Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the last day of 2008...

it is the last day of 2008...

i find myself sprinting towards 2009...

as i woke up this morning...i started thinking about this past year...the funny thing is that...although there was some stuff that happened that i wished didn' did...

going into 2008...i remember thinking that i wanted a better year than the prior one...i didn't want to be in the same place that i was...i never imagined in a million years that my heart would be broken as it was...truth be could it be broken when i really wasn't in a committed relationship..the problem was...that in my eyes...i was committed...i didn't want to be with anyone else...see anyone else...he thought differently...the hardest part was that he didn't feel the need to let me know...
i lost a relationship...but more than that...i lost someone who was a big part of my life...a confidant...a daily "check-in" friend...

i also lost my dear friend carol to cancer...she was a friend...a mentor...a fighter...a beautiful beautiful woman...

and these two events happened within a week of each other...

and in these two events...i learned a multitude of lessons...

i believe that sometimes God needs to really shake things up in your life to get your attention...
my life...although devoted to Him...was a convenience at times...when i needed Him...i wanted Him there...but when things were going along fine...well...i lived my life for Him...but it was in idle mode at times...

God shook things up this year for me...and i am forever life has is completely different than where it was last year...the funny that there is nothing tangible to show for it...but in my heart...things are different...

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

my hope was not planted in the Lord 100%...i thought it was...but when my world came crumbling down...i realized how much hope i had placed in a person...and when all my hope was crushed...and i had nothing to fall back on...

well...back up here...i did have something to fall back on...but it was in that glimpse of loss of hope...that i hope was in the wrong person...

people will always let you down...i will let others down...we are human...the only place where we can truly place our hope...and know that it will not come crashing down...well that hope is in the Lord...

i do not know what 2009 holds for me...what i do that i am going into it with such excitement...such eagerness...such boldness...

a portion of my devotional today read...
this was human hope. That kind of hope is in limited quantity, and when it runs out, you are left drained, discouraged, disappointed and …hopeless! Oh, it may masquerade as “hope,” but it is completely different from the hope that God provides. God’s hope renews and refreshes. It empowers, uplifts, and strengthens. God’s hope does not disappoint! There is an unlimited supply of God’s hope. God knew I had been clinging to human hope, and He knew that last 1% of weak, feeble hope would run out. He wanted me to cling to Him, the God of true, lasting, unlimited hope. So, as I wiped my tears, I waited as the winds of God’s hope blew my way. My circumstances were still the same, but my heart was now filled with the hope that only God can provide.

that truly summarizes how i feel at this circumstances are still the same...but my heart is filled with such hope...i know that i know that God will provide for me everything that i need at the right time...

the most exciting thing about 2009 for that i have absolutely no all i am left to see the wonderful surprises God has in store for me...
what could be better than that? seriously!!

dear Lord...thank you for your wonderful, everlasting hope. please help me to always put my hope in You and You alone...thank you that with you all things are possible...

and to my faithful hope for you is that 2009 will bring you peace and joy...and an abundance of new memories...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

tender moments...

tender moments...

they come at you when you least expect it...gotta be alert to catch them...

i am having a tender moment right now...

as most of my friends in the morning is a this morning as my coffee was brewing...i decided to sit down and check out some stuff on facebook...

i sit on my couch...put my laptop in my lap...smell the java brewing...and then the tender moment happens... younger kitty...decides that he wants to climb into my lap...he snuggles between the laptop and me...pushes his little tushy until the spot is just right...looks up at me...stretches his neck up and gives me a little kiss...

tender here i am wanting my coffee...but do not have the heart to push him off my lap...he has now curled up into a tiny ball...his little tush...slightly over the laptop..his face cuddled in the nook of my arm...his head moving to the typing from my hand...

sasha does sit in my lap...but it is usually only at the end of the day...when he is done with all his playing and shennanigans...

this morning...he went straight for my lap...needing a little time with mom...

the coffee will have to wait...

tender moments need to be treasured...and the moment...

Monday, December 29, 2008

the in-between...

the week following christmas has always seemed like such a strange time for me...

there is the big realization that christmas is over...kind of like a wedding...all the planning...and's over...

then there is the anticipation of the new year's eve celebrations...and the start of a new year...

the last week of the year...i tend to just want to hibernate...sleep it away...but what i usually end up doing is a lot of thinking...sometimes a bit too much thinking...

i analyze the year...what went right...what went wrong...what i could have done better...what i could have done more of...what i could have done less of...

it is a time of reflection...but is a time of refreshing...a time to think about what i would like to on...make better...not only for me...but for those around me...those that are in my life...

there are the standards...balancing your life so that there is equal time of work, play and alone time...

one of the things that i seem to focus more i get spending quality time on myself...and giving of myself to others...seems like two opposites...but i have found...that if you do not give time to have very little to give others...

as resolutions are made...and broken...i myself want to be realistic in my approach to the new year...but i also want to push better clean out the bad or the time consuming things that bring nothing into my life...

i want to stretch learn give soar...

how do i do this? for starts with prayer...really digging deep and realizing what the Lord's will in my life is...what He would like me to do...i feel as i continue in my walk with Him...draw closer to Him...i ultimately am in His will for my He directs and leads i am open to His promptings...

there is an excitement for the new year...the last quarter of this year has been one of alot of healing...growing...forgiving...and a hard look at my life...where it is at...where i thought it would be...where i hope it will be...

the new year has a look of newness...adventure...surprises...

what remains the same...are my close knit circle of family and friends...and my Lord and Savior leading me...

i am fully equipped to move forward...moving forward with anticipation and excitement...

i have no idea what 09 has in store for me...but i am ready...truly ready...

Friday, December 26, 2008

christmas after blues...

the day after christmas...

weird say the early to be thinking of new years eve...but yet...all the preparation for done...over with...

if i were i try to be on my is a bit of a disappointment...not because of christmas...because christmas was wonderful...but the fact that it is over...just like that...

i am back home...after a whirlwind of get-togethers...and celebrations...and i'm tired...really tired...but it is a good feeling...a feeling of fullness...i got my fill of memories...and togetherness with everyone i wanted to be with...

my tree is still lit...the lights are still twinkling...but there is a bit of sadness that seems to linger in the air...

but as i think about that...i can't quite put my finger on why...because although the holiday is over...the feelings of togetherness and family and love and laughter...well...they continue...

celebrations just need to continue in other ways...

if truth be told...i am pretty excited about ending this year...not because i'm rushing to get any older ;o)...but i...for the first a really long time...feel really good about my future...i'm not quite sure why...but i i will leave it at that...and not try and explain something that i don't even understand...

what i that this was a year of learning...i learned some hard lessons...but i faced them head on...took the lessons...applied the lessons...and became stronger and more aware of what i want and don't want in my life...i also learned more about i so easily can put myself on the back burner...for others...while there is really nothing wrong with that...i learned that...i can't contribute fully to others...when i am not complete...

i am finally realizing what is really important in my life...what i want in my life...

so as i am a little sad that christmas is over...and i need to once again...pack away the decorations...the music...

i focus on all the good that i can look forward to...

here's an early toast to a new's looking forward to wonderful 09...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

christmas day...

it is christmas dreary as the day is outside so far...pouring rain & heart is filled to & friends surround memories are being made...

i absolutely love this time of year...always have...always will...but it is not just for one reason...
sure the festivities are wonderful...the music...the lights...the christmas tree...all of it...i love and treasure...

but the main reason for christmas...the reason for the season...

God sent His this be born in a lonely manger...not a setting fit for a king...but he came...none the less...because of His love for you & me...He came so that we would know a better life...

i am overwhelmed by His love towards me...

wishing all my readers a wonderful joyous christmas day...may you be surrounded by those you love and cherish...but most of all...may you feel His love and peace in a special way this year...

i leave you with another one of my favorite christmas songs...

"mary, did you know?"

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Did you know
That your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
That your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered
Will soon deliver you

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Did you know
That your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know
That your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little boy
Youve kissed the face of god

Mary, did you know?
The blind will see
The deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap
The dumb will speak
The praises of the lamb

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is lord of all creation?
Did you know
That your baby boy will one day rules the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is heavens perfect lamb?
This sleeping child youre holding
Is the great I am

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

christmas eve morning...

it is christmas eve i sit in my living is still a bit dark out...the christmas tree lights are is raining outside...

the neighborhood is starting to wake up...there is the occasional car that drives by...

i sit in the quiet...reflecting on the true meaning of christmas...the message of christmas that so easily gets lost in the hustle and bustle of getting the tree up...buying the right gifts...getting them wrapped...figuring out where christmas celebrations will be spent...

but this morning...i reflect on isaiah 9:6

for unto us a child is born...unto us a son is given...and the government shall be upon his shoulder...and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father...and The Prince of Peace is He...

He has been all these things to me...i don't know anything different...

He came to this world...the King of Kings...born in a fan nothing...came to save the world...

He saved me...

this year...especially in the last 3 months...3 difficult months...His peace has enveloped me as i never could have imagined...He truly is the Prince of Peace...

this christmas i reflect on Him...i am thankful for all that He is to me...more than what He has given way of family and friends...although all of that is so important to me...

most importantly is my relationship with Him...without it...i do not know where i would be today...He is my source of source of everything...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

my evening with jack...

yesterday i met a young man named jack...big brown eyes...full of life...and shopping for his mom...

he showed up at nordies with his grandma & his pocket...many wrinkled dollar bills...
i asked if there was something i could help them with...jack looked up at me...and said..."i need help to find my mom the best present"

now there is a job you want to fulfill as best you can!

i asked him to tell me about his mom...what colors she likes...etc...he was able to answer all my questions so eloquently...

jack is 4 yrs old...i've had men come in shopping for their girlfriends...for their wives...not having a clue about the questions i asked...and here is jack...4 yrs old...and he knows his mom very well...

as we were looking for the perfect gift...i striked up a conversation with jack...and after 5 minutes...he just comes up to me...and grabs my legs to hug me...a full bear hug! guess we had an instant connection!

talking with jack...i found that he had saved this money from doing chores at grandma & grandpa's house...and his mom had no idea that he had this money...she was in for a wonderful surprise...

in our economy...jack had a nice little bundle...enough to buy his mom a beautiful he helped me uncrumple his bills...and sort out all his quarters...i asked if he wanted to help me wrap his mom's gift...his eyes showed pure delight...his love for his mom was so apparent...

in that 10 minute interaction...i received 4 hugs from jack...his grandparents were a little surprised...telling me how he is very distant when he first meets people...

i wished them a beautiful christmas...and they took off...

about an hour later...i took my dinner break...normally i just go to the cafe...but being that it was already so late...they had i ventured out in the mall to bodeen's...i placed my order...waited for my order...and then set out to find a nice quiet i sat down...about a minute later...jack is at my side...smiling ear to ear...his bright beautiful big brown eyes shining...

"can you be my date for dinner?" he asked... can anyone say no? i was honored...i picked up my tray...took his hand and walked over to their table...

i had one of the most wonderful dinner dates...who knew that a 4 yr old boy named jack...could...just by being himself...warm the heart of a stranger as he did...

as i was driving home last nite...thinking about the was well past midnite at this point...i remembered my prayer on the same day to work...i had asked the Lord to help me through my day...that i would be able to let His light shine through me...and at the end of the prayer...i remembered that i had added...and Lord..let me see a burst of your love today...

He brought it in the way of jack...a beautiful 4 yr old boy...loving his mom...loving those around him...

Monday, December 22, 2008

don't save it all for christmas day...

it is officially christmas week...working in retail this season...well...i've gotten to see alot of personalities...alot of emotions...

some are happy...some are stressed...some are grumpy...some are mean...for the most part though...people are in a happy they hurriedly try and find the last few gifts needed...while stock is picked over...or some are just starting out on the christmas list...and wondering why the choices or colors are so slim...

my job has been simple...;o) try and help them find the perfect gift...but i've also tried and calm them actually talk to them about the true reason for the i really cannot openly talk about Jesus' birth...i can talk about family and love...

which brings me to one of my all time favorite songs...when i first heard penetrated to my heart instantly...and every year after still pierces my heart...i first heard it sung by avalon...then celine dion...and clay matter who sings it...the words ring true...

as a romantic...i have to say my favorite line is in the second verse...
"a hug is warmer when you're in it"

this year...i do not have anyone to hug...well i do...i have plenty of family and friends to hug...but not a special the line has mixed emotions for me...

but the message is strong...the message is clear...although christmas is a time that people "show" their love through gift giving and shouldn't be saved for only at this time of year...

as you read the lyrics...may it penetrate your heart...

Don't get so busy that you miss
Giving just a little kiss
To the ones you love
Don't even wait a little while
To give them just a little smile
A little is enough
How many people are crying
People are dying...
How many people are asking for love

So don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on Love...

How could you wait another minute
A hug is warmer when you're in it
And Baby that's a fact
And saying "I love you's" always better
Seasons, reasons, they don't matter
So don't hold back
How many people in this world
So needful in this world
How many people are praying for love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on Love...

Let all the children know
Everywhere that they go
Their whole life long
Let them know love

Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find a way
To give a little love everyday
Don't save it all for Christmas Day
Find your way
Cause holidays have come and gone
But love lives on
If you give on Love...

Friday, December 19, 2008

getting fit...

i've been focusing on the life of joseph lately...boy did he get a lot of bad raps in his life...he was up and he was down...he became the favored son and then was thrown into a pit...sold into slavery by his brothers...found and put into a place of honor...rose to a high position in potiphar's house, only to be falsely accused and hauled off to jail...helped others get out of prison and then was forgotten by the men he helped...finally...some seventeen years later...after his brothers threw him into the pit...he was elevated to the highest position in the land, just below pharoah himself...

maybe like've been stripped of your position and cast into darkness...and maybe it has happened more than once to you...maybe like joseph you have been released from the dungeon, only to find yourself thrust back there again by hard circumstances...

do you feel forgotten, abandoned...maybe even a bit hopeless?

i love the end of joseph's story...for it truly holds the key...he somehow understood what God had in mind..."you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (genesis 50:20)

as joseph said this to his brothers...who had started the whole chain of events in his life...he knew that this was meant to be...

the up's and down's of joseph's life were exactly what God used to shape him into the man who would one day save an entire nation...and from whom would come Jesus of Nazareth...who would one day redeem the entire world...

i've been thinking of all the shaping that has been taking place in my life...and especially most recently...

as in joseph's life...our real shaping...the shaping of our much as we may not like it...comes through struggle, through hardship, through pain and suffering...basically the shaping comes from the flat-out hard stuff of life...

it's not produced in comfort or happens in the desert, in a back hole, or in a palace happens in the lonely and desolate places where we're all alone...

all alone...except for God...

our shaping can be a time of breaking...of our pride, our control, our pasts, our fears...even our dreams...we're stripped of what we have known and what we have relied on...even of what we have been promised...


i've asked that question many many times during my time in the desert...i believe in our brokenness God can begin to do something through us that we could never imagine doing on our own...

that excites me!

like joseph, we have all been given a dream, a vision...we each have our own land to may be our family, community, our industry, our nation...our generation...and through the desert...we are being prepared...through all the painful and difficult circumstances in our lives, to take that ground...

when we allow God to shape us...we then are truly "fit"...for life and for loving service to God and to one another...we are being shaped into people of faith, integrity, and purity of heart...people who can be trusted with the dreams that God has placed in us and the purposes He has for us...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

#8 on the board...

i did it!

since my december is so slow with my regular job...i decided to make some use of my time...and work at good old nordies for christmas...

my mom has worked there forever (seriously) of the things she would always talk about...was walking up the employee stairs...on the second landing...a big board shows the top ten sales people from prior day... goal was to get on that board...

this morning i was #8...on my fifth day on the that is a great feeling...if mom didn't she was running late...and just ran up the stairs...and didn't look ;o(...
when i told her...she said she was going to go look on her break...kinda cute huh? awww...

this job has been an interesting job...i had my reservations about applying...part of me felt like it was a step back for me...being that i had done retail back in high school...i realized that it was a pride issue that i needed to deal with...and i did...

i needed to look on the good aspects of working there...first and foremost...nordies is all about customer service...something that i feel is lost in almost every other store you walk i liked that part of it...

i really enjoy helping people find the right gift...or helping those who need help in their that sealed the deal...

but then again...i needed to be hired...

i remember going in to the open interview...there were about 50 of us in the room...i felt a bit deflated at that point...but i knew that i just needed to represent myself...and if it was meant to would be...i interviewed with two managers...then i was escorted out the door...and told that i would hear in about a week...

the next day!! yes the next day they called and offered me a position...i was surprised...and told them that...seems that both managers were wanting me...and they didn't want to lose they called right away...

that deflated feeling? well it was gone...

but back to the reminded me of my competitive spirit...i have always been competitive in my career...but not at anyone else's expense...being at this showed me some who are very cut throat...i lost many many sales...right from under me...but i was determined to let His light shine...

i know that nothing i do is without the Lord...He has made each of us unique...and it is our job to use that uniqueness for His matter what the circumstances...

so was i upset when some of the other sales people rang up my sales under their own? yeah...i'm human after all...they knew that i job was to react in the best the same time not being a pushover...
silently i prayed...that the Lord would give me opportunities to show His love...and i believe that He did...i also believe He sent me the right the right get me to get to #8 on the board...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

8 more days...

8 more days!! have i mentioned recently how much i love this season?? ;o)

this year is working out rather nicely for me...i have to say...just like thanksgiving...i will be able to spend it with the WHOLE family...these are the things that matter most...honestly...although we will not all be together in one house...i am happy that i will at least see everyone...and spend time with everyone...

so plans consist of christmas eve with my older brother and his family...and my mom & dad...followed by a sleepover with my two nieces...(their idea to wake up to hot chocolate and opening presents) those girls!
then i will head out to my younger brother & best friend's spend christmas with is funny how it all worked out...

the strange thing about this that i have not been to any christmas performances...that is a little sad for me...i usually attend about 3 different performances...this year...with my chaotic schedule...i was not able to...

i don't want to be so busy these last 8 days that i do not stop and enjoy this season...enjoy it with friends and family...but most focus on the true reason for the season...i want to dwell on the Father sending His son to earth as a fulfill the ultimate promise...

this time of year serves different emotions for different people...many are searching...many are lonely...many are without family...many are without funds...many are stressed as to where there next meal will come from...

in is not about the presents...there are many ways to of our time...the most precious...

my sister-in-law summed it up best when she was planning a luncheon with some of her girlfriends...they meet up every year for a christmas luncheon...and as money is tight...and people still feel the "need" to purchase a gift...she rsvp's to the luncheon with "let our presence be our presents"

i like that...although i love to give gifts...and this year was a tight is in the time spent together that memories are made...not the gift itself...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

true sweet it is...

there is something so comforting in old friends...

today i got to see a friend that i have not seen in over 16 high school...we were inseparable...we went to the same school...same church...sang in a quartet together for many years...many many memories...

when tania got married...her husband and her moved away to montana...this month...she made the trip out to sacramento to visit her famiy...we had planned on me coming out to see her...and then i got this job with crazy hours...and knew that i wouldn't be able to make it...

tania decided to make a day trip out to the bay area...and visit with some friends...i knew that she was driving back the same day...and felt bad as the hours went by...i finally called her...told her i was still at this point it was 9:15pm...and she was looking at a 2 hour drive...
she said only one thing to me..."i will not leave tonite...until i get a chance to see you and hug you"

as i finished up at work...i headed over to where she was...i was greeted with the warmest hug...
as we sat and reminisced...i had forgotten some of the wonderful memories we had together...
we laughed and caught was wonderful...

over 16 years...and it was like i had just seen her last week...that is true friendship...

as i drove home...all i could do was thank the Lord for all the wonderful friends that i am blessed with...i know that i bring them up alot in my blog...but it is something that i do not take for granted...

i am forever grateful for the wonderful friends the Lord has blessed me with...they are a big part of who i am was through the love, encouragement & laughter...being there with me through good and bad matter what was going on in my true friends...have always...and still today...remain by my side...cheering me on...supporting me...loving me...

Monday, December 15, 2008

who is your priority?

my girlfriend sent me a quote the other day that stopped me in my tracks...

"never allow someone to be your priority, while allowing yourself to be their option."

ok...even as i read it stirs up really deep emotions for me...i completely was guilty of this...and it didn't work out in my favor...

the lessons learned from the experience were say the i think really saddens me to know that what all my friends were telling me were true...i was sure they just didn't know him like i did...

turns was me who didn't know him...

as i look back...i think it must have saddened God's heart...he (not God) was all i thought about...his struggles and pain were all i wanted to care for...there was nothing that i wouldn't have done for him...and as much as was in my power...i did all i could do for him...

i sometimes i have that kind of devotion for the Lord? i know that i love the Lord with all my heart...but to have that adoration...where He is all i think happens...and i let "things" or "people" become more deserving of my time...i don't do it intentionally...but none the happens...and God patiently waits...waits for more time with me...

the story ends where i was not the option that was chosen...and as much as that hurt...the biggest lesson learned...the one that was glaring at me...was how easy it is to be swayed by people and things...

the saddest part is that there is a big hole where this friend resided...i sometimes wonder if God felt it was necessary for me to be stripped of the whole relationship...not only the intimate side of it...but the friendship side as well...seems rather intense...but i'm best i could...

i have always been teased about seeing things with a "glass half full" here it goes...
in losing someone...and being hurt by someone who i considered one of my dearest friends for the last eight years...i have clung to the Lord...and in spending time with i always have...but in making Him my priority...and not others...i have a peace and contentment that is indescribable...

i am not an option to the Lord...He loves me no matter what...there is nothing that i could do that would make Him love me more...and there is nothing so terrible that i could do...that would make Him love me less...

He is...and needs to be my priority...

even when i hopefully that special someone...i need to keep my priority set on the Lord...

people will let you down...the Lord...never will...

Friday, December 12, 2008

your life as a bible read...

last weekend during a two day of the ladies in my class was a beautiful 24 yr old named denise...

denise does not see her beauty...she sees the beauty in magazines...and thinks that is what she needs to look like to be considered beautiful...

denise is a plus size dark beauty...i connected with her instantly...almost like a big sis...i really saw so much more in her than she i continued through out the weekend to point out everything i saw in her...

she just graduated from college...dresses like a true fashionista...has the face of an angel...gorgeous jet black hair...and most importantly...a warm heart...

she sees herself as someone who is having a hard time finding a job...making it about her...and not the tough economy we are in...

she sees herself as someone who will never be a size 2...instead of realizing that beauty is not a size...

we became instant friends...and when i saw her on my first day of work...she uttered these words...
"i miss you!"...she wished that i was in her department...working by her side...

i know she will do great...because she has a heart...a warm loving heart...but more than that...she works in a department where women would relate more to her than someone who is a size i sat with her and pointed out how she could use that to help her sales...she told me she hadn't thought of it that way...

i remember as a little girl growing up...a song that played often from one of my parents many record albums...was "your life's the only bible that some people read"

out of all the songs...this one just stuck with me through the years...

the fact is...there are alot of hurting people out there...especially around this time of year...many lonely people...

as we are bustling around town...frantically trying to get our shopping done...our errands done...take a moment to brighten someones really doesn't take much...

a smile...a hello...holding the door for someone who is grappling with many shopping bags...

i pray the Lord gives me many show His love...that many will read my life...and see Christ love beaming through...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

melancholy day...

today was an unusual day...unusual in that i can't quite put my finger on the emotions of the day...
if i look at the day as a was like any other...although a bit more busy than i like...
the difference in today...was a very heavy heart...and i'm really not quite sure why...

am i sad? no...

if i were to really analyze my life...i would have to say...that i am finally at a really really good place in my life...

that is why today really puzzles me...

i'm not even sure why i'm writing it out in my blog...maybe in the hopes of somehow realizing what is up with the emotions...

not sure...

so i try and shift gears...and focus on this beautiful time of is my favorite time of year...

and as my home is filled with friends as of late...filled with laughter...filled with love...i realize...that even in these moments...when i may not quite understand some odd moments of is as if the Lord swoops down and showers me with more of His love...and as this day comes to an end...
i may not understand the feelings...but i know He is right there with me...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

the courage to forgive...

yesterday i had courage on the brain...and today...i wanted to continue a bit on that...but talk about forgiveness...

forgiveness is a tough subject...i believe it takes courage to forgive...

the thing with forgiveness is that some people want to wait until they feel like forgiving to forgive...i don't know about you...but i do not really feel like forgiving...forgiveness does not come out of my feelings...but my will...i will to forgive...i make the choice to forgive...

if i were i want to be in my blog...when someone hurts me or lies to me or about reaction is to "make" that person realize what they have done...but that is not in my control...i have learned that for my life to move forward unhindered...i must be a forgiver...

horace bushnell wrote "forgiveness is man's deepest need and God's highest achievement"

the truth is...i have been forgiven WAY more than i my creator...i have also been forgiven by my friends and family when i have made stupid choices...or let them down...or when i have said something wrong...who am i to hold on to unforgiveness?

i think where people get hung up on forgiveness is that in some way they feel that by doing so...they are saying that the offense was ok...but that is not the way forgiveness works...offering forgiveness doesn't mean pretending the mistake didn't just means acknowledging it and moving on...

as i think back to one of my past of the things that was done wrong...was that nothing was talked about...i would forgive...and move on...and not talk about the offense...

don't just open up your heart again to be hurt if you haven't talked about what went wrong...if you need to set so...

the hardest part...offering forgiveness means letting go of the offense whether or not the other person says, "i'm sorry." so go ahead...and be the first...don't wait to start forgiving until the other person says they are sorry too...if you wait for an apology before you begin to forgive, you are putting the power to forgive in the other person's hands when it belongs in yours...

i have learned that relationships grow on forgiveness, not perfection...offenses are bound to let's be ready to forgive...

forgiveness takes courage and can be difficult for us because it pulls against "our" concept of justice...we are human...we want revenge for the hurt we have suffered...we may not say that out loud...but we do think it...well...i know i have...

do not forgive a person for their sake...forgive for your that you may be free...

let's be courageous...and willing to forgive each other...i know that not want to grow up to be a litte old lady full of bitterness...

imagine what a better world we would live in if more people forgave...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

what are you afraid of...

one of my favorite women to read about in the old testament is esther...

esther was a woman who rose up courageously in spite of feeling afraid...even though she was the queen, she was not allowed to see her husband, the king, unless he called for her...however, when she found out that her people were going to be killed, she bravely entered the court of the king on behalf of her people and was willing to lay down her life...willing to risk it all...because of her courage, a nation of people was saved...yes, she was afraid...but she stepped forward anyway. why? because the cause was greater than herself...

for a cause bigger than herself...

i believe this is how the Lord wants us to be victorious for what is true and ride triumphantly for the cause of truth, mercy, and justice...

what is needed to be this warrior? what are the qualities of a good soldier?

first...we need many people are bound up with one fear or another...fear of the unknown...fear of the future...fear of the economy...fear fear fear...

but if i am to take my place on the earth as a a soldier...i must kill the fear and develop courage...

you and i have been given courage...and we've been given this courage so that we can fight the fears that attempt to knock us off course...we have been given courage to finish the journey set before us...

fear can act like a brake on your stops you from becoming and doing all God wants you to be and limits your potential and hinders your ability to be effective...

when we are afraid, we don't try new ideas because we fear that they will fail or we will be rejected, and so we miss opportunities for success...

what we need to do is to push through the fear...

every person who ever did anything amazing started out just a bit is always a risk to try something new...

don't let fear keep you small...don't let the fear contain the potential inside you...

now, i understand the need for wisdom and caution...but i refuse to live my life in fear of what may happen...

rick warren says of fear: fear causes us to cover up... fear causes us to wear masks...fear causes us to avoid saying what we're really thinking, to pretend that we're somebody that we're causes us to lie...the greatest block to intimacy in a marriage, a friendship, or any relationship is fear...why am i afraid to tell you who i am? because if i tell who who i am, you may not like who i really am, and i'm all i've got...fear causes us to hide, and it ruins relationships...fearful people cannot give love, and fearful people cannot receive love...fearful people cannot make commitments to others...fear cannot allow me to let my hair down and be real...


how many times have you said, "i'm afraid i might get hurt again"? you don't open up to anyone, therefore limiting your own life...and keeping yourself from the relationships that could very well bring you joy...

have the courage to open your heart need to be wise about whom you open it to, but you need to open it again...

i started this post based on the comment...for a cause bigger than yourself...and i told the story of esther...who was willing to risk her life...

the thing is...i'm not sure we will be asked very often to give up our physical lives...but perhaps our egos...

awww...our there is a touchy one...

our egos are not sacred...we need to be willing to lay aside our rights and perhaps our desires in order to achieve the greater good...

be the first to say, "i'm sorry"
be your enemies...
be courageous...choose a friend outside your culture...
be courageous...tell the truth instead of the lie that might want to spring to your lips...
be courageous...stay committed to the path of love even when it's hard...
be courageous...

a warrior knows how to handle fear..but also has the courage to forgive...

more on that tomorrow...

Monday, December 8, 2008

treasures in small towns...

one of the advantages to have been in outside sales for many many years...was to be able to visit so many little towns and cities in northern california...

today...three of us decided to get in the car...and go visit some of these hideaways...there is something about these little towns...finding the main street...and all the little stores...the unique treasures that can be found...

first stop was santa rosa...definately not a little town...but there is a tiny store on the corner of 4th and talbot called "favorite things"...i always hated the drive for work - especially when i had to make it 3 times a week...but i loved stopping into this store...

"favorite things" is a gift store that has incredible trinkets for your was special in that i had never been to it while it was decorated for christmas...i found two beautiful fluer de lys ornaments...and an eiffel tower..."so elena" friends agreed...

2nd stop on our girls day was we stopped for a luscious breakfast/lunch...
strolled down the main strip to some hidden consignment shops...there was one store that was closed on monday's...but peeking through the window...very parisian...looks like i'm going to be needing to go back for that one...everything looked beautiful in the store...i was a bit bummed that it was closed...

3rd stop...petaluma......antique in particular...which is actually advertised as a military antique store...we decided to go in glad i did...i found the most magnificent treasures...some vintage jewelry pieces...for a steal! i found the most beautiful cameo necklace...and a pearl choker...with the most beautiful clasp....along with that...some beautiful pins...they were so underpriced...but for me it was another blessing for me...

my morning had started with me taking my car in for a simple oil hour later...the phone call i received from my honest faithful mechanic...was that i needed brakes...and new 1300.00 later...i was a bit...well...feeling sorry for myself...

my girlfriends...however...lifted my spirits...and all in all...the reality was...that i had a dependable car...i had my health...and my new part time really i have a lot to be thankful i decided to be thankful instead of dwelling on the looming bill...

in that...i ended up having a fabulous day with two of my favorite people...who also had taken me out last night for my big birthday bash dinner...

seriously...what is there that i need to complain about?

all in all...a really fabulous day!

Friday, December 5, 2008

where i find my self-worth...

i think what God is teaching me right lot about where i find my self-worth...

so it was by no means an accident when my sister-in-law gave me a cd series to listen to...along the same lines...yes...i believe God had everything to do with it...;o)

the series is called "precious in His sight" taught by theresa ingram, wife of chip ingram...
it was basically a teaching to help women understand that they are fully forgiven, deeply loved, and have great worth because of their relationship with Christ...

we all spend many hours and days trying to be someone significant...often times looking in the mirror and not liking what we see...little do we know how precious we are in God's sight...

i know intellectually that God loves me...that His Son died for me...and His word is true to me all the time...but i do not necessarily feel it all the time as truth in my life day to day...

as i have gotten i look into the mirror as a 46 year old women...i am less confident in how i look...and i'm being challenged to look to see where my confidence lies beyond my physical appearance...

speaking with others who are getting older...i am learning that everyone is going through the struggles as they age...especially in our culture...with the magazines and movies "telling" us how we should look...what size we should be...

i am learning that i need to let that go...

don't get me wrong...i still care about how i look...and i try to look my best...

but the point is ...

where is my worth?

is my worth in my impression of myself? or is it in other peoples impression of how i look?

or is it in...

how much God loves me no matter who i am or what i will become?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

treadmill kitten...

this just makes me laugh...everytime i watch it...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

christmas tree day...

today is the big day! i get my christmas tree...

this was the first year that i seriously considered not getting a tree...with the finances the way they are...and no true change in sight...should i really be spending my money on a christmas tree that will be here for less than a month?

the problem is...that i cannot get a little tree...that would probably cost less money...and take up less room...

my theory is...if i'm getting a tree...i'm going to go all out...

my christmas trees are always over 6 feet tall...this year will be no exception...

my girlfriend and i go every year...look over tree after tree to find the perfect one for my home...
she does this with me...every year...she has her artificial tree that she is happy with...and even though she is not picking one out for herself...she takes a morning off to help me out...

it is quite a site to behold - two girls trying to manuever 6 ft trees...but every year we manage...we also always find the perfect tree...and somehow...the two of us...manage to get the tree into my house...and on the stand...and standing straight...what a team!

prerequisites for my tree are: over 6 ft tall...and as wide as is possible...

i am like a little kid - as i start to imagine how my home will be after today...the smell of the fresh cut tree...the twinkling lights...the christmas music in the background...

and my two kitties will happily sit underneath the tree...they do this every they are indoor cats...and this is the closest to nature that they ever get...

this year will be a "light" christmas as far as gift giving - so many people are struggling with finances...but as i think about it...the gift giving...although fun to give and receive...should not be the main focus of is a time for family and friends...and time spent together...

i hope to have my home full of friends and family thoughout this with that anticipation...i look forward to make my home a christmas wonderland...for my friends and family who will visit...and for me...

one of my favorite things to do this time of to sit quietly at night...with only the lights of the tree lighting the room..and contemplate...think...pray...and focus on all the wonderful things in my life...

there is a sense of the quiet of those focus on the birth of He came to this world...a king...born in a manger...come to save the world...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the coffee bean...

as i was looking through my emails this morning...i came across one that i had saved...sent from a friend of i re-read it...i remembered why i had kept it...i had read this one before...but it was such a strong analogy...i love emails that make you stop and think...and evaluate where you are in your walk of life...

every trial, adversity and circumstance in life allow us to make a choice...although the trial or circumstance may not change for a while...or may completely change our course...we all have a choice in our reaction to it...

i'm striving to be a coffee bean...

thought i would share...

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it, and wanted to give up. She was tired of all the fighting and struggling. It seemed as though in solving one problem, two more would arise.

Her father, ( a chef ) took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil.

In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and the last he placed ground coffee beans.

He let them sit and boil without saying a word. The daughter impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners.

He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and poured it in a cup.

Turning to her he asked. "Darling, what do you see?" "Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied. He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. She humbly asked. "What does it mean Father?"

He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently. The carrots went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after being subjected to the boiling water, they softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting through the boiling water, the insides became hardened. However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you," he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

How about you? Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with pain and adversity do you wilt and become soft and lose your strength? Are you the egg, which starts off with a changeable heart? Were you a fluid spirit, but after difficult times, have you become hardened and stiff. Your shell looks the same, but are you tough with a stiff spirit and heart? Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean changes the hot water, the thing that is bringing the pain. When the water reaches it's peak temperature, it just tastes better.

If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and make things better around you. When people talk about you, do your praises to the Lord increase? When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, does your worship elevate to another level? How do you handle adversity?

Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? "

Monday, December 1, 2008

fa la la la lifetime...

wow...i can't believe it is december! where has this year gone??

my favorite favorite time of year is upon us...time for christmas trees, decorations, shopping...
and most importantly...celebrating "Jesus"...the true reason for the season...

thirty days prior to christmas...the tv channel lifetime (ch 46 in my area) runs christmas movies...calling the event "fa la la la lifetime"...

every year i am like a hooked junkie...i tell many versions of the movie "scrooge" can you watch? over the weekend i saw two contemporary with susan lucci...and the other with vanessa williams...i know the story...i know the ending...but yet i sit there...crying through it...

this last weekend i think i saw 5 movies on this channel...i cried through every one of wonder i was sporting a headache all weekend...

these movies touch the heart strings...the christmas stories are about love, family, romance and doesn't get better than that...

if you are in need of some christmas cheer...check out the movies...i guarantee you will will cry...and your heart will be warmed with this incredible season...

so tune into fa la la la lifetime...and have a fa la la la month...