although the nippy air...well...doesn't make me too beautiful are all the fall colors in the trees?

seasons are a great reminder...that whatever season you are in right your will end...just as seasons hold on tight...and look for the blessings...and know that the next season is right around the corner...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

nov 3 - thankful for...

...fabulous friends...

some i have known my whole life...some i met in grade school...some in high school...some in my career...some just last year...

i've had some say that they are surprised by how many friends i still have from way back when...and i guess i am surprised at times too...when talking to others...that have lost touch with friends when they have moved to another school...or job...or church...

i don't understand why a change like that would change a relationship...

relationships...friendships...take work...take sacrifice...

i am thankful for every friend in my life...they have all contributed in making my life what it is today...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

nov 2 - thankful for... wonderful parents...

the older i have gotten...i have seen & realizzed all the sacrifices that my parents have made for me and my brothers...for us to have a better life...there is nothing that they would not do for me...

we've shared laughter...and we've shared tears...we haven't always agreed...but i never doubted that they loved me...

i'm thankful that i still have them in my life...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

nov 1 - thankful for...

good-bye october...hello november...seems like i blinked...and well...november appeared...

am i the only one feeling that? seriously...where has this year gone?

on the one favorite showing its beautiful colors...and right around the corner are my two favorite holidays...thanksgiving & christmas...woo-hoo!

but...i would like to do something a little different...something i've not done on this blog...but thinking that this is a perfect month to do it...

although i believe the season of thanksgiving should be every day...for this month...every day...i will post something i am thankful for...don't have a blog? don't need one...let's all get in the spirit of thanksgiving...grab a note pad...or a pretty journal...and write down every day...something you are thankful for... #1...i am thankful for the love my Father in heaven has for is not for anything i have done...and thankfully...not lost because of things i've done...He just loves me for me...SO thankful!