Thursday, December 31, 2009

goodbye 2009...hello to a new decade...

i can't believe we're heading into a new decade...

last night, i had a pre-new year's eve celebration with some gorgeous was an evening of reflection & much laughter...i like the fact that dispite all that my friends & i have been through this last year...some much worse than others...what we reflected on was how it was that much easier because of us being there for each other...

i am so blessed...truly...i know that i say that a lot in my writing...but sometimes i sit back and wonder how i got the motherload in friendships...i do not take it for granted...

so tonite will be a quiet nite in that it will be spent at home with going out on the town this year...but that is ok...because having friends around...whether in or out...makes it a fun nite...

so as 2009 comes to a close...i reflect back on the year...the good...the bad...and the in was a hard year...but in the same was a great year...i met some new incredible people, my family remained healthy (thank you Lord!), my relationship with my Savior grew in ways i never thought possible...with could i dwell on the doesn't even compute...

i wanted to share with you some thoughtful comments from the chairman of the worth collection, caroline davis...they were actually shared at the end of last year...but the words still have a big affect on me...

"This is a "time between times," a phrase that a favorite minister of mine used to describe those hours and days when time almost stands still; when we are anticipating a happening of some sort, or are between crises, or feel one is pending.

The New Year will be here in about 36 hours; in just over two weeks, a new president will be sworn in; the Middle East is again at war, and our great country's citizens are hurting. Our minds anticipate what is to come- hope, new leadership, a renewed economy, while at the same time we are bombarded by the press, television, and the Internet with horror and suffering around the globe and in our own cities and neighborhoods.

But a "time between times" can give us breathing space to look at the past and adjust our expectations for the future. I hope that you will take these days to reflect, look back, remember what was important about this past year for you personally; decide what you want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that '08 brought to us." <---- now 09!

so although we now have that new president sworn in...may we stop reflect and decide what we want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that 2009 brought to us!

while we cannot control what happens in the world at large, we can take positive action in our own space on things we can control...that would include such things as our personal imprint on the environment, our (gr)attitude, our contribution to our community, and the serenity in our homes...

january is typically the time we set our new resolutions for the well as change out the old for the new...may we always be aware of what a difference we can make on every life we touch, and embrace whatever changes come with grace and good humor...

may the new year be full of much happiness & love to all of you my fabulous readers!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

a happy heart...

today i spent the afternoon with my lovely mamacita, my sister-in-law & my two nieces...the day was spent shopping...and although that always constitutes a "fun" day for me...the shopping was really about us...being together...

i was just coming along for the ride...but in reality...i knew that i wanted to get out of the house...and the combination of people listed above...pretty much guarantees a good time...

and that is what we had...we laughed...we teased...we talked...and yes...we even found some new items to take home with us...

i love these moments...the moments where no big plans are made...but time is spent with the ones you love...

my heart is happy...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

i am grateful...

"feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it..." ~ william arthur ward

wow...where to i reflect on 2009...once has been a year of happiness, hurt, new beginnings, closed doors, open doors...laughter, tears...

and i wouldn't change a thing...

sure, there are things i wish turned out differently, disappointments i would have liked to have done without...

but in the big picture...i can see how everything that happened this year...shaped me, molded me, taught me, and opened my eyes...

isn't that just the way God works? i am so grateful for His love to me...for His patience with me...when i still fight Him on things...knowing full well that He knows what is best for me...He waits...till i'm ready to follow...once again...

i am grateful for my salvation...for my personal relationship with Christ...that no one will ever be able to replace...there is nothing like greater love will i ever know...

i am grateful for wonderful parents...who have showed me what true love looks like...49 years together...the good, the bad & the ugly...and they have loved each other through it...may i be so lucky to experience that kind of commitment & love...

i am grateful for family...through the drama, the laughter, the tears, the fights, the make-up's...we are a strong unit...i am blessed with such an awesome extended family...

i am grateful for friends...friends who love me dispite myself...encouraging, loving, always there for me friends...friends that aren't afraid to tell me what i need to hear...friends who check in...friends who make my world a wonderful place to be...

i am grateful for this wonderful place we live in...a place of to choose how to worship, free to choose a profession, free to choose...something i don't take for granted...

most of all i am grateful for life...thank you Lord for giving me this amazing life i live...may i never forget that tomorrow is not promised us...that i may live each day to its fullest...that i may live out your purpose for my life...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus vs comparison...

JESUS is Better than Santa

Santa lives at the North Pole.

JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh

JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year

JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies

JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited

JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa

JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap

JESUS lets you rest in His arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"

JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too.

He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly

JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO

JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry"

JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.

Santa's little helpers make toys

JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but

JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree

JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.

We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.

We need to put Christ back in Christmas.

JESUS is still the reason for the season.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2009

And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the season of giving...

last nite a group of us headed over to daybreak house (youth homeless shelter) delivering a full blown christmas dinner...i am talking traditional...
turkey, stuffing, green beans, yams...and LOT'S of dessert...cookies, brownies, pies, chocolate...

as we sat around with the kids...getting to know them...there was so much laughter throughout the evening...

christmas carols were sung...i have to favorite part was when we all decided to sing "12 days of christmas" but making up our own words...and then trying to remember was pretty hilarious...but...we did it!

prior year...the kids had gotten a karaoke machine...and it was told that they used it constantly...but...the songs were old...and the counselors were tired of hearing the same songs...over and over...

so this year...the group bought the additional 900+ songs to add to their singing abilities...and a wii...and we stuffed all their stockings with goodies...

you always hear about these moments...when you walk away from an evening like that...and realize that the kids gave you much more than you gave them...

that is the spirit of christmas...these kids have such bright futures to look forward to...they have come from such bad circumstances...but are not dwelling on that...but looking forward...

and for those of us who have...and still want more...nothing wrong with long as your perspective is right...

dwelling on things that just don't matter in the long run...or blessed you are...are two very different perspectives...

i challenge you this christmas season...take the focus off yourself...and give to someone less doesn't have to be monetary...most people are just looking for some "time" spent with someone that truly cares for them...

merry christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my grown-up christmas list...

as christmas quickly are getting bought & wrapped...plans are being is a great time of is my favorite time of year...

the day after thanksgiving...all that is heard in my home is christmas is set on i have no idea what song is next (i like that element of surprise) one song that i have heard for so many years...really hit me this much so...that i looked up the words to really read it and absorb it...

here it is...with my thoughts at the end...

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown-up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child, but my start still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal our hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only lifelong wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list

can you imagine this? i can...the great thing is that we as christians...we will experience that one day soon...but what can we do now? is there anything we can do? it still breaks my heart when i watch the news...and see families torn apart by violence, hatred, doesn't seem to get better...

the gift-giving at christmas is wonderful...i'm not going to lie...i am like a little kid at christmas...but it isn't only about the gifts for is so much more...the gift of Christ...who came to this earth so that i might have! what better gift is there??

but what i'm thinking this year...when you are wrapping your presents...keep in mind...the gifts you get & receive...although they are wonderful...they do lose their luster...that perfect pair of earrings, or handbag...or whatever the gift may be...after wearing that pair of earrings two, three times, you seem to lose the lust that made you crave for it in the first place...that ipod (or whatever) you wanted will remain unused and would just be an additional load to your bag! after squandering your $$'s with stuff you dont need anyway, everything turns to be bland again...until the next occassion...or the next edition...

suddenly this song is making sense....its not just the melody that satisfies my senses, but more the noble desire to pray for the more lasting "gifts" for our loved ones and those that affect and revolve around our lives...

the gift giving won't come to a hault - definitely not! but the bottom line of this is ...while we think about spending our hard-earned money to buy expensive gifts for our loved ones, families, friends, colleagues...lets not forget first and foremost to thank God for enabling us to earn and buy gifts...and then as we wrap those gifts with nice, fancy wrappers, i suggest we think well about these people and as we fondly write down our wishes and nice thoughts on those nice, small christmas cards...lets strengthen our bonds not only through material things but that which surpasses any other gift...the gift of sincere love shown by constant kindness and selflessness to those that we touch base with, everyday of our lives...

wishing you all a blessed christmas! may all the gifts that you wish for become a reality this year!!!

but more importantly...may you experience the true meaning of all of His glory!

Monday, December 21, 2009

the donald driver story...

for anyone who has struggled...or is is some inspiration...
( might need tissues)

Friday, December 18, 2009

from service dog to "surf"ice dog...

i have always loved animals...would love to own a dog...but my home doesn't permit for now...i'm happy with my two beautiful furry companions of the cat family...

i saw this clip....and it just reinforces how animals are such wonderful companions...but this can you not love??

oh...have some tissue may need it...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

my computer...friend or foe?

what i don't like about computers is that they do what i say...and not what i mean...

example: i mean to hit the "control" button but hit the "CAPS LOCK" BUTTON AND ALL OF A SUDDEN GIANT LETTERS DOMINATE THE SCREEN...i LOOK AT THE SCREEN AND SAY, "tHAT'S NOT WHAT i MEANT!" AND i correct my mistake...

here's another example: i want to correct one letter but i inadvertently hit the button that removes the entire word..."that's not what i meant," i mumble to the one-eyed monstor...and then i correct my mistake...

now i know i shouldn't be so hard on the mACHINE (OOPS, DID IT AGAIN)...after's just a can't read my mind (though considering what it should at least keep me from making the same mistake over and over)...a computer doesn't doesn't doesn't smile...shake its monitor, and say, "elena, i know what you are trying to don't intend to be hitting the delete button...removing the very letters you want to keep..if you'd look at your screen you would see that...but since you won't and since you and i are good friends and you leave me plugged in...i'm going to give you what you need and not what you request..."

computers don't do that...computers are legalists...impersonal pragmatists...push a button and get a response...learn the system and get the printout...blow the system and get ready for a long nite...

computers are heartless creatures...don't expect any compassion from your lap top...they don't call it a hard disk for nothing...

so...i'm sure you are wondering...where is she going with this?? it is...

some folks have a computer theology when it comes to understanding God...God is the ultimate desktop...the bible is the maintenance manual...the Holy Spirit is the floppy disk...and Jesus is the 1-800 service number...

call it computerized christianity...push the right buttons...enter the code...insert the correct data...and bingo...print out your "own" salvation...

it's professional do your part and the Divine Computer does need to pray (after all, you control the keyboard) emotional attachment necessary (who wants to hug circuits?) and worship?? well...worship is a lab exercise...insert the rituals and see the results...

computerized's great - unless you make a mistake...unless you err...unless you enter the wrong data or forget to save the manuscript...unless you're caught on the wrong side of a power surge...and then...tough're on your own...

religion by computer...that's what happens replace the living God with a cold system...when you replace inestimable love with pro-forma budget...when you replace the ultimate sacrifice of Christ with the puny achievements of man...

when you view God as a computer and the christian as a number-crunching, cursor commanding, button pusher...that is religion by the computer...

how it must break the heart of God...

by the computer still drives me crazy at still does WHAT I SAY, OOps, and not what i mean...i push the wrong button...i pay the price...for that reason...i refuse to call it what the manufacturer is not a personal is cold...detached...and could care less about my happiness...

a personal computer would be fact it wouldn't be a computer at would be a friend...a friend who gives me what i need instead of what i request...a friend who knows more about me than i do...a friend who doesn't have to be turned off at nite and on in the morning...

a computer like that? too much to ask...i know...

a God like that?? still too much to ask...but that's what He is...why else do you think He is known as your personal Savior?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

stealing an afternoon...

when was the last time you took yourself out to the movies? not with a date...not with your friends...not with your children...just you and you alone...

this is one of my favorite indulgences...and it is already planned for one day this week....ssshhhhhh...

choosing a weepy, romantic movie along the lines of the age of innocence or the english patient, and sitting alone in the dark sniffling and wiping your nose without worrying if someone might tease you is sheer heaven...

sneak out to see a movie some afternoon by yourself...without telling anyone where you are going...stop by the snack counter and load up on all of your favorite treats (mine are anything chocolate...)not only will you get to enjoy a movie that you chose yourself...but you also won't have to share your candy!!

settle into those plush seats, shut off your cell phone, forget your worries...and allow yourself to be completely absorbed in another world for just an hour or two...your life will still be there when you get back...but in the can be somewhere else and wonderfully alone with yourself...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

when you wish...

busy busy day of shopping...and now busy busy nite of wrapping...

so this may be cheesy...but i love the message on the starbucks cups this year...

"when you wish the world becomes brighter. so wish. it's what makes the holidays the holidays."

then a bunch of cool wishes!


Monday, December 14, 2009

making empanada's...

soooooooooooooo much going on...hardly anytime to write...but i feel i gotta say something... it is...spent the morning making empanada's with my mom...being the sweetheart she is...she helped me...i want to bring them to a christmas potluck tonite...thankfully we made extra for her & dad to have as well...

my mom & i have always laughed when cooking together...especially when it comes to something like empanada's...because you can always tell hers from mine...basically hers are wrapped perfectly...pinched properly...loaded up evenly...they all look the same...mine...well...not so much...

so she would tease she could tell hers from kidding mom...i can too!

but this morning...she paid me the highest compliment...half-way through she looked at the ones that were done and said..."i can't tell which are yours and which are mine"

wow! i have arrived...i now make empanada's that look like my mamacita's...that is pretty huge...for me...

and as always...the time spent together was & i making empanada' telling us stories...nothing better than these wonderful memories made...over a kitchen table...sipping coffee...laughing...

what a great start to the week... 8-)

hope your holiday preparations are not leaving you too stressed...remember to not get so overwhelmed with the doing...that you forget to focus on what the season is truly about!

Friday, December 11, 2009

be still my heart...

this week has been a lot about my girl...audrey...first the auction...did you hear about it?? here is my post from fabulous classy lady...some pretty fabulous stories about the beautiful audrey...

and then...topping off the weekend with two of my favorite the beautiful standford theatre...although it is rainy & cold...nothing warms the heart like a double feature of audrey...

so can you guess what i will be doing this weekend?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

joy joy joy...

"You will make known to me the path of Your presence is fullness of Your right hand there are pleasures forever...” psalm 16:11

presents to buy...presents to wrap...groceries to buy...parties to attend...people to see...wishes to fill...

so much to little time! we might have begun the christmas season with the intent of finding joy this year...yet lost our good intentions somewhere between the children’s case of the “gimmies” and the crowded parking lots at the mall...where is the joy we sing about in all those christmas carols? where is the christmas spirit we are supposed to have?

i read the above verse this morning...a simple reminder that it’s not in any of those things that fill our days this time of’s not in the candy-streaked faces of the little children...(as adorable as that is) it’s not in the guilt we feel that we can’t possibly see all the family we want’s not even in those moments of giving or serving our families...

we can’t manufacture joy...or create eternal pleasures...though we try so hard to...we might get glimpses of joy...but we won’t experience the fullness of joy unless we immerse ourselves in God’s presence...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

a blessing from my friday nite stress... i believe that good can come from every situation?

um...yes...i just think that sometimes we need to look a little harder...

in regards to the blessing i'm about to write about...i didn't need to look hard at all...but i surely recognized it as a nice lil blessing... friday nite last week was a nite of stress...if you missed is the link back... friday nite stress

now i realize as i write may seem pretty trivial...this blessing...but to was kind was pretty sa-weet... =)

since my light situation couldn't be worked on till monday...yes...because i do not...or i should say...i do not care to know or try and switch out the lights in my car...isn't that what a mechanic is for? love the auto body shop i go to...they are THE best in customer service! i think right about now...i should give them a good ole if you live in the bay area...and need a very customer service oriented, honest auto body shop...holland car care is the place!

so i get there...and am told it will take a few i head on upstairs to the waiting area...of a fashionista...i grab the one fashion magazine there...vogue...

but wait...could it be? it is the september issue of vogue for 2008! now...i is funny that it is over a year old...but it is a auto body shop...the fact that they had a fashion magazine was pretty

the thing is...i have wanted the september issue of 08 for my collection of vogue september issues...

you see...the september issue is THE biggest issue every year...and i did not keep my! talk about a blessing...

so i ask shawn if i could "steal" it...and he laughs and says..."of course...i'm not going to be reading it" see...another proven point...that good things come out of bad now i guess i have to be all thankful & stuff that i got pulled over on friday nite... =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

surprised kitty...

oh my gosh...i can watch this over & just makes me laugh...hands down...the to my two adorable kitties... =)

Monday, December 7, 2009

friday nite stress... is friday girlfriend invites me over for dinner & movies...what fun...right? was... =) but as the nite got late...i knew i had to get home as i had a busy busy saturday ahead of me...

so...i start on my drive tunes are blasting in my car...i'm feeling happy...driving along...minding my own business...get to a red to me...a cop to him...another car...

the light turns green...i take off...the other car takes off...the cop car doesn't...
i figure it isn't any of my i keep driving along my merry fa la la way...

until...lights are flashing...the cop is behind me...seriously...what could i have possibly done wrong sitting at a red light?

i pull over...he informs me that one of my headlights is out...which...surprises me...first...that i didn't notice...and second...that my car mechanism that usually tells me when something is "out"...didn't...

so he tells me to turn my lights on & then off...i do so...and as he walks to the front of my car...and then comes back and they are both out...


then he asks me if i've been drinking...seems like a normal question...procedure and all...i let him know that i wasn't...he asks for my drivers license, registration & proof of insurance...which i quickly hand over...and then he says that he will be right back as he heads to his car...

minutes pass slowly...i just want to get home...crawl into a nice warm bed...

minutes pass...10 to be exact...what in the heck is he checking?? seriously...

he comes back...and asks me again...have you been drinking?? so now i am kinda freaking out...not from guilt...but i'm wondering why he is asking me again...clearly he didn't believe me the first time...

so i let him know...that i was at my girlfriends house...watching movies, eating dinner and yes...drinking tea (does that sound like an alchohol induced friday nite of partying?)

so he says...that he wants me to turn my body to face him...and not move my head...and follow his finger...

sigh...yes...i'm annoyed & freaked out at this point...

so i follow his finger 5 times...5!!

all i could think of is...oh my gosh! he is going to make me get out of the car...and do all the silly tests on el camino!! a busy street! talk about being mortified...

i am praying now...and thinking...this is not good...but wait...i haven't been drinking...why am i freaking out?

probably...because he keeps asking me if i've been drinking...

he then heads back to his car...for another 10 minutes...and returns with a fix-it ticket...thank you very much...could we not have completed this transaction in say...oh maybe 5 minutes?

as i'm driving home...i'm playing it over and over in my head...i know that my eyes tend to dilate at the most strangest times...where my brother has looked at me and look like you are on drugs...ok...not the nicest compliment...for sure...but my point is...where my eyes doing that thing...where i look drunk? hmmm...when i told my girlfriends the of them then said...oh yeah...your eyes do do that...

what?? i thought my eyes were normal...and what is that "do" that my eyes "do"?

all this to say...that i started out having a most awesome friday nite...which ended alarmingly stressful...and when i finally got home to my nice warm bed...i was too wired to get any restful sleep...

my girlfriends predictions were...
a. he was trying to pick me up (seriously not the way to do it)
b. he was bored and needed something to do (seriously annoying)
c. my eyes were doing that wierd thing (i wish i knew what caused it)

in any event...i now have a fix-it ticket to deal with...hope your friday nite was more fun!

Friday, December 4, 2009

nestled in His lap....

my precious chester (my oldest cat) is requiring a lot of attention today...i have always called him "mama's boy" following me around the house...needing to be by my side...or at least in the same room that i am in...

but today is a little different...he stands and meows...and won't stop till i pick him up and hold him...and now...he is happily nestled in my lap as i type...he is a big kittie...and when sitting in my lap...although i welcome the warmth...he does get heavy...

reminds me at times...when i need a little extra time with my sweet Savior...the thing is...i know He doesn't get tired of it...or get i did with chester...

there is something about being able to "crawl" into the Lord's lap...and just be words need to be is the knowing...that He is matter what...

and just like a child needing that protection...i crave it sometimes too...

Thursday, December 3, 2009 a...

my mind this morning...totally blank...had an exhausting but fun day yesterday...pretty much set up a mini jana kos trunk show...then got dolled up for the event...mingled for 4 hours...then tore down mini jana kos trunk show...this meant...loading up two cars...unloading two the beginning of the day...and then...loading up two cars again...and unloading two cars the end of the day...i'm tired just typing it ;-) so please accept this as my earnest confession... a lazy blogger today...

and in that spirit...i point you to my other blog for pics of said event...

domenico winery christmas soiree

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

first day of december...

ok...reality is the first day of december...seriously...this year...where did it go? the older i seems time is just flying by...days turn into weeks...weeks to months...and before you know it...we are staring at the face of a new year...

i want it to slow down a bit...this is my favorite time of year...fa la la la la time of year...

yesterday i put up my tree...i guess i could summarize it as fabulously glamourous...i still need to decorate the rest of the house...but my home is already full of christmas music piping in the background...wrapping paper ready to be used...
egg nog lattes are advertised at starbucks...(i had my first of the year...yesterday) will need to keep that to a minimum though...

i love this time of year...but with all the hustle and bustle...i want to also cherish this time...when God sent His a babe...

the season is a happy time...but for is a lonely time as well...i am praying the Lord gives me opportunity to brighten someone's day...every day this christmas season...

Monday, November 30, 2009

thanksgiving...every day...

i read a snipet of a blog the other day that really resonated with is a portion of it...taken from "cyndi monroe - unscripted"

"It's funny how Thanksgiving rolls around and it seems there is a nation-wide urge to suddenly become grateful or, at the very least, a willingness to publicly acknowledge "an attitude of gratitude". You know what I am talking about. Politicians and celebrities get their "God voice" on and, speaking in dulcet tones, inform us how thankful they are. Then to prove it, they spend four hours of one day serving at the homeless shelter (photo op nirvana). That makes me somehow want to NOT say anything, not jump on the band wagon, so to speak. I really am overwhelmingly grateful to my Lord for his constant, pervasive generosity that I find I don't want to get mixed up with the "fair weather" thankers (does that make sense?)."

i love when someone writes so eloquently what i am thinking...but don't know how to quite put it into words...honestly..i don't think i could have written it as well...

even this last week...on facebook...there were so many wonderful gratitude status updates...including my own...but as the holidays roll is a constant thought on my mind...why is it...that we celebrate family & friends so openly during this time of year...and then it seems to come to this abrupt halt...

not that we stop being thankful and loving...but it shouldn't be only on a designated day...just like valentine's day...why should feb 14th be the day that one proclaims their love openly to their significant "other"...

one of my favorite christmas songs is "don't save it all for christmas day" by avalon...i even blogged about it last it is if you would like to see the lyrics...the first time i heard the words of this rang in my strongly...

so...yes...this thanksgiving...i hope that you were thankful for all that the Lord has blessed you with...and this coming holiday season...i hope that you will love and hug your friends and family...but how great to continue in that through out the year...

the most wonderful moments for me have been telling someone in my life...whether friend or family...that i am thankful for them...or that i love the most unexpected moments...with no one around...

thanksgiving should be everyday...especially for those of us who have been blessed with knowing the wonderful love and mercies of our Lord & Savior...

Friday, November 27, 2009

turkey, chocolate & family...

i am still smiling from our family thanksgiving festivities...although everyone could not be was a wonderful family celebration...

one of the things i love about my how she loves to open up her home to others...i remember that from when i was a little girl...till now...she loves entertaining...and she is always looking for those who might not have somewhere to go on a holiday...

there were many times when i still lived at home...that she would ask if i had any friends who had no where to invite them to our holiday last nite was no her...friends ARE family...she invited my sister-in-laws famly over...because...they are family..even if only through marriage...

there was so much laughter around the table..our family...when together...well...we get kinda i sat back a few times last nite...and listened to everyone talking...and laughing...and telling warmed my heart...this was family...and this is one of the things that my mom taught to open up your home to others...

the surprise of course...for me...was when my sister-in-law came out of the kitchen with a chocolate birthday cake for was so unexpected...and such a lovely surprise...they all were laughing at me...because of my chocolate overload last year...
here is the story of my birthday cakes last year entitled "chocolate birthday cake...nothing better..." they were half expecting me to bring my own cake again...but when do i do what is "expected?" tee-hee

it was a wonderful day...and a reminder of all the good things...the simple things that make life sweeter...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

thanksgiving 09

today is thanksgiving...a day of thankfulness...the thing is...although it is a wonderful day...we...especially we as christians should be thankful every day...and as much as i try to be...sometimes i let my circumstances get the best of me...but when i bring myself down to reality...there is one constant in my life...and that is the Lord Jesus Christ...He has never failed me...He has never left me...He has never stopped loving me...


that is truly overwhelming...

and for that...i am grateful!

i have been blessed with an amazing family...and amazing friends...

and for that...i am thankful...

He knows what i need...when i need it most...

the one thing about writing a that it is a cool barometer in checking where your life was at certain points...especially with my memory...that comes in handy...every once in a while i will look back and read over a month...and feel those emotions...see the growth...see the love...see all the things i am blessed with...

this morning i re-read last year's thanksgiving post...and although it came months after a very dark time...His presence in my life was so evident...and the words i wrote that morning...a year ago...still ring so true in my life...

one thing i how undeserving of His love i am...but He loves me dispite myself...

thank you Lord for another year of life...of health, happiness, love, and even the rain...for without it...i wouldn't have the rainbow afterwards...

here is last years post...thanksgiving morning...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

three things...

three things in life that you should never lose...

three things in life that are most valuable...
family & friends

three things in life that are never certain...

three things that make a person...
hard work

three things that are truly constant...
Father - Son - Holy Spirit

i ask the Lord to bless you...
as i pray for you today...
to guide you and protect you...
as you go along your way...
God's love is always with you...
God's promises are true...
and when you give God all your cares...
you know God will see you through...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

embracing imperfection...

wow...this is my 300th post...who knew i had so much to say? 8)

being the week of thanksgiving...i am thankful for so many my wonderful Lord & Savior who is always by my side...through the worst of times and the best of times...thank you Lord for your mercies...that are new each morning...

and to my family and friends...thank you for your love...and for embracing my imperfections for years and years... 8) i am so grateful for each and every one of you...

may your thanksgiving be full of much love...and lots of turkey (yum yum!)

my girlfriend sent me this little story this week...a reminder how the smallest things become big things...

embracing imperfection...

When I was a little girl, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular, when she had made breakfast after a long, hard work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned toast in front of my Dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my Dad did was reach for his toast, smile at my Mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my Dad for burning the toast. And I'll never forget what he said: ”Baby, I love burned toast.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, Your Momma put in a hard day at work today, and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!

You know, life is full of imperfect things......and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or cook. What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of God. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give you a relationship where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker! We could extend this to any relationship in fact - as understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!

"Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep it in your own."

We'll be friends until we are old and senile. Then we'll be new friends!

Monday, November 23, 2009

another year...

another year...another fabulous birthday...the best isn't even close to being that!

had a wonderful weekend full of much celebration with felt very very loved...

as i look at my calendar...i see many more birthday celebrations still in store for me...which means...lots of laughter...lots of dessert...yumster!

last nite...i went back and re-read all the wonderful birthday wishes on facebook...on twitter...on email...on voicemail...and in birthday cards...God really showed me just how much love i have in my life...not that i didn't realize it before...but i think...sometimes...we get so caught up in the "stuff" that we lose sight of it...maybe just a little...

what it comes down to...for that i have a wonderful circle of support around me...and for that...i am forever grateful...

yes...a birthday means that age number is growing...but seriously...who has time to even ponder upon is...after all...just a number...i choose to look at it as a great time period that i have been able to accumulate many wonderful people in my life...

Friday, November 20, 2009

my birthday...

wow...what a week it has been...birthday celebrations have officially been underway...and continue... =)

gotta love it...seriously...

today...on my on every birthday...i cannot tell you how overwhelmed with love i am...i write often times in the blog about my friends and family...i guess i never want to get to where i take it for granted...

i not understand why i was blessed with so many wonderful people in my life...some for 30 to 40 years...and i am thankful for each and everyone of them...

this week has been full of drink get togethers...lunches, dinners...and no dad took me out for birthday lunch...tonite i am being taken out to san francisco...

and as i look at my calender in the days and weeks to come...there are friends and family that have scheduled in birthday celebrations...
friends have been calling...from near & far...i've gotten calls from friends that are on london & hawaii...but took time out to remember me...wishing me a wonderful year ahead...singing birthday songs...making plans...

thank you Lord...for the wonderful friends and family you have given me...may i be the friend back to them that they have been to me...may i somehow be able to show them as much love as they have shown me...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

we are proud of you tony!

i can hardly stand good friend adena - her husband...who i always say i would love to clone...has been working diligently to get fda approval on a patch that will help with pain from shingles...this has been years and years in the making...

they have received fda approval!!

my aunt suffers from this i have seen it first hand...and it ain't pretty...

it is so exciting to be so close to the action and excitement...we are all so proud of adena says..."my husband is a rockstar!"

here is an article written on bioworld today...this is the "variety" in pharma business...and a front page spread on top of it...

congratulations tony!!

Don’t Hold the Chili Peppers:
NeurogesX Patch Gets FDA OK

By Donna Young
Washington Editor

NeurogesX Inc. won FDA approval of the firm’s synthetic
capsaicin patch Qutenza as a therapy to manage a
form of nerve pain that often persists long after a bout of
shingles, known as postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).
Capsaicin is what makes chili peppers hot and has
long been used as an ingredient in topical therapies for pain.
But NeurogesX, which developed Qutenza internally
without a partner, is the first company to gain U.S. marketing
approval of a prescription product that delivers a high
dose of synthetic capsaicin.
While the concentration of capsaicin in the Qutenza
patch is 8 percent, other marketed capsaicin-containing
products, which generally are available as creams or gels,
come in much lower concentrations of about 0.025 percent
to 0.075 percent, noted NeurogesX CEO Anthony DiTonno.
The lower-concentration capsaicin creams and gels
also must be applied three or four times per day for often
up to several weeks, “and patients simply won’t put up or
can’t tolerate having that burning and stinging sensation
on their skin” for that period, DiTonno told BioWorld Today.
The Qutenza pain patch, which is intended to be
applied by a health care professional in an outpatient setting,
such as a physician’s office or pain clinic, delivers the
prescription strength capsaicin in a single hour-long application
procedure and provides up to 12 weeks of reduced pain, he said.
The entire procedure lasts a little over two hours,
which includes an application of a topical anesthetic about
an hour before the Qutenza patch is applied, DiTonno explained.
The health care professional can cut the patches, which
come as 280-centimeter squares, to conform to the size
and shape of the area in pain, he noted.
The synthetic capsaicin in Qutenza works by targeting
C fibers, which are found in the peripheral nerves of the
somatosensory system, which sends the signals to the
brain about sensations.
Once delivered, the capsaicin binds to the TRPV1 receptor,
and in doing so, “basically desensitizes that nerve ending
for what we’ve seen in our clinical trials for up to about
three months,” DiTonno said.
And after a single 60-minute application of the patch,
he said, “the patients go home and don’t have to take any
pills,” such as opioid pain relievers, antidepressants or anticonvulsants
– the drugs typically prescribed to manage PHN.
While opioids, antidepressants and anticonvulsants
work well to relieve PHN, they come with several associated
adverse effects, such as drowsiness, somnolence, daytime
sleepiness, and also have been related to drug-drug
interactions, DiTonno said.
He noted that the average age of patients in the
Qutenza clinical trials was about 70 years.
“So you can imagine that those patients are taking perhaps
pills for blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes,” DiTonno said.
But with Qutenza, he noted, “not having to take another
pill is probably a big advantage.
“Our product works directly in the skin, and it doesn’t
get into the systemic circulation, so you don’t worry about
systemic side effects after the procedure,” DiTonno maintained.
Once patients are titrated up to a therapeutic level with
Qutenza, they experience about a 30 percent to 50 percent
reduction in pain, “and that is considered clinically relerelevant,” he contended.
DiTonno noted that Qutenza was developed in house
by NeurogesX, a 50-employee firm, based on the science
from the company’s founder, Wendye Robbins, a pain specialist
and professor of anesthesiology at Stanford University.
“Getting a product approved anywhere in the world is a
major milestone for Pfizer, Roche and Lilly,” he said. “But for
a team of professionals of around 50 people in San Mateo
to accomplish the same feat as these pharmaceutical
giants is something that we are very proud of. And hopefully,
people will make the translation that we are going to
be equally as efficient from a marketing and sales standpoint.”
While the length of time it took NeurogesX to get to
final U.S. approval was “on par for our industry,” the company
accomplished the milestone “with significant less
capital than the industry norm,” DiTonno said.
“This is, in essence, the efficiency of what a specialty
pharma company can accomplish and why we are so proud
of this event,” he declared.
DiTonno noted that Qutenza also was granted
approval in Europe in May.
Shortly after that European win, NeurogesX granted the
European, Middle Eastern and African rights to Qutenza to
Tokyo-based Astellas Pharma Inc. in exchange for $42 million
up front, under a deal that potentially could bring the
California firm more than $145 million. (See BioWorld
Today, June 23, 2009.)
While the approvals and the Astellas deal have made
2009 a “watershed year” for NeurogesX, “the hard work has
just begun” for the company on the sales and marketing
end before Qutenza’s U.S. launch in the first half of 2010, DiTonno said.
While NeurogesX over the past few months has been
laying the groundwork for that launch, “We have a lot to do
between now and then,” he said. But, DiTonno added, “we
have the people and the resources to do it, and are energized by the challenge.”
He said NeurogesX already is “well down the road” of
establishing its distribution channel.
“We have already completed the manufacture of and
expect to have product ready to go into that channel in
time to support our launch in the first half of 2010,”
DiTonno said. “And now that we have the approval in hand,
our vice president of sales is gearing up the process of first
hiring regional sales directors, and shortly thereafter, our sales reps.”
The company also is in the process of fielding its medical
science liaison team, which will be charged with educating
“key opinion leaders” on the use of Qutenza.
With the added sales and marketing personnel, said
Stephen Ghiglieri, NeurogesX’s chief financial officer, “it is
not out of the realm to think that we will close to double in
size within the next year.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

goals and plans...

so last nite at my networking group...we started the tedious task of preparing to do our goals and plans for 2010...

i really don't like this exercise =(

but...i see the massive benefits of it...

three of the women in this group...i have worked with for the full of them i knew from years prior...but we have since added new we wanted to go over the to start...what to do...some helpful to speak...

aimee...who was leading the discussion...used her business/life plan from last was incredible to see what we as a group had talked about in a place of safety...a place where you could be vulnerable...knowing you wouldn't be judged...

i remember how timid aimee was about certain things in her business...and how it took a lot for her to voice it to well as put it down on paper...
last viewing it...we could see so she had walked through and surpassed all those certain areas...

this really works...

so why do i do it...if i really don't like it??

as in life...i think there are many things that we don't "like" to do...but they are good for us...

in looking back at my business/life plan from last year...i saw many things that i had accomplished as well...and then there were those things that i hadn't accomplished...

some of it was that my business took a different turn...and some of it...well...i was still procrastinating...

a business/life goal plan...helps put things in allows you to see the big picture...while breaking down the steps to get to that big picture...without being so overwhelmed...

it sure helps that i have this group of women...who encourage me...push me...question me...and hold me accountable... promise to to really give this my all for 2010...leave no stone unturned...write everything down that i want/need to accomplish...the steps to make it happen...and push through my comfort zone...

best of all...i have the Lord who reminds me that "nothing is impossible" and i know that He is my biggest support

Monday, November 16, 2009

step away from the computer...

so my laptop needed some medical attention...and was computer hospitalized for three days! talk about computer withdrawal...sheesh...

i seriously never realized how much i depend on this little contraption we call a computer...just when i was about to do something...i realized...i can't...because it requires access to the computer...

this occurred when i was trying to work...and i won't even mention being away from facebook & twitter...all my cyber friends...couldn't chat with them...kinda strange...

so for three days...i actually got some serious work done that didn't require this contraption...yes...i really cleaned out some stuff from the home...AND...i actually spent almost all my time "out"...

hmmm...what a concept...

the thing is...i am a pretty social person...and love to be out and about...the computer...however...does keep me in sometimes...and although i have made great connections "on-line" it can't and never will replace true face to face connection...

that is where i most feel like i am thriving...

Friday, November 13, 2009

as i am...

as i was cleaning my living room yesterday (i know...don't be jealous of my elegant life) =) my ipod was blasting...on random...which i love...because then i have NO idea what song will play...and this one came on...and i had just this overwhelming feeling...God does that...truly...all the still amazes me how He chooses to speak to us...what He chooses to say...ALWAYS at the right time...

His love for me...i will never ever ever understand...but i'm SO thankful for it...He loves me...just as i am...when i think about it...seems so crazy...but it's true! Thank you Lord!!

be encouraged today...there is someone who loves you...cherishes you...adores you...

as i am by kim boyce

When people throw sticks and stones
And they say I don't belong
You love me as I am

When courage is hard to find
And I don't have the strength to try
You love me as I am

As I am in all my weakness
As I am with all my faults
You came running like my champion
Just to love me as I am

When envy invades my heart
And tears it all apart
You love me as I am

When forgiving is hard to do
When I lose sight of You
You love me as I am

As I am in all my weakness
As I am with all my faults
You came running like my champion
Just to love me as I am

Somehow you see the best in me
When I just see the worst
Your faith in me is amazing
It's more than I deserve

As I am in all my weakness
As I am with all my faults
You came running like my champion
Just to love me as I am

You came running like my champion
Just to love me
Just to love me as I am

Thursday, November 12, 2009

breakfast with mom & dad...

so last nite i called my papacito to say hello & see what he was doing...actually i also called cause i wanted some apples...he gets THE best fuji apples somewhere in the city...

so as we are talking...he says he wants to cook me still cracks me up that he loves to do is nothing fancy...but he knows that i have always loved his egg scramble...and he loves making it for me...

so he is insisting on me coming over for i could

the thing is...i am so swamped this week...but i truly believe that sometimes we can get so caught up in the "doing stuff" that we miss out on beautiful moments... matter how busy i think i am...i can't say no to time spent with people i love...

so i headed out this morning...and dad was all excited...he had his chef hat on (not literally) he just gets very serious when cooking...

mom brewed the coffee...and we just sat around the table and chatted...really about nothing...the vegetable garden...the fruit grandma...

talk about a mish mash of conversation...the thing is...i am so fueled for my day now...

i don't take for granted the days i have with them...and i will take as many as i can get...

breakfast with mom & dad...there is truly...nothing sweeter...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

fun day at the gift center...

spent a wonderful day at the gift center today with a good friend...really enjoy going...

today we had a girlfriend needed to buy some birthday gifts for two people...we accomplished that pretty quickly as she already had an idea of what she wanted...and we found it in the first level...phew...

breaking for lunch...we rested our tootsie's for a bit...chatted away...and then continued...

of course...i love the holiday decorations...but i just can't fully enjoy them until after one point i got excited about a christmas song that came on...but i needed to contain myself...tis the season for thanksgiving...and MY birthday celebrations...then comes christmas...sheesh people...keep it in order...actually i just realized i am not keeping it in order is my birthday...then thanksgiving...then christmas...although i guess i could cut myself a break as thanksgiving is truly ALL the time...

bet you thought i was going to say my birthday was...huh? although birthday celebrations have been under way my heart of hearts...i truly believe thanksgiving is an important holiday...more than my birthday...

dang...what has gotten into me??


fun fun day today...i didn't get ONE thing...but it was fun to window shop and look at all the lovely baubles and such...

and dream...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

being approachable...

on three separate conversations this week...the word "approachable" came up...and on these three separate conversations...i was told that what was loved about me...was that i was approachable...i have to really warmed my heart to hear these words...because i always want to remain...approachable...

when i hear the word makes me consider Christ...who had (and still has) the most amazing open-life policy...i can't think of anyone He cold-shouldered or refused entrance into His presence...

there were times He sidestepped trouble...and sometimes He sought out solitude...but generally speaking...the crowds freely sought Him out...some people left His presence rapidly when they didn't want to hear the truth...but all were given access to Him...

i have to admit...i often do not feel equipped to offer liberating solutions to people...but i have come to know...that i do not need to have all the answers to remain approachable...actually...people who have all the answers get on most folk's nerves...

this to what makes one approachable...

a willingness to accept people where they are...until they can take the next step...that kind of willingness is usually born out of personal growth and the recognition that we are all cracked pots...God is not partial but extends Himself to all...

a willingness to who hears with her heart and answers when asked...i have to admit...this is a toughie for me because my answers often fly out before i've fully listened...that tendency makes me store up assumptions, opinions, and defensiveness...and being full of those things can be lethal to one's maturity as well as one's relationships...

a willingness to believe the best...not necessarily the best of people...but the best of God...who is at work in people's lives regardless how snarled the threads of their existence may seem...scripture tells us that the heart of humankind is desperately evil...but the plan of God is to give us a future and a hope...thank God for that hope! as approachable people...we can help others see God's best...

what it really boils down people just want to be heard...and many times...they are not looking for words back...but an understanding and listening accept others, hear their heart, and believe God's best for them...this makes you approachable...

when i think of Jesus...and how He allowed the masses and the messes...they always left His presence new, whole, healed, heard, instructed, corrected, and gladdened...

how are folks after they have encountered you? i want people to leave feeling better then when they showed up...and as with many is always a work in progress...

Monday, November 9, 2009

busy busy busy...

phew...that is all i can muster up right now...i have so many things going on...and so many things to get done...and even though i am running around non stop...nothing is getting done...and more things are getting added to the infamous LONG to-do list...

friday...i actually forgot to blog...just plain forgot...the day flew by...and i went to sleep...woke up in the middle of the nite...and started thinking...about all the "stuff" that i needed to do...and then it hit me...that i had forgotten my blog...i almost got up and wrote...but thought to myself...ok...that is a bit much... i am rambling...i realize i really don't have anything to say...except to say...that i am super uber busy...

the plant left on my doorstep last week is still a mystery...although every day i look at it - in its beautiful planter...i'm just chocking it up to another wonderful blessing from my sweet Lord...

so...back to my LONG to-do list...just decided to take a wee break...and write down some thoughts...actually...i guess i am just writing about how busy i am...somehow it helps to write it out =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

a surprise thank you...

so this morning...i'm getting ready to head on over to the trunk show...hurry hurry...that is on my mind...

as i open the front door...what do i see??

a surprise on my doorstep!! can you stand it??

a beautiful plant in the most adorable planter...with a little note saying "thank-you" is driving me a little crazy not knowing who left me this pretty...and on top of it...i have no idea what i did to warrant such a surprise... whoever left me this lovely surprise...i thank you!

did i mention how much i love surprises??

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

live with intention...

this sits in my i can see it everyday...


live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.
~ mary anne radmacher

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

a simple indulgence...

shall i share my secret recipe for a perfect dessert? a little luxury for those nites when you might crave chocolate but be a bit too tired to wade through the recipe for homemade chocolate pudding...(another indulgence of mine)

don't is is a simple indulgence - a glass of red wine and a handful of m&m's...see how very simple it is?? a life of luxury need not be complicated...and it need not be need only be delicious...

on the spur of the moment...i've invited friends over to join me on the couch at nite after a long day...for m&m's and a glass of also seems to be a simple dessert that men enjoy (they don't seem so interested in the recipes we work so hard to master...although the chocolate pudding is a big hit) once, one friend came already dressed in her pajama's...knowing it was going to be a late nite of chit-chat...

must i point out that you shouldn't indulge in the m&m's too often...lest your clothes grow a tiny bit tight?

all luxury is best taken in small doses...

Monday, November 2, 2009

the mayonnaise jar...

this is an oldie but comes around every so often via email...and everytime i read stands as a to priorities...and where my time is being spent...

"the mayonnaise jar"

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
When 24 hours in a day is not enough;
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and started to fill it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous 'yes.'

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.

'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family, children, health, friends, and favorite passions. Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car.

The sand is everything else -- The small stuff.

'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued,'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life.'

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will never have room for the things that are important to you.


Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your partner out to dinner.

There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dripping tap.

'Take care of the golf balls first -- The things that really matter.
Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.'

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled.

'I'm glad you asked!'.

'It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.'

so...who do you need to call today...for a cup of coffee...perhaps?

Friday, October 30, 2009

gentle reminders...

to get something you never had, you have to do something you never did...

when God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better...

concentrate on this sentence...

the will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you...

trust in God...He will never leave you nor forsake you...
He loves you unconditionally...

i love when simple emails are sent at the right time...because it is not is God gently reminding...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

which path to travel...

the path of life is seldom without ups, downs...and even...turn-arounds...i find some days i skip along merrily with my hair dancing in the breeze (not hair is much to short...but doesn't it sound good?), while other days i drag my sorry self about as if i'm carrying the weight of the world in my backpack...between the breezy days and the backpack days...are the endless brick-carrying days...which seem to be how i spend the majority of my brick days are the times i purpose to put one foot in front of the other...taking care to do the tasks at hand...i choose on those days to believe that the discipline as well as the drudgery fit into a higher destiny...that the bricks of obedience and follow-through serve a greater purpose than just to give me an aerobic workout...

the problem with transporting bricks is that we are so busy with the lifting and the carrying that we catch only glimpses of the progress...perhaps that is as it was meant to be...lest we become so impressed with our little stack of bricks that we distract ourselves from the higher calling...which add our bricks to the tried-and-true paths laid by those who have gone before us...this task is for our benefit and for those who will follow after us...

after all, there is nothing like a well-ordered, well-lit, well-marked path...

so where is this thought process coming from?? i've been reading about mary of bethany...

mary, sister of martha, seems inseparable from her sibing; each time we read of one sister, we hear of the other...well, almost every time...for instance, remember when the brick path led to their doorway, and the duo entertained Jesus and His disciples in their home? martha felt put upon because while she was saddled with all the chores, mary was seated at Jesus' feet...what a to-do that caused! i mean, folks have been finger-pointing at the sisters ever since...picking sides over who was right and who was wrong...should mary have helped martha prepare for their guests, or should martha have been sitting next to mary at the Savior's feet?

hmmm...i just wonder if they both weren't doing the right thing...perhaps their portrait paints for us two necessary paths that are often women's to walk in: one of physical leadership and service and one of spiritual availability and responsiveness...of course...the challenge is figuring out when to walk each path in life's fullness...

mary seemed certain of her calling in regard to Jesus...we see that her footpath led her repeatedly to His feet...that's where we find her sitting, weeping, kneeling, listening, and ever's demands were not about to vie for mary's attention...somehow she sensed her time to be with the Savior was now...Jesus acknowledged her wisdom and affirmed her deeply satisfying that must have been...

i want to be a mary...yet i also need to be a martha...she was busy with many things, which is true for most of us...we are called to be responsible for the tasks at hand...yet we long to be spiritually responsive to the must we give up one path to follow the other - or is it possible these two paths converge at certain points?

i believe we can pace our race...not easy...but takes determination to pick up one foot and put it in front of the other without forsaking the sitting-at-His-feet time...

i want to walk a purposed path in hopes that i, too, will know the sweetness of His approval while doing my part to leave a clear path...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the quirkiness that is...sasha...

my youngest...who happens to be sasha...the one eyed kitty...truly is an entertaining cat...he is just...well...quirky...

he has many wierd actions that truly make him a...well...interesting specimen...

tonite...for example...i came home after a VERY long day...and although i have been fighting it...decided to turn the heater on...i guess it is part of my denial that it is getting colder...and that summer is truly behind us...there have actually already been a few very cold days...but i chose to freeze under a blanket...instead of turning on that heater...

now i understand why sasha and i are such a good fit =) could it be i have my own quirks??

so...back to the story...the heater is on...i come older "normal" cat is in his per usual...and sasha?

i of his quirks...he loves sitting on top of the heater grate...

he must be pretty excited sitting there...knowing that he will have months of frying on top of the heater grates...i seriously have no idea how that is comfortable for him...i have picked him up before...and his fur is HOT...but he sits comfortably - not noticing...

but if he is not feeling the to speak...who am i to take this pleasure away from him?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

republican first ladies from 1800 to and facts...

last week i attended the mid-peninsula republican women's federation luncheon...i was pretty excited because i knew that there was going to be a fashion of course...anything to do with fashion...makes me excited...

but this was going to be different...this was going to be about the history of fashion from 1800 to 1933...on republican first ladies...

i blogged about it in my fashion blog...but thought some of my readers here might enjoy it as i thought i would share...

there are four parts...if you love history...there is a lot of facts listed about each of the first ladies...

if you love is great to see how the styles have favorite remains to be the bathing just cracks me up how there is not a stitch of skin showing...but it was the bathing suit of that time...

so enjoy the journey...

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

oh are always welcome to read my other blog as tidbits daily...what fun...right?

fabulous finds

Monday, October 26, 2009

what is in my future...

i have been struggling a bit with some very big decisions in my life...wrestling with one in particular where the line between selfishness and generosity is very very blurry...

what to do?? that is the question...

seldom does God allow us a sneak peek into our futures...He gives us wonderful promises and prophetic statements...but we don't know the ins and outs of His plans...i'd love to own a pair of holy binoculars so i could see what's coming...

or would i??

i think about my life just in the past year...the end result (the now) is good...but the beginning and middle was excruciating...if i had seen through long-distance glasses that i would suffer as i did..i don't think i would have had the strength to walk into that season...

no, on second thought, forget the binoculars...i'll stick with the life of faith...taking one step at a time and trusting the Lord to see me through...come what may...He "sees" so much better than i do...for He is my Alpha and Omega...i'm grateful that all our beginnings and endings...all our comings-in and goings-out...all our losses and all our gains...are in His sovereign care...

Friday, October 23, 2009

a prayer...

Lord, I am amazed and grateful that You desire to converse with me...and quite honestly, i'm not sure at times how You get a word in edgewise...

quiet my incessant need to fill the air with my reluctant lips when i carry Your message...

esther was cautious and yet courageous...she was still and yet outspoken...she was young and yet wise...and You used her as Your messenger to protect a do You desire to use me?

You have given me language so that i might express my feelings for You and others...may i be sensitive to the leading of Your Spirit so that i pace both my walk and my talk...teach me to be fluent in Your love and selective in my words...that what emanates from my lips may inspire others to grow...and to celebrate their lives...

this is my prayer...amen...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

children see...children do...

when i first saw this really griped at my heart...i am not a mom...but even without being a mom...i have had children placed in my life...whether through teaching sunday school, choir, being an aunt...having friends that had children...

one thing i know...children are like a sponge...they take everything the end of this video states...children see...children do...

this song has always been a favorite of mine...and a reminder...although the words are from a dad about a son...we really can apply this to so many areas of our lives...because as much as the children watch us...and we need to be so aware of that...adults are watching us as well...

"i want to be just like you"
phillips, craig & dean"

He climbs in my lap for a goodnight hug
He calls me Dad and I call him Bub
With his faded old pillow and a bear named Pooh
He snuggles up close and says, "I want to be like you"
I tuck him in bed and I kiss him goodnight
Trippin' over the toys as I turn out the light
And I whisper a prayer that someday he'll see
He's got a father in God 'cause he's seen Jesus in me

Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me

Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness
'Cause I know that he'll learn from the things that he sees
And the Jesus he finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where he stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my escape...

i firmly believe that one of the most luxurious ways to spend an afternoon or evening is planted in a comfy chair, lost in a book...any book...novels, biographies, travel accounts, history, cookbooks, whatever strikes your fancy...just often, read always, read everywhere...

this is my escape...

reading can do so many luxurious things for you...take you far away from your daily struggles, give you a glimpse into other worlds, teach you things you might otherwise never learn...

among my useless pieces of knowledge is that before jakarta, indonesia was called was called batavia...might that come in handy someday? one never knows...does one?

who knows if one day i may win a pot of money on a game show because i know that "ghiradelli" is the answer to the question "name a 150 year old chocolate company"...

reading widely gives you confidence in the world and the firm sense that you are not matter how suddenly unbearable your life might seem...

don't forget what voltaire (you might try reading him, too) said: "let us read and let us dance - two amusements that will never do any harm to the world..."

Monday, October 19, 2009

unsettle me...

my prayer today....

unsettle me...

these are the two words rattling about in my brain today...i almost wish it was a more glamourous prayer...surely more eloquent words could be found for what i'm feeling...but these are the words...this is my prayer...

the funny thing is i've spent my whole existance trying to find a place to settle down, people to settle down with, and a spirit about me worthy of all this settled down-ness...all of this is good...a contented heart...thankful for its blessings is a good way to settle...

but there are areas of my life that have also settled that mock my desires to be a godly woman...compromises if you will...attitudes that i've wrapped in the lie, "well, that's just how i am...and if that's all the bad that's in me...i'm doing pretty good."

i dare you, dear soul of notice the stark evidence of a spirit that is tainted and a heart that must be placed under the microscope of God's word...yes, indeed, unsettle me Lord...

unearth that remnant of unforgiveness...
shake loose that justification for harshness...
reveal that broken shard of pride...
expose that tendency to distrust...

unsettle me in the best kind of way...for when i allow Your touch to reach the deepest parts of me - dark and dingy and hidden away too long...suddenly, a fresh wind of life twists and twirls and dances through my soul...

i can delight in forgiveness and love more deeply...
i can discover my gentle responses and find softer ways for my words to land...
i can recognize the beauty of humility and crave the intimacy with God it unleashes...
i can rest assured though harsh winds blow, i will be held...

goodbye to my remnants, my justifications, shards, and tendencies...this is not who i am, nor who i was created to be...

goodbye shallow love, sharp words, self-focus, and suspicious fears...i am an unsettled woman who no longer wishes to take part in your distractions or destructions...

welcome deeper love, softer words, unleashed intimacy, and the certainty i am held...

welcome my unsettled heart...

Dear Lord, make me a courageous woman who isn't afraid to pray this prayer over and over again...

Friday, October 16, 2009

the handwritten note...

today when i went out to get my mail...a lovely surprise awaited me...
there it was among the junk mail, the bills, the newspaper inserts...a pale yellow envelope...with my name and address beautifully written type written or white label attached...

there is something about a handwritten note or card...something that i feel has really been lost in this day and age of emails, evites, & texting...

lovely as it is to receive a handwritten note in the mail from a friend, it is just as enjoyable to sit down and write one yourself...who needs a reason? formal thank-you notes are always welcome, but just as fun to indulge in are little personal notes to tell friends you are thinking of them, or to enclose a clipped article that might be of interest...

as the shift has truly taken place to emails, faxes and computerized correspondence, think of how treasured and rare handwritten letters have become...

i say...indulge in a box of high-quality personalized stationery or note cards...such as a beautiful paper with pretty flowered lining on the inside of the envelope...and don't forget your impressive gold-stamped monogram...

it is such a delicious feeling to hold one of those stiff cards in your hand, affix a stamp carefully in the upper-right corner, and walk (or drive) it to the mailbox...makes you feel like a heroine in a jane austen novel...doesn't it?

as with so many aspects of life (love, money, kindness), what you put out there comes back to you manyfold...the more lovely letters you drop in the mail...the greater chances that your mailbox will soon be overflowing in turn...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

a sad goodbye to david...

in less than two months...i have been to six memorial services...and although they are never easy...last nite's was the hardest...david was only 25 years old...

there is always sadness attached to death...but somehow it is easier to accept for someone who has lived a good long life...

at still have your whole life ahead of you...david did not...

it was a beautiful service...the place was packed beyond capacity...all the pews were full...people were standing on the sides of the the the side room...and outside...

david was loved...

as people got up to speak about struck me how one after the other...the same message rang through...david loved to make people happy...david loved to make people laugh...david cared about people...

two stories that really tugged at my heart...two separate incidents that showed david's character...his heart...what he did when no one was looking...

the first was a young man who got up to speak...he said that he was david's neighbor...his father had passed away in may...and david came over every day to spend time with him, cry, talk, make sure he was ok...this young man said that even his closest friends didn't do that...the people that he had expected would be there for him...and the person he least expected...was the one that showed up...not once, not twice...but often...

the second...was shared by pastor jerry...he said one time he received a text from david asking if he had the phone number of an individual...pastor jerry looked it up...and texted him back with the information...pastor jerry than received another text from david...and it said..."thanks pastor jerry...i love you!"
pastor jerry told us what an impact that had on him...first that a young guy would be so open and vulnerable with feelings...and second...that he was not afraid to tell people how he felt...

deaths are a part of life...and the memorial services...yes, they are to pay respect to the deceased...and to support the family and friends...but it also is a reminder...that we are not promised tomorrow...

i will miss seeing david sitting in front of my house...waiting for his friend (my cousin) to come out and meet him...i smile now as i think of all the times he saw me...and was so excited to say if i was the most important person on the block...

that is how david was...

these are his brother robert's words...
the light at the end of the horizon leads us in different directions throughout our brother lived every day to the fullest...his life was filled with love, support and the drive to be someone in life...he touched everyone's life that he knew...and he will never be forgotten...we will never comprehend why he was taken from us so early during his life...but we will honor the legacy and memories he left behind...some things in life we will never understand...some will beat themselves over and over again...trying to determine why this these difficult times, we must remember that although his body is not with us anymore, his soul will live forever in all of our hearts...
from the thoughts in your head to the tears on your face, remember these immortal words with a smile:
"my name is david, i have a red jeep and it goes beep beep" =)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

works with ketchup...

did the stars align last nite? did i bump my head? what has happened??

as almost everyone in my life knows...i hate (yes...a strong word...but appropriate)the rain...there has never been a time that i liked it...except maybe for the occasional sitting in front of the fire...knowing i was not going out in the rain...but...that is a rare occasion...

most people i the rain...i just don't get it...

except for today...i woke up to the sound of rain...and it made me i going crazy here?? for the first time...i looked at it differently...instead of thinking of the annoyance it brings me...the uncomfortable feeling of running around in it...while balancing holding things...including the umbrella...while not getting wet...trying to avoid the puddles...

i lay in bed and thought about how the rain brings cleansing...the streets & sidewalks are washed up...debris is swept away...the plants stretch out their necks to drink up the "revivement" the water brings them...

ok...maybe a little sappy...but to was a sign of renewing...that old things can be washed away...and in the midst of a dreary bleak grey day...color is springing up from the nourishment of the rain...

how cool is that?

so...this won't go down in the day elena changed her view of the rain...but i do like that for the first time...i didn't get up begrudgingly thinking the day was bad because of lousy weather...i looked at it in a whole new light...

will i enjoy going out and fumbling while holding umbrella & stuff...trying not to get wet...and avoiding puddles? now come on...whatcha expect from a girl who loves sun shiny days...

as much as i love the is through the rain that most of my growing takes place...without the storms...i wouldn't know that the sun eventually comes back out...

this brought a smile to my a dark dreary is hoping you find your sun among the rain...






Monday, October 12, 2009

courage in the ordinary...

whenever i hear of someone showing courage instead of cowardice...i find myself saying..."that's what i want to be like." i wish i had more courage...i do not want to be debilitated by fear or paralyzed by anxiety...i do not want to cave in under difficult circumstances and compromise my convictions or give up on difficult challenges...i do not want to be a coward...i want to be courageous...

this is a biblical truth...
"God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power"
2 timothy 1:7

i regret the fact that we usually hear about courage only when someone does some extreme act of heroism that attracts media attention...carrying an old woman out of a burning building...diving into an icy pond to save a drowning child...risking gunfire while dragging a man to safety...don't get me wrong...i love these stories...but they seem bigger than life...dramatic...once-in-a-lifetime opportunities never seem to happen to ordinary folk like you and me...but the older i get...the more i understand that it takes a great deal of courage to face life's ordinary...everyday challenges...

every single day we make choices that show whether we are courageous or cowardly...we choose between the right thing and the convenient thing...sticking to a conviction or caving in for the sake of comfort, greed or approval...we choose either to take a carefully thought-out risk or to crawl into a shrinking shell of safety, security and inactivity...we choose either to believe in God and trust Him...even though we do not always understand His ways...or to second-guess Him and cower in corners of doubt and fear...these choices come our way every day...rapid fire...we face them so frequently that we forget that we are even making them...and sometimes find ourselves going with the flow instead of carefully making courageous choices...

people say that christianity is for weak people...the cowards...i have always been fascinated by that accusation...because in my experience the exact opposite is takes a great deal of old-fashioned courage to be a faith demands the best i fact...a lot of courage is required even to become a have to own up to your sins before a holy God...that takes courage...

but how do you become courageous? do you make a wish? say a prayer? wave a wand?

sometimes we think courageous people were born without actuality...courageous people are ordinary people like you and me who began at some point to face their fears rather than running from them...

every fear that is faced and overcome becomes a building block...each success gives you a new sense of grow in courage as you face your crippling fears...whatever they may grow in courage as you allow your mind to be transformed...courage is not an isolated...optional character is not merely a nice trait for people who want it but unnecessary for those who are not interestd in it...courage is foundational to being a christian...

it takes courage to begin a walk with reach out your hand and trust takes courage to lead a life of obedience to takes courage to be moral and to build significant relationships with your spouse, your children...and with your takes courage to expand a business...change your major or start a new takes courage to leave home or to go back home...

courage...we all need it...and God wants us to have it...but you cannot sit still and expect courage to come and find have to go after it...