Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I am your strength and shield...

this morning when i awoke...pretty early in the morning...random people that i had not thought of...in a long time...starting coming to my mind...and so i started praying for them...each of them as they came to my mind...not really knowing what to pray for...

so i prayed that each of them would have the Lord's strength and protection throughout their day...

and then at the end of they prayer...i added myself...and just said...

Lord...give me strength for today...and protect me...

this was my devotional today...

"I am your strength and shield. I plan out each day and have it ready for you, long before you arise from bed. I also provide the strength you need each step of the way. Instead of assessing your energy level and wondering about what's on the road ahead, concentrate on staying in touch with Me. My power flows freely into you through our open communication. Refuse to waste energy worrying, and you will have strength to spare.

Whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am your Shield. But unlike inanimate armor, I am always alert and active. My presence watches over you continually, protecting you from both known and unknown dangers. Entrust yourself to my watchcare, which is the best security system available. I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go."

um yeah..i think i'm fully protected...thanks Lord =)

Monday, January 30, 2012

when i woke up this morning...

...I asked myself, "What is life about?"

I found the answer in my room.

The fan said, "Be cool."

The roof said, "Aim high."

The window said, "See the world!"

The clock said, "Every minute is precious."

The mirror said, "Reflect before you act."

The door said, "Push hard for your goals."

The floor said, "Kneel down and pray"

great reminder...no?

Friday, January 27, 2012

what you say...and what God says...

nuff said...right? enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

back to the basics...

after the state of the union address by the president...facebook was fluttered with comments...both for & against what president obama said...what he's done...what he hasn't done...what i noticed...was that you can pretty much put a spin on a certain topic and make it sound really good...or really bad...

which is probably why when it comes to politics...i don't have much to say...other then...we should be praying for whoever is in office...at the moment...whether we wanted him there or not...

same holds true at trials...as was witnessed in my last jury duty commitment that i was a part of...both sides brought in expert witnesses...and both expert witnesses spinned the truth to match which side they were on...

which brings me to one of my all-time favorite songs...for me it is all connected...i think we as people make things harder then they need to be...we need to return to the "basics of life"

basics of life - 4Him

We've turned the page, for a new day has dawned
We've re-arranged what is right and what's wrong
Somehow we've drifted so far from the truth
That we can't get back home
Where are the virtues that once gave us light
Where are the morals that governed our lives
Someday we all will awake and look back
Just to find what we've lost

We need to get back to the basics of life
A heart that is pure and a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back to the basics of life

The newest rage is to reason it out
Just meditate and you can overcome every doubt
After all man is a God, they say
God is no longer alive
But I still believe in the old rugged cross
And I still believe there is hope for the lost
And I know the rock of all ages will stand
Through changes of time

We need to get back to the basics of life
A heart that is pure and a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back to the basics of life

We've let the darkness invade us too long
We've got to turn the tide
Oh and we need the passion that burned long ago
To come and open our eyes
There's no room for compromise

We need to get back to the basics of life
A heart that is pure and a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back to the basics of life

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 things God won't ask...

1.... God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.

2... God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3.... God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4... God won't ask what your highest salary was. He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5.... God won't ask what your job title was. He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6... God won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7.... God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.

8... God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character.

9.... God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10... God won't have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He already knows your decision.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

it should come as no surprise...

...how God just happens to send the right song...the right message...the right phone call...the right...whatever...at just the right time...

but i still get surprised...and then i remember...but of course...it's God...of course it is always at the right time...

have you ever been in a church service...and heard that sermon? you know the one...where you felt like you were the only one in the room that God was speaking to? how can that one sermon...annointed by God...speak to so many...in that same room...in so many different ways...but at the right moment?

i have to say...i love God's surprises...the ones that there is no doubt...no doubt in my mind...that it is God...at that moment...making sure i realize that He hears me...He is there...and He knows...He knows what i'm feeling...what i'm doubting...what i'm afraid of...whatever the feeling...He knows...

it should come as no surprise...but sometimes...i forget...and when that moment happens...the overwhelming feeling...that God...in all His bigness...makes time for me to know...He is here...

it is quite the amazing feeling...

Monday, January 23, 2012

that thing called "busy"...

phew...been a whirlwind week...the good is that...on the one hand...i'm keeping busy...and therefore...semi...out of trouble...haha...last week was full of work work work...in a matter of two days...i received over 70 pieces for the consignment boutique...and received two phone calls from individuals out of state...that were wanting to send me more items to consign...where do these people find me?? not sure...but glad that they do!

i also attended a fabulous aici (image consultants) conference for three days...walked away with definate brain overload...but so many wonderful ideas to implement in my business...this is one conference that i always try to attend...not only is it at a great time (beginning of the year) but so full of not only great tips, tricks and workshops...but being able to spend time with other image consultants...to share ideas...what works...what doesn't...and try and help inspire each other...well...it is quite beneficial...

but then...with the busy...comes a point where some stuff is put on the wayside...as was my blog...but how sweet...when i get messages asking if all is okay..because i'm not blogging...someone out there in social media misses me! =)

i will try and be more consistant...but top priority right now is getting all those new items listed...which brings me to my next point...have you checked out the fabulous finds consignment boutique...i think at last count...there was about 750 items...something for everyone...and in every size, color and shape...please pass on the link! and...happy shopping!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

an attitude of gratitude...

i came across this article in the chicago tribune...called "an attitude of gratitude"...a story of how one man...very unhappy with his current life situation...decided to pen 365 thank you notes over 365 days...and how it changed his life...be sure to click on the link above to read the whole story...

gratitude is such a powerful force...of course when times are tough...it is usually the hardest time to be thankful...but it is probably the most beneficial time as well...actually anytime is the right time...it truly does change your outlook...and things just don't look the way they did before the gratitude...

try it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

thank you for Your favor...

yes Lord...thank you...

if i had a dime for every time i said how amazed i was at the wonderful things that the Lord does for me...well...i'd have a lot of dimes...

the thing is...He doesn't need to...He has done so much more then i deserve...but He continues to show favor...in ways that i couldn't have dreamed of on my own...

and for that...today and everyday...i want to thank you Lord!

Monday, January 16, 2012

martin luther king...

one of THE best speeches of our day...

Friday, January 13, 2012

the unrealistic views of beauty...

if i had a dime for every client or friend who had a poor body image...i'd have a LOT of dimes! the thing is...even a size 2 personal trainer will find something wrong with herself in the dressing room mirror...i see it happens all the time...it's sad and i hope the fashion industry does something about it one day...

i invite you to click on over to my business blog...to read a very thought provoking article...and my thoughts...and a fun video clip on photo-shop at work...

the unrealistic views of beauty

enjoy the weekend...and embrace the beautiful you that God created...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

tiny blessings...

today was a day full of tiny blessings...actually every day is...but us humans sometimes forget to notice...at least i am guilty of that...today...i took notice...

...call from my mom early this morning to tell me she was making piroshki's...

...tons of birds were chirping outside my kitchen window while i was working...

...got a parking spot right out front of the building that i had an appointment in...

...a friend sent me such a sweet card to thank me for spending time with her...

...got a really nice compliment from a complete stranger...

...reconnected with a family member i haven't talked to in a very long time...

...had a nice little chat with my lovely niece...

...got an invitation to join a group of pretty influential women...

God is always blessing us...in so many ways...i want to be more present and aware of Him...always...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

why i hate religion, but love Jesus...

“I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ.” Gandhi

one of my favorite lines in this is: the church is not a museum for good people...it is a hospital for broken people...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

dear customer...

this story both broke my heart...and warmed it at the same time...thank God that this little boy has a big brother who is watching out for him...

written by a 20 year old salesperson who watched this unfold...huffington post

Dear Customer Who Stuck Up For His Little Brother

Monday, January 9, 2012

a keeper...

yes...if you haven't figured it out...i love getting inspirational emails...quotes...and this one...well it just needed to be shared...

I grew up with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen, before they had a name for it... A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones.

Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. Their best friends lived barely a wave away.

I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other. It was the time for fixing things.. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep.

It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy.. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more.

But then my father died, and on that clear winter's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more.

Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return...So... while we have it...it's best we love it...and care for it...and fix it when it's broken...and heal it when it's sick.

This is true. for marriage...and old cars...and children with bad report cards...and dogs with bad hips...and aging parents...and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

Some things we keep. Like a best friend that moved away or a classmate we grew up with.

There are just some things that make life important, like people we know who are special........ and so, we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thinks I am a 'keeper', so I've sent it to the people I think of in the same way...Now it's your turn to send this to those people that are "keepers" in your life. Good friends are like stars...You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Keep them close!


1.... God won't ask what kind of car you drove. He'll ask how many people you drove who didn't have transportation.

2... God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.

3.... God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet, He'll ask how many you helped to clothe.

4... God won't ask what your highest salary was. He'll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it.

5.... God won't ask what your job title was. He'll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability.

6... God won't ask how many friends you had. He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.

7.... God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived, He'll ask how you treated your neighbors.

8... God won't ask about the color of your skin, He'll ask about the content of your character.

9.... God won't ask why it took you so long to seek Salvation. He'll lovingly take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell.

10... God won't have to ask how many people you forwarded this to, He already knows your decision.

Friday, January 6, 2012

what will your color be?

your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens...

circumstances and situations do color life but you have been given the mind to choose what the color shall be...
~ john homer miller

let's face it...some people have had a lot harsher lives then others...i have seen some go through some pretty horrific and grueling circumstances...and yet...they are still standing...still pushing forward...although tired...weary...worn...

others...get a tiny glip in their day...and walk around forlorn...like the world is about to end...

in these times...i have often needed to bite my tongue...because seriously...when you look at two completely off the chart examples...it is hard to feel tremendous compassion for someone who...i don't know...maybe got a wrong drink order at the local starbucks...

it is amazing what attitude does...attitude changes everything...and it could be the catalyst for how you view a situation...actually...every situation in your life...

so whatever comes your way...whatever mountain is before you...whatever happened in 2011...or years before that...if you are still holding on...let go...release it...change the attitude...look forward to what is still possible...and possibly what those things taught you...and even strengthened you...

so...what will your color be??

Thursday, January 5, 2012

unexpected surprises...

only 5 days into the year...and i can say..."oh what a year"...haha

some unexpected surprises have started popping up...first...for the most part...i love surprises...pleasant ones...of course...and the unexpected...well...that goes without saying...i think some of my most memorable moments were things that were so unexpected...which is a reason...i have been working hard at not having expectations...something for which i'm known for...and not always in a good way...you know...expectations of others...not a good thing...and i was guilty of this...many times...can't say i never will be...but it is something i make a conscious effort to monitor...

but that could be a whole separate post...right?

so...unexpected surprises...i think the most amazing part of it...is that it is so beyond knowing that they came directly from the Lord...He is always caring...always loving...and truly concerned about the smallest of my dreams...

if this is the first week...i can't wait for next...but for now...i will relish in the moment...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

just because...

Just because you don’t know how, doesn’t mean you can’t.
There is much you can learn by simply getting started, and you have plenty of ways to learn even more.

Just because it’s difficult and complicated, doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
For you are able to make a little progress, one step at a time, then make a little more and a little more, until the goal is reached.

Just because something is standing in your way, doesn’t mean it has to stop you.
The fact is, you can take the necessary actions to get beyond whatever obstacles may confront you.

Just because people tell you that it can’t be done, or that you can’t do it, doesn’t mean they are correct.
Remind yourself, again and again, that you can do what you choose to do, making use of your commitment, thoughts, and actions.

Just because there is strife and pain and negativity in the world, doesn’t mean you have to give up on life.
You can change your own life, and many, many other lives for the better, when you decide to do so.

Just because you’ve been reckless or frustrated or disappointed in the past, doesn’t mean the future has to be that way.
Today is a new day, your life is yours to live, and there’s no limit to the goodness and joy you can now create.

~ Ralph Marston

Monday, January 2, 2012

new year...new day...

well...the new year is upon us...love the feeling that it transpires in so many...the list of "changes"..."goals"..."dreams" for the new year...all happen at this time of year...they gyms are fuller...many start with great intentions...but why is it that so many by years end are further from their goals...dreams...and hardly any changes have been made?

yes it is a new year...but i believe we should live every day as we do the beginning of the year...i've always believed change is good...i also believe in planning goals...going after your dreams...but i also believe in spontaneity...and sometimes...not planning...but enjoying what happens...

we should be forever grateful for every day we are given...and in each new day...we should seek in anticipation all that it has to offer...

so yes...plan those goals...dream a little dream...but don't forget to notice all that this day offers...