Friday, January 29, 2010

preparations are under way...

this is the 30th high school reunion...i still can't believe just doesn't feel like that many years have gone by...most times i still feel like i'm i in denial?

the thing that excites me most about the the people...we've all turned out pretty well...and we are all rallying to make this a reunion that will be a time of togetherness...but also a time to give back...and that makes me excited...

i have been part of the planning committee since the beginning...and what started out as a nite for our reunion...has now evolved to a weekend event...

so here is where we stand now...

friday nite - we will be a part of the big football game...all the players will be announced at half-time...come to find out...that our class has been the only class that was undefeated...who knew? apparently our class is a big deal in sports discussions...all i that my brother was attending another high school...which was our biggest rival...and being that we were both seniors (another story) i was thrilled when my school won the little big game that year...

now this is where it gets exciting...we have decided as a whole to spend a day (looks like about 100 of us) and do some work around the school...basically giving back...we haven't ironed out the details yet...but we will pretty much do anything...whether it is picking up trash, painting...whatever the school needs...

saturday nite will be the big party...location has been the date flyers are being made...

and sunday...we will have a huge picnic...with everyone...including the the local park where most of us spent a lot of our time...

i am thrilled to be part of the planning committee...and looking forward to an unforgettable weekend at the latter part of this year...seeing some that i never lost touch with...seeing others that i reconnected with in the last few years via facebook...and those that i haven't seen since graduating high school...eek! =)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

forgiveness and longing for reconciliation...

as i have been diligently (insert smile here) cleaning out my by room...closet by closet...and drawer by drawer...i have stopped at moments...and read over something...or took in a lovely moment from a photograph...or in most cases...thought...why am i holding on to this?? which is a fabulous attitude to have in my quest for a clutter free life...

i did come across an interesting snipet that i had written down on a piece of paper...unfortunately...i have no idea where i got it from...must have been a book i read...but i am not sure...but its words really stayed on my mind for the last few days...

here it is...

joseph was reconciled with his brothers when they came to egypt in search of grain. by the time his brothers reached egypt, he was able to stand before them and confront them because he had no inner feelings that would keep him from having a relationship of unity and peace with them.
forgiveness is unilateral. you can forgive even if [someone] never admits [their wrong doing], is never sorry, and never changes. but reconciliation requires both people’s commitment to recovery, honesty, repentance, forgiveness, and communication. even then, reconciliation is a long and difficult process of breaking down barriers and building trust.

so you may be wondering what or more specifically "who" i was thinking about...the thing is...there are very very few people in my life (i can pretty much count them on one hand) who i have had forgiveness for but not reconciliation...

for many years...i never thought there was much difference between reconciliation and my heart, it all kind of meant the same thing – letting go of pain that someone had inflicted on me...usually this involved some type of “making up” process involving apologies, sometimes tears, and a hug to make everything alright...

i would say it was about 10 years ago or so...that i heard a sermon...that spoke so deeply to me...about forgiveness...and reconciliation...and that the two may not necessarily intertwine...

several years ago, somebody hurt me in a very painful, inexcusable way...for months, i didn’t allow myself to work through the pain as i needed to...but i finally did...and it was difficult...because it was one of the few times that there was no the last year...circumstances (which were mostly out of my control) caused me to stare at this wound square in the face...

as strange as it sounds, i’ve never doubted that i forgave this person...i feel fortunate that, for the most part, forgiveness comes easy to me...

however, as i was processing through healing during this time, i began questioning if i really had forgiven this person...sure, the scabs had been peeled off and the wounds were fresh – and it hurt…badly, all over again...

a dear friend who was helping me through this sent me an email...he encouraged me and said that what i was experiencing wasn’t me being bitter or holding on (which was what i was afraid i was doing) but that i was desiring reconciliation...

i wanted for this person to own up to the mistake and for everything – painful as it would be – to be okay again...

and i wanted for the relationship to be harmonized and restored completely...

and then i came across the piece of paper...

so as i read it...and thought about it...i realized a few things...or maybe i was reminded of a few things...

you may not ever be reconciled with a person that hurt you (or that you hurt)...

that part takes both people to work through...

forgiveness is a necessary...but not a sufficient condition for reconciliation...

however, forgiveness is a decision that you make, and continue to make, regardless of the other person’s choice...

and through the cross...and grace...and can...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

open hearts...

i started up with a new bible study last nite...and well...just like i expected...the first nite did not disappoint...i may write more about it in another post...but for now i wanted to focus on our hearts...and when they are open to receive...

i grew up in a christian i guess i could say that this is all i've known...but that would be incorrect...i mean...i recognize the blessing in that at a very young age i was introduced to Christ, His love for me...and all that that entails...

but i still needed to make a decision on my own...not my parents, family, friends...but me...would i serve Him? did i want to live this so called christian life that i was born into?

my decision was yes...but not without periods of frustration, questioning, battles...i think that really happens in anyone's life...but for me...knowing that i had a Savior that i could come goes without saying that as hard as some times were...they were lifted when i came to Christ...

so back to the heart...i think one of the things that truly amazes me about God is His love...His patience...His kindness...the fact that he doesn't push Himself on others...He waits...quietly waits...

there were time in my life where i felt something was so right...relationship wise...and i pushed...i pushed my way in...and it ended badly...with a lot of hurt...and broken just doesn't work...unless someone wants to come and be with can't force it...

i usually think i have an open heart when it comes to the Lord...but looking back...that is not always the heart may be open to things that i deem important...or things that i "wish" were...

in the back of my mind...i know that i know that the Lord's way for me is the best need to analyze, srutinize, or discuss...but my human side still fights it at times...dispite knowing this...

when i truly open my heart...and let the Lord soothe it, mold it, make it into what He knows it needs to be...wonderful things happen...

it really doesn't matter what the Bible study topic is, or the sermon topic, or the heart means God diving in...and making something beautiful of my life...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

meeting people in a small world...

as i wrote on friday...i was at a conference which was throughout the weekend...i came home so energized and motivated...but more importantly...i met some incredible people...three from argentina!! how cool is that?

it still amazes me how small this world really is...when you meet people and start talking to them...and realize you know people in common...or even more bizarre...your paths had crossed at another time and place...

for woman i met a few weeks back at a baby shower...knows my cousin...and so that is how we originally started talking...realized we were in the same business...planned to meet up in the next few weeks...and...there she was sitting behind me at the conference...

another woman...who i met this weekend...lives in southern california...but graduated from my high we started talking...we knew so many of the same people...and then come to find out...that there is a two year age we were attending the same high school for two years!

another woman is married to a guy i went to school with...

isn't that amazing??

i truly love meeting people...learning about their they got to where they are...

as in my new friend who i met this weekend...originally from brazil...and now living in israel...and an image do you go from brazil to israel?? and we meet in buringame, ca?

my weekend was incredible...i walked away with some great new ideas for my business...a pocket full of new contacts in other areas of the country...AND new friends...that will become part of my circle...

love that!

Friday, January 22, 2010

a day of learning...

oh my gosh...i had planned to wake up super early and post something before i took off to an all day conference...but...i think i was giving myself too much credit to "get it all done"...

so here it is...i spent the whole day at an aici conference...which is the association for image will be an all weekend event...

first day was absolutely much great information...and so many new ideas to implement for my 2010 is off to a good start...

and...i met some really incredible women that are in the times like be able to share business tips...what has worked and what hasn't...

women are typically known to be caddy and gossipy (not my words) but this was a room full of women willing to help each other grow and succeed...

what could be better? was like a fashion show...every woman so eloquently dressed in her own unique it!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

happy that i "look" honest...

so back in december i wrote about my one friday nite stress...i of course got the problem taken care of that following monday...i mean...i can't exactly be driving around with no lghts...right?

and then i kinda forgot about it...until i got that reminder i had until january 25th to pay my $25.00 fine (cracks me up that i am paying a fine for fixing a ticket) and proof that i in fact did fix the error of my ways...AND $25.00 sounds a lot better than $174.00 after the 25th...sheesh...

now - this is what happens when you "half" read a letter addressed to you...all i looked at were the times...and they were ridonkulous! either show up between 7:30 to 8:30 am on mon, tues and thurs...or lunch time on of options there!

of course...time was running yesterday...amidst the pouring rain...i headed over to the municipal court...and wouldn't you know it...the ONE day i show up is the ONE day that they are closed...yes...apparently...every 3rd wed. of the month...they are closed...great...

so last i looked at the letter one more i would know exactly what time to show up...oh...would you look at that? those hours are for if you are wanting to fight your ticket...not to pay...if you just want to pay your ticket...come by anytime between 8am and 4pm...


so i venture out today...i actually kept stalling..because the torrential rains continued...and i kept hoping they would by 3pm...i had no choice...downpour or not...i had to head over there...

as i got to the municipal court...i had to be screened in...can't have weapons...
as i stood in line...the line stood still...

and was my turn...and it was now 3:45pm...i handed the clerk my ticket, my "proof" that i had the item fixed...and my check...she looked it over...and let me know that she was not able to accept the payment because i also need to have the ticket signed by a police officer...

i smiled at her...(yes i did) and asked her if i can pay for this at the police station after i get a signature...and she let me know that i had to come back and pay for it at the municipal court...

i mean...the thing is not her fault...she doesn't make the rules...and hello...who waited till the 21st to pay a ticket that will be considered late by the 25th??

i smiled again...and told her to have a wonderful day...

as i started walking off...she says to me..."you might ask the sheriff at the front door if he might sign for it...and if he does...just come back to my window"...

things are looking up!

so i approach the sheriff...and ask him politely if he would please come outside with me and "check" that i have in fact fixed my lights...and he says..."in the rain?"
and i smiled...and replied "i have an umbrella you could borrow"...

he looked at me and said "you look honest...i trust you"...

signed closed...

thank you Jesus...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

am i singing in the rain??

i'm singing in the rain...just singing in the rain...what a glorious feeling...

WHAT?? glorious?? no no no!!

wow...have we been hit with some monster storms...and yes...i've needed to be out all week...which may not seem like such a big deal...but when you are used to staying home...especially when it is cold and rainy...a weeks worth of appointments on a week with back to back storms...well...let's just say...i'm not singing...

strange things have been a going on with the weather...yesterday they annoucned tornado watch in san diego...and today...tornado watch here in santa clara...that is simply crazy to me...

but if my flooded front yard is any indication of how it has been pelting the bay area...i would say...we have had enough...

but...i know more is scheduled in the next few pray for safety...for me, my friends...and people i don't careful out there...don't be in such a is far better to take your time...especially in this sleek, wet weather...than hurt yourself...and/or others...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

God opens a window...

when most people say the phrase “when one door closes God opens another” or “when one door closes God opens a window” they look at it from an opportunity perspective, for the most part...God allowed me to lose my job so a better opportunity is going to open up for me etc...there’s nothing wrong with this, in that it’s true...

all things work out for those who love if you know you love God and God said all things work out then there should be nothing you have to worry about, it’s going to work out for you...

i personally have always loved that phrase...i thought about it in the same context as everyone else until God really opened a window for me. the phrase of faith wasn’t as literal anymore, but because of this experience it was figurative...

THERE was a time before a certain relationship ended in my life, that i would ponder on what to do next...while at a certain place...a certain individual slammed the this course of action and the words that were allowed me to see a characteristic about this person that I just couldn't shake...immediately following the closed door...i thought of the phrase "when one door closes God opens a window"...i had to give God a praise because that's exactly what happened...a door closed and God opened a window...

see how doors are meant to be shut while windows are meant to be open...when a window is opened light comes in...when you look through a window you can't hear sounds just see actions...while looking through the window i saw actions and from that God gave me the freewill to make the choice...i got question to you is...

what windows is God opening for you in your life?

proverbs 16:16 how much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!

Monday, January 18, 2010

i got me a case of the monday blues... facebook status read:

dear winter: it's been fun, but i'd like to terminate our contract early this year...i'm just not that into you...

i was amazed at how many copied and pasted it on to their own status updates...looks like a lot of people are feeling the same way...

of course...i KNOW i don't have that much to complain about...i don't have to shovel snow...and cold (for me) is dipping into the low 50's...haha...but's all relative...right??

so - i have to admit...i have a terrible case of the monday blues...coming out of such a fun fun weekend...we are looking at about 3 big storms hitting the next 10 days...les sigh...

if you know me at know i don't like the i'm typing...the winds are blowing pretty hard...the rain is pelting down against the windows...and i just want to stay inside...cozy and dry...

as i look at my is a week full of that cozy and dry is not happening...

i just need to keep reminding myself...that appointments are good...gotta take them when i get them...
rain is good - no watering really do need it...
this to...shall pass =)
and...hello...summer will be here before we know it...right??

Friday, January 15, 2010

i'm kinda mad at you God....

i had a VERY intense conversation with a friend this week...she is really angry with God...

what amazes we are God can use even the least of us...

on sunday...during church...i don't remember the context of what the pastor was previously talking about...but he asked the church..."have you ever been angry at God?" the church members all laughed...and then he said..."it's not like He doesn't why hide it?"

as i drove home...i thought about the time in my life where i was angry with God...circumstances were not where i would have liked them to be...things just kept getting worse...and i...well i grumbled...and the more i grumbled...the more my spirit dried was a short period of time in my life where i simply could not praise Him...

once i had longed to shower my Lord with love and praise...but now there was hardly anything left for Him...i didn't look to Him for help, but wallowed in self-pity...the more i looked at circumstances, the further out the window flew my desire to praise Him...

as i continued to try to love Him...feeble and imperfect though it was...God graciously brought me out of that miserable state...and away from a pitfall i was not even aware of...

now here i was years later...realizing at last that i had been mad at Him...i repented for resenting Him...for being bitter about my situation...and for ignoring Him in my crisis...

today...i watch my praise to God like a barometer...for the exercise of praise reveals to me hidden feelings or sins that i am holding back...

when i praise Him most freely is when my heart is pure of all known sin and i can bask in His love...if we are willing and open to learn what only the Holy Spirit can teach us...our hearts will eventually overflow with praise...

have you ever seen someone "glowing" with the love of the Lord? we also are radiant in His eyes when He sees pure hearts...heads thrown back freely...faces beaming, reflecting His love back to Him....and lips filled with nothing but praise for Him...what a better way to go than grumbling...

so...back to the beginning of this phone friends starts talking...and i smile...because i know that it was no coincidence that what started as a remark from the pastor...led me to think about the time when i was the moment that my friend called...

thank you Lord for using me...

i think it is only human to sometimes have these emotions...and towards the God we love so much...where it is when we wallow in it...and not get past the real reason for our anger, resentment...

so tell Him what you are feeling...He already knows =)...He loves you...and when you come to Him with your honest heart...releasing those feelings...when you know the cause...acknowledge that God is bigger than the cause...and let your praises ring...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

be the kind of woman (or man)...

be the kind of woman (or man) that when your feet hit the ground each morning...the devil says..."oh crap, she's up!" =)

may your day be fabulous!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

comparing julie & me...

a few weeks back i was finally able to see the movie "julie and julia" with meryl streep, amy adams & stanley love loved the movie...i mean for obvious reasons...the whole cooking french adventure...but what really resonated with me was the character that amy adams played...julie...

julie started a blog with the intention of cooking her way through julia child's cookbook in 365 days...and blogging about it...

and of course being a blogger myself...there were moments that i really could relate to...

like the writing and wondering if anyone is even reading it...i have to say...the number count of my followers on my blog is pretty weak... =) and at times i have wondered if i'm just writing to myself...which honestly is ok...because it has been very therapuetic for me...writing down thoughts...writing down emotions...writing about whatever it is i want to write about...and even at times going back and re-reading a month or a week of posts...and drawn back to that moment in my life...and knowing where i was then...and seeing where i am now...

the thing is...i know a lot of people are reading this blog...because at the most oddest times...i would receive an email or see someone...and they tell me how much they enjoy reading my blog...who knew?? obviously not me at the time... =)

the other part that was funny to me in the movie...was when she received her first comment that wasn't from someone she knew...

there is something about commenting on lets the writer know that something that was said...resonated with also confirms for the writer/blogger fact there are readers out there...

i've gotten comments here and there on this blog...and everyone of them touches me...because i know there are other blog however...the business one...fabulous yes, but also my very easy to write...has definately had more activity...

i remember my first comment that came from someone i didn't know...and then...i remember my first comment from someone in blew me away that i had readers outside california...let alone...out of the country...

so dear readers...don't be shy..."follow" someone's blog - encourage them...and yes...comment comment comment...not just mine...any blog...i'm telling bloggers love it!

a side note on the movie...i don't even want to take away from meryl streep...she was absolutely phenomenal as julia child...she had it down...and the fact that this movie is based on two true is a must see...especially if you love cooking!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

we are all human...

much is said today about how men treat women...but we rarely hear about how women treat men...we need to admit that as women we are not always in the right in relationship to men...there is a plethora of advice in women's magazines about how to appeal to a man sexually...and how to live with his "male ego"...let's remember that beyond a man's ego and sexuality lies a real human being, a regular "guy" know feelings of hurt, embarrassment, failure and tenderness...just as women do...

i overheard a woman recently talking about her husband in a deprecating way while he stood there mute...not knowing what to say...i cringed inside wishing she would stop telling the personal details and embarrassing moments of his life...this was a human being she was talking about...he was obviously respected by others...but his wife took center stage by getting some laughs at his expense...

a woman's tendency to treat a man as if he has no feelings seems to begin in adolescence...when girls run roughshod over boys' feelings...turning them down for dates and telling everyone that they did...or spitefully making fun of the boy who doesn't return some flirting gesture...we know this is a mark of immaturity...but some women simply don't mature beyond this point...

we must accept the differences between women and men...but recognize the similarities as well...we are all human...all with fragile feelings...all sensitive to others' opinions of us to some degree...let's respect the humanness and human dignity of others...even men!

it is easy to fall into a habit of deprecation humor...if you are constantly using someone in your family or group of friends to laugh about...think it over..."oh, it doesn't bother him," is not really a valid statement...if he is alive and breathing...he is affected by the words of others as that is part of being human...when you feel an urge to put down someone you are close to...perhaps a husband...or friend...or say something ugly about him...stop yourself and take time to think it through...often...when we have felt slighted...we lash out at others...sometimes covering our revenge with humor...

learn to laugh at yourself and respect others...

Monday, January 11, 2010

lofty goals...

monday monday...waking up this morning to what i know will be a busy week...but excited for the new opportunities already opened up to me...

flying home friday afternoon from santa fe, nm...i worked on my 2010 business plan...nothing like a sit down...write down...planning session to get you motivated for the new year...

so as i sit in my office with my lofty goals in front of me...i am feeling a sense of renewal...a sense of newness...a sense of good...

yesterday in church...the sermon was on letting go of the move forward to the was incredible...and i have to say...that i am so thankful for being able to let go of the disappointments that i've had...without bitterness or anger...

the pastor had us put our hand into a fist...and squeeze as tight as we could...he compared that to holding on to hurts, disappointments, fear, etc...and how clenched that hand felt...that was how our lives were clenched and not able to move forward...

he talked about signs to look for in knowing whether you truly had moved on from something...and i was thrilled to feel like i was certainly on my way...

the pastor then had us slowly open up our finger at a time...and to really feel how that pressure was we let go of the clenching...

pretty powerful...but a great reminder of how past hurts, disappointments and such that we hold on to...truly do affect us moving forward...

i don't know what this year holds for me...but i know who holds the palm of His hand...i am excited...and as i look over the business plan...there is room for for for for loving...

may i be central in His purpose for my life...

Friday, January 8, 2010

do you know someone?

just winding down my week in santa fe, nm...what a great week! although the trip was was a business trip...and the reason for it all was previewing the new jana kos spring collection...i have to say...jana once again does not disappoint... question to you my dear you know someone? we all have those one or two women that come to mind that love to look to find unique pieces that no one else will be wearing...

or perhaps you know that woman that travels...and needs to look good for her multitude of business meetings...

or perhaps you know that woman who hates the mall...or...i know...brace yourself...hates to shop...(there are some out there!)

these are the kind of women i am always looking for to show this tremendous line to...

so please...if you know one or two women like this...please direct them my way...

i don't write to much about fashion on this blog...although it is my you are wanting to know what is going on in the fashion world as far as trends...and such...or want to see more updates on the jana kos line...

please feel free to follow my other blog fabulous finds...

or...become a fan on facebook!

thanking you in advance for your help!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

four things you can't recover...

the stone...after the throw...

the word...after it's said...

the occasion...after it's missed...

the time...after it's gone...

cherish each moment...we are not promised tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

exploring santa fe...

what an absolutely fun day...i have always loved going somewhere new...and exploring...mixed with a little bit of shopping...and well that pretty much makes me happy...

this morning started off with a few of us girls going to a bakery...fresh baked goods in the morning...with a latte...ok...great start =)

we then decided to explore the friend sharm, who had been here for a few days already was designated the tour guide...and boy...did she have us walking...

between boutique shops, consignment stores, jewelry stores...we hit it all...many wonderful items were found...i held back =) although it was tough to do...

one of the most amazing places we went to was a beautiful cathedral...i can't even begin to tell you how beautiful it was inside...i took lots of i can't wait to get home and really inspect them...

we got back to the hotel...relaxed for an hour...and then got ourselves dolled up for the cocktail party was our one year anniversary for the jana kos collection...what a fun fun party...

i saw many old friends and made some great new friends...

as far as santa fe goes...i definately want to come back...there are patches of snow still on the ground...but we have had the most incredible weather...sunny & perfect...and the stars at nite...breath taking...

tomorrow we will preview the spring 2010 line...which will be another fun day full of laughter, admiring each others outfits (and shoes) seeing the line...trying on the clothes...

and then the excitement truly begins for the spring show...

stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

santa fe & the Lord of many blessings...

what a day...what a day...

i flew out this morning to santa fe, nm...

i had hesitated about taking this trip...mostly due to finances and such...but on the flip side...knowing that it was important to my business...

so i did what i always do...when i don't know what to do =/

i prayed about it...

so my good friend (and business partner) booked her flight...i stalled...and stalled...and i finally had her send me over her flight information...and kept praying...

then my american airlines email statement came...i had 46,000 miles on it...answered prayer...or so i thought...

i went online and started booking my flight...i figured things were still the same...a domestic flight is 25,000 miles...which i had...

but no...for my particular flight i needed 50,000 miles...i was short...then i got a pop up window saying how to buy additional miles...and it wasn't a lot of i did...i needed to wait 72 hours...for it to process...and then i booked my flight...the same as adena's...

so as we all know...when traveling (especially now) it is not only your flight...but the cab, the checked in baggage...and hotel...

so out of the blue...adena calls me one day and says...hey, want to share a hotel in santa fe? are you kidding me? she has never asked...nor did i...
hello...answered prayer!! so we are sharing a hotel...

AND since we were on the same flight...adena said tony (her husband) would pick me up since he was already taking her to the airport...BLESSING!

so we get to the airport this morning...and i know that the check-in baggage is $20 per bag...(crazy..right?) but apparently (the concierge tells me) because i used my miles...i don't get charged...what?? oh..and he proceeds to tell me that i have a limit of checking in two free i put adena's on the plane for free...

as we get to our gate...adena asks me what zone i am in...i look at my boarding pass and i am "priority access" so apparently i get to board right after first class... amazes me when God answers shouldn't...but it does...but more so...when He blesses me in little ways...kinda like getting that extra cherry on top...or that extra scoop of ice cream...or that box of chocolates...obviously i am needing a sugar high =)

i love that He blesses me even in the little things...

now off to see beautiful santa fe...

Monday, January 4, 2010

re-alignment time...

happy new year dear readers! are you excited for the new year? i am...i mean...deep down inside...i know that changing over to the new calendar doesn't all of a sudden change our circumstances overnite...but the new year for me brings about a different kind of thought slows me down a bit to think about my last i spent it...where i spent it...with who i spent it...what was a priority...what should not have been a priority...and what should have been a priority...

i guess in a way for is a re-alignment of where my life is...where i want it to be...but more i in line with God's purpose in my life...

we have so many opportunities, options, and advantages previous generations did not have...we must celebrate our privileges...expecially women...the history we have as women makes me excited about who we are today...

i am propelled, in good times and bad, by knowing God's purpose for my life...having that solid base and direction gives me complete confidence, even as i continue to grow and change...and even as i write this...i face tough times and a new turn in my life - one i did not want...nor choose...but because i truly know God's purpose for my life, i can ultimately cling to that and count on His direction...

i do not know how long i will be in this place...but i do know that God's ways are always best...when i accepted the inevitable and personal crisis turned to total peace...after all, i know God is in control...i know that where i am is where God wants me...

i encourage you to look at your life and the opportunities, options, and advantages you have today...take the time to get to know God and discover your purpose...this strong foundation - knowing you are where God whats you - will carry you through the inevitable tough times...understand your personality and its inherent strengths and weaknesses...grow and mature, finding balance in who God made you to be...develop your path, a simple statement that defines and helps prioritize the various aspects of your life...create that tangible reminder of your purpose in life...

when you have taken these steps, celebrating your passion is much easier because you know who you are, what you want, and where you are've got what it takes! and you've got a great Leader! follow Him...

Friday, January 1, 2010

what do i know of holy?

my first prayer of the year...a heart to heart with my Lord & Savior...
i want to talk less...listen what He has in store for me...not what "i" think He should have in store for me...

addison road - what do i know of holy?

I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all No
If You touched my face would I know You?
Looked into my eyes could I behold You?

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

I guess I thought that I had figured You out
I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were mighty to save
Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees

What do I know of Holy?
What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life "its" name?
What do I know of Holy?
Of the One who the angels praise?
All creation knows Your name
On earth and heaven above
What do I know of this love?

What do I know of You
Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood
But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury?
Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

What do I know of Holy?
What do I know of Holy?