Friday, December 30, 2011

the end of another year...

can you believe it? 2 more days...and we will be entering into 2012...i love love love this time of beginnings...

upon still amazes me how this was one of the hardest years...but of the best...i know...sounds crazy...but i think too many times...when we focus on the bad...we forget of all the blessings surrounding us...

i saw a quote once that SO stuck with me...and of course...i am totally re-phrasing...but it went something like this...

when you are counting your problems...count your blessings as well...if your problems outnumber your blessings...go back and count your blessings again...because there are probably some that you missed...

how true...right?

i am so thankful for the love of my precious Savior this year...(and every year)...He is always with me...what a comfort...

thank you dear readers for walking along side of me...letting me pour out my victories...

my wish for you is that your 2012 be filled with more love then you can handle...more joy then your heart can sustain...

"The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face to shine upon you.
And give you peace.
And be gracious unto you. Amen."

happy new year!

photo source

Thursday, December 29, 2011


do you make them? seems for many it is not a welcome term...and...i believe that change should not only transpire on the first day of the year...

but for is a good starting point...on my biz blog & biz facebook page...i posed the question...what is your beauty or fashion resolution for 2012...which all the comments will be posted to an upcoming blog...

if you would like to participate...please submit your may seem trivial to you...but small change...can make a world of difference...and not only that...but it can inspire someone else to make a change that they need to...

don't be shy...please is the original post...or you can post on my facebook biz page...or twitter...

aren't you loving all the options? you can even post your resolution to this post...i will be gathering them all up...

in the mean time...enjoy the last few days of the year!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

the 3 c's...


you must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a quiet week of contemplation...

after the flurry of christmas...and all the celebrations...i am finding myself enjoying a quiet week of contemplation...putting together the last touches of my business/personal plan for 2012...and thinking of all the wonderful moments of this year...

there have been some not so wonderful moments...but looking back...i so clearly see God's hand in the midst of it...whether it was to push me forward...or carry me through it...He was there...every step of my journey...for that...i am grateful...

my mind is i have all these thoughts of new things i want to accomplish in the new year...the exciting that i know these are ideas that God has planted in my heart...

i need to just follow His lead...

Friday, December 23, 2011

wishing you...

...a very merry christmas

may you be surrounded by those you love...and may you feel a special touch from the Father above...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

letter from God at christmas...

received this email this morning...a little long...but a good reminder of things we could do...instead of...

Dear Children,

It has come to my attention that many of you are upset that folks are taking My Son's name out of the season.

Maybe you've forgotten that I didn't send my Son in December, it was some of your ancestors who decided to celebrate My Son's birthday at what was, in ancient times, a pagan festival; although, I do appreciate Jesus being remembered... anytime.

How I personally feel about this celebration can probably be most easily understood by those of you who have been blessed with children of your own. I don't care what you call the day.

If you want to celebrate Jesus' birth just, GET ALONG AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

If it bothers you that the town in which you live doesn't allow a scene depicting My Son's birth, then make room on your lawn for the nativity scene on your own front lawn. If all my followers did that there wouldn't be any need for such a scene on the town square because there would be many of them all around town.

Stop worrying about the fact that people are calling the tree a holiday tree, instead of a Christmas tree. It was I who made all the trees. You can remember me anytime you see a tree.

Instead of fusing over trimmings and traditions, consider giving My Son one of the gifts below this Christmas.

1. Instead of writing protest letters objecting to the way My Son's birthday is being celebrated, write letters of love and hope to soldiers away from home. They are terribly afraid and lonely this time of year. I know, they tell Me all the time.

2. Visit someone in a nursing home. You don't have to know them personally. They just need to know that someone cares about them.

3. Instead of writing the President complaining about the wording on the cards his staff sent out this year, why don't you write and tell him that you'll be praying for him and his family this year. Then follow up. It will be nice hearing from you again.

4. Instead of giving your children a lot of gifts you can't afford and they don't need, spend time with them. Tell them the story of My birth and why I came to live with you down here. Hold them in your arms and remind them that I love them.

5. Pick someone who hurt you in the past, forgive them, and give them the gift of a future free from the pain, shame, and guilt of yesterday's mistakes.

6. Did you know that someone in your town will attempt to take their own life this season because they feel so alone and hopeless? Since you don't know who that person is, try giving everyone you meet a warm smile, it could make the difference. Also, you might consider supporting the local Hot-Line: they talk with people like that every day.

7. Instead of nit picking about what the retailer in your town calls the holiday, be patient with the people who work there. Give them a warm smile and a kind word. Even if they aren't allowed to wish you a "Merry Christmas" that doesn't keep you from wishing them one.

8. If you really want to make a difference, support a missionary, especially one who takes My love and Good News to those who have never heard My name. You may already know someone like that.

9. Here's a good one. There are individuals and whole families in your town who not only will have no Christmas" tree, but neither will they have any presents to give or receive. Be sensitive to the needs of others. A few cans of food or a simple gift can go along way towards good will on earth.

10. Finally if you want to make a statement about your belief in Me, then behave like a Christian. Don't do things in secret that you wouldn't do in My presence. Let people know by your actions that you are one of mine.

Don't forget; I am God and can take care of Myself. Please, if you love me, love my children all of them, especially the ones that challenge your traditions. I'll take care of all the rest.

Invite others to a Christmas festival that has more to do with eternity than all the trimmings and traditions of December 25th.

+ GOD +

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

enjoying this time...

don't you just love this time of year? although i am coming to terms with the fact that some things will just not get done...for example...i haven't written out christmas cards yet...and at this point...wondering if i will have the time...and if this point...will it even get there in time?

the older i have gotten...i have realized that i am one person...and there is a big possibility that everything that i would like to do...have good intentions to do...will not get done...

so i let myself off the in...i probably won't be sending cards...(do you like how i just came to that conclusion?) i have really gotten to where i want to enjoy the season...and not run around like a mad woman...i want to relish in the spirit of christmas...the reason for the season...

so while i still have a few gifts to to wrap...cookies to bake...i am doing it all while being enveloped in christmas tunes...blasting through my home...

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

random acts...

of kindness...

i have always been a big believer of what it could do to this world...if we all did our part...this video challenged me that much always be aware of my is not about giving the biggest chunk of many random acts of kindness are the little things...

but is about being aware of our surroundings...i saw this video this morning...and thought it went well with my post from a time where many are hurting and lonely...imagine what a simple act of kindness could do...

Monday, December 19, 2011

let's spread some...

ok...just a fore-warning...this will probably be a true post of random thoughts...

that is how my mind has been the last few days...actually weeks...

just random thoughts...that never stop...

and in the mix of it my Heavenly Father...seriously...where would i be without him?

this is a strange time of year for people...although it is a happy is a lonely time for is a time of remembering those who are not here celebrate with us...for is a time of holding on to what used to better times...for some it is a time amplified of what they don't have...of being totally alone...with no friends...

in the last month alone...i've listened to many friends...some mourning the loss of a relationship ended...some mourning the death of a family member...some wishing this time would pass...

i think sometimes we could get so into the spirit of Christmas...and forget that this is a really hard time for so what better time to show Christ love? what better time to extend a helping hand...a smile...a kind word...

so i challenge you...while you are out and about today...this week...take a moment to notice those around you...if you are not sure...ask God to point them out to you...the thing is...He will...and then do something...anything...brighten someones day...because beyond the real reason for Christmas...Christ love and birth...isn't it about spreading cheer?

let's spread some...

Friday, December 16, 2011

homeless man w/priceless friends...

This is a video of a homeless man in Santa Barbara and his pets. They work State Street every week for donations. The animals are pretty well fed and are mellow. They are a family.

The man who owns them rigged up a harness for his cat so she wouldn't have
to walk so much (like the dog and himself). At some juncture the rat came
along, and as no one wanted to eat anyone else, the rat started riding with
the cat and, often, on the cat!

The dog will stand all day and let you talk to him and admire him for a few
chin scratches.

The Mayor of Santa Barbara filmed this clip and sent it out as a holiday

a great on the link below...

Friday, December 9, 2011

juror #11

spent the week in jury duty for a criminal case...the jury selection took longer then the trial...glad it is over...not sure why the guy took it to trial...he had nothing that proved his innocence...other then banking on the fact that he was innocent until proven guilty...and everything stacked up against didn't take us much time to convict him...

the bailiff was a dead ringer for george bush...and laughed about it...i just wanted to squish him...he was so adorable...

met some interesting people...some i will most likely keep in touch with...

the whole criminal justice system really fascinates me...of course nothing like on tv =)...although a bad time of year to be sitting a week in was beyond an interesting week...

guess i'm off the hook for a year =)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

what not to wear to court...

...thought i would share my post that i posted today on my biz it is a message that needs to reach the masses...ok...maybe that is a slight exaggeration...but if you saw what i would understand...

i have to know those walmart emails that go around? with all the lovely outfits people are caught wearing at walmart? yeah...i cringe...the thing is...whether these individuals were photographed at walmart...or home depot...or the grocery store...the point is...they were obviously wearing the items they were photographed in...and my question would you own a mirror?

today i had the lovely duty pleasure of going to the court house for jury duty...i almost thought i was off the i was on stand-by for 2 times...but alas...the third time i called in...i was summoned to come on in...

i really don't mind the whole jury process...i needs to be done...and i have to say...there was one time...i really wanted to be chosen...for a "hire for murder" trial...but i wasn't...and i was bummed...yes...bummed...

but that was then...and this is now...and as the jury selection continues...i will be back in tomorrow morning...

but...that is not what this post is is about what not to wear to you need to don a suit? of course not...although both female lawyers looked quite put togther in their suits...

i'm a people watcher...i enjoy looking to see how people put together outfits...different personal wish i had my camera...although i'm wondering if i would have been able to take pics...

the thing is...when the judge...along with his statements about all the "law" stuff we need to pay attention to...also has to go in detail of what not to wear to court...i really begin to wonder what people are thinking...

today we who came in her slippers...matching beautifully to her pajama guessed it...i cringed...

we had an individual who showed enough cleavage to take the focus off other matters...and looking like she mis-read the jury duty summons to club...

and last but certainly not least...we had a nice young man...who managed to show off his lovely patterned boxer short...and his pants somehow hanging on to dear life...about half way down his buttocks...i still wonder how he walks without his pants falling down...

the judge addressed proper attire...and i'm left to it really hard to figure out what would be appropiate to wear to a court of law? somthing that i think is common it?

what are your thoughts?

Monday, December 5, 2011

how love is spelled...

saw this on my girlfriends facebook page...had to share...

As he opened his [business] journal, the old man's eyes fell upon an inscription that stood out because it was so brief in comparison to other days. In his own neat handwriting were these words:

"Wasted the whole day fishing with [son] Jimmy. Didn't catch a thing."

With a deep sigh and a shaking hand, he took Jimmy's journal and found the boy's entry for the same day, June 4. Large scrawling letters, pressed deeply into the paper, read:

"Went fishing with my dad. Best day of my life."

...we all have many priorities competing for our time, But there's nothing more
important to remember than: To A Child, Love is Spelled T-I-M-E. [One could say this applies to all those we love...]

Friday, December 2, 2011

happiness is like a butterfly...

may your weekend be fabulous...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

aahhh december...

...i welcome thee!

i don't know what it is about this month that i love so much...sure the cold weather is upon us...but worth it with all the other stuff...what other stuff you may ask?

the hustle & bustle of this glorious season...people are in much better moods...seems least that is what i have noticed...

christmas can it not put a smile on your face...right? the lights...the tinsel...the glitter...the color...the trees...the beautifully decorated trees...

but most of all...the greatest gift ever given...God sent His Son to a babe...thank you Lord for your great gift...

may your CHRISTmas season be filled with love, joy and His abounding love...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

nov 30 - thankful for...

hard times...

it has been in these moments...where i truly felt God intervening for me...whether directly...or through those He has put in my life...

it is always easier looking back after the hard see the mighty hand of God working so perfectly in the situation...but it is in the looking back...which you can draw strength for...for the next hard time...remembering how God had been there...and will be there...time after time...

it is through those hard times...that i have become a stronger person...and more thankful for all that i have in my life...and more and more reliant on the one and only true God...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

nov 29 - thankful for...

God's open door policy...

it doesn't matter what day it is...what time it is...all i need to do is whisper His name...or not say anything at all...and yet...i know that He is with me always...

whether i need to be praise...whatever the reason...He is there...and much more then that...He is always available...

Monday, November 28, 2011

nov 28 - thankful for...

my home... has been filled with family & and laughter...may that always be the open door...

nov 26 & 27 - thankful for...

weekends away & first signs of christmas...

spent the weekend in the city...saw the lighting of the tree in union square...listened to carolers...witnessed the hustle & bustle of christmas shoppers...

love this time of year...thankful for christmas...the spirit of it...but mostly...the reason for the season...

Friday, November 25, 2011

nov 25 - thankful for...

the official first day of christmas music... own rule...but i live by christmas music till after ipod is now set to it...will be filling up my home for the next 30 days...or so... =)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

nov 24 - thankful for...

life...and all that comes with it...

counting my joys instead of my woes...
counting my friends instead of all the rest...
counting my smiles instead of my tears...
counting my courage instead of my fears...
counting my health instead of my wealth...
counting on God instead of myself...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

nov 23 - thankful for...

dreams that turn into reality...

and i've had many...some that came many many many years after i had the dream...but those especially...happened in a way that i couldn't have even imagined...thankful that the Lord knows our dreams for our lives...and delivers them in nothing short of a miracle...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

nov 22 - thankful for...

answered prayer...

and in the most incredible ways...thank you Lord for hearing my prayers...and answering in ways i couldn't even begin to imagine...

Monday, November 21, 2011

nov 21 - thankful for...

peace that passes ALL understanding...

i've had to use that lifeline a time or two (or a thousand) in my life...i can ask for it in times of dispair or frustration...God is always listening and there for me...

nov 19 & 20 - thankful for...

birthdays celebrations & another year of life...

what a fun month this has been so far..lots of celebrating with friends i've known since grade school to friends i've met just this year...i don't take them for i know each one is a blessing from up on high...and thankful for each one that has in one way or another made an impact on my life...

and...the 20th! my official day of birth...i am thankful for another year of great memories...good health...and general...

Friday, November 18, 2011

nov 18 - thankful for...


friends from high school...some even from grade school...have been getting together every 3 months or so...last nite was no exception...30 of us got together...and had a wonderful time catching up with each other...and each other's lives...

the amazing that these are friends that have been in my life for 30 and 40 years...the fact that we still are close...and care about each other...and have made a point to get to be grateful for...

last nite...the icing on the cake...4 of us have our birthdays within a week of each we celebrated with cake & tiara's...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

nov 17 - thankful for...

sweet indulgences...

such as my first egg nog latte of the year...i know...i couldn't wait till after is the official date in my life to celebrate anything "christmas"...i caved... =)

it was delicious...and yes...i will probably have a few more before the year is over...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

nov 16 - thankful for...

second chances...

thankful that i serve a God of second chances...when i think of how many times i have messed up...and He was always help me pick up the pieces and start again...and make them new...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

nov 15 - thankful for...

my two brothers...

...otherwise referred to as the browski' younger...where to begin...i have so many incredible memories with both of young children...the games we now...two young men that are strong & sensitive at the same time...

...there have been moments where things may not have always been as they should have been...but all in all...when push comes to shove...i know that i know...they are always here for me...

i treasure my relationship with the both of them...and love them with all my heart...

Monday, November 14, 2011

nov 14 - thankful for...

for people who are honest and act with integrity no matter the are the people worth knowing...

who would think this would be a rarity...but it is...people may have good intentions...people may "say" that they will do something...but saying...and doing...are two completely different things...

words are just words...actions speak volumes...

and for those that have stated that they would do back something...change something...and then done nothing...may i learn...from knowing how broken promises and statements feel...not to do the same...

nov 12 & 13 - thankful for...

sunshine & new days...

after a blistering cold rainy day friday...we received a weekend full of unexpected...spent the weekend outside most of the time...soaking it up...before the sunny days are far behind us...

new days...there is something so liberating about knowing that you have another chance to do the things that didn't get do the things you should have done...a new day brings new opportunities...another chance to make the most of the day...

Friday, November 11, 2011

nov 11 - thankful for...

the men & women who have served our country...

11/11/11...what a great way to remember all you've done to ensure our freedom...God bless and all...

my deepest gratitude to all the veterans and the men and women who are currently fighting for freedom today...and who have helped keep our country safe...

happy veteran's day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

nov 10 - thankful for...

my eyes...

this is one of the most beautiful seasons...when it comes to color...and even though here in the bay area...we may have one out of every ten trees that changes is still a beautiful sight to behold...

there is so much beauty in this world...for those of us born with our is easy to not think about just is...

but when i take the time to notice...all the colors...all the texture...all the diversity...

or when i take the time to family and friends...

really everything...i'm thankful for my eyes...for the ability to see...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

nov 9 - thankful for...

justice for kate...

on october 29th of last year...a dear friend was murdered in her home in san francisco...she was only 46 years old...r.i.p. dear dear kate...

yesterday...a little over a year later...her murderer pleaded guilty to taking her life...and will be sentenced to 50 years...although this in no way brings kate back...justice is served...may this bring a bit of closure to her friends and family who loved her...she is missed by many...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

nov 8 - thankful for...

my two furry animals...

chester & sasha...who have both been with me for many many many years...their quirkiness...has made me smile...many times...sometimes laugh...

they are as different as nite & day...but they each have their special qualities that make them unique...

they are definately mama's boys...but i wouldn't have it any other way...

Monday, November 7, 2011

nov 7 - thankful for...


my day is usually filled with music...whether at home...or in the is usually has always been like calms me...

recently...i have noticed my cat of 20 years...losing his i've been thinking alot about what i can hear...something...i think sometimes...i take for granted...

whether it be birds chirping...the sound of the good sermon...or the voice of someone you love...i'm thankful for my hearing...and the ability to hear so many wonderful sounds throughout my day...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

nov 5 & 6 - thankful for...

rain & freedom... rained on saturday...and although i don't especially love the rain...i'm thankful for it...for without would our lush country look? i love the freshness that it brings...i love that it watered my yard for me...i love that with it...comes the rainbow... of worship...i am thankful for the freedoms we have to worship as we many choices in churches...denominations...televised spots...podcasts...many countries are persecuted...for worshiping our Lord and Savior...may we never take for granted the freedom we have...

Friday, November 4, 2011

nov 4 - thankful for...


as it is clear we all have our favorite seasons...each one offers some pretty incredible's all about how you look at it...right?

so although i love warmer climates...fall is definately here...and although the nippy air...well...doesn't make me too beautiful are all the fall colors in the trees?

seasons are a great reminder...that whatever season you are in right your will end...just as seasons hold on tight...and look for the blessings...and know that the next season is right around the corner...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

nov 3 - thankful for...

...fabulous friends...

some i have known my whole life...some i met in grade school...some in high school...some in my career...some just last year...

i've had some say that they are surprised by how many friends i still have from way back when...and i guess i am surprised at times too...when talking to others...that have lost touch with friends when they have moved to another school...or job...or church...

i don't understand why a change like that would change a relationship...

relationships...friendships...take work...take sacrifice...

i am thankful for every friend in my life...they have all contributed in making my life what it is today...


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

nov 2 - thankful for... wonderful parents...

the older i have gotten...i have seen & realizzed all the sacrifices that my parents have made for me and my brothers...for us to have a better life...there is nothing that they would not do for me...

we've shared laughter...and we've shared tears...we haven't always agreed...but i never doubted that they loved me...

i'm thankful that i still have them in my life...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

nov 1 - thankful for...

good-bye october...hello november...seems like i blinked...and well...november appeared...

am i the only one feeling that? seriously...where has this year gone?

on the one favorite showing its beautiful colors...and right around the corner are my two favorite holidays...thanksgiving & christmas...woo-hoo!

but...i would like to do something a little different...something i've not done on this blog...but thinking that this is a perfect month to do it...

although i believe the season of thanksgiving should be every day...for this month...every day...i will post something i am thankful for...don't have a blog? don't need one...let's all get in the spirit of thanksgiving...grab a note pad...or a pretty journal...and write down every day...something you are thankful for... #1...i am thankful for the love my Father in heaven has for is not for anything i have done...and thankfully...not lost because of things i've done...He just loves me for me...SO thankful!

Monday, October 31, 2011

it's all about You...

one of my favorites...a reminder of what is this life...

heart of worship ~ phillips craig and dean

When the music fades
And all is stripped away
And I simply come

Longing just to bring
Something that’s of worth
That will bless Your heart

I’ll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required

You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You’re looking into my heart

I’m coming back to the heart of worship
And it’s all about You
It’s all about You, Jesus

I’m sorry, Lord for the thing I’ve made it
And it’s all about You
It’s all about You, Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express
How much You deserve

Though I’m weak and poor
All I have is Yours
Every single breath

Friday, October 28, 2011

when the world says...

be encouraged this weekend...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

chain reaction...

my car broke down this many times has that been in the last year and a half? too many to count...on the one hand...i'm thinking here we go again...but really...when i think about the fact that for the first 10 years that i had this car...i had absolutely no really...i've been pretty blessed...the good thing is:

- i was close to home

- i didn't get hurt

- no one else got hurt

i have no idea how i'm going to pay for this repair...but then again...i didn't know how i would pay for all the other repairs...but God provided...

this was a hose...that was severed...smoke quickly filled the front of the car...and a nice pile of coolant was all over the cement...

when i got the car towed to the mechanic...of course we both saw the severed hose...but upon further inspection...what had happened was that a part underneath had come undone and was circling quickly around and around...and with caught on another part...which came loose...and that part...while rapidly flailing around...severed the hose...

of course...the mechanic was naming these lovely car parts...but after the second one...all i was thinking...was that this is getting more and more expensive...with each new part added to the story...

as i was thinking about this later in the day...i realized that this is so much like life...when we do that one thing...that we don't put much thought into...and think it won't be that bad...or it is trivial...not realizing that every choice...every decision we make is like a chain reaction...just like with my car...

many times we have choices or decisions that we know are not the best way to go...but we don't think about the long-term affect it will have on us...and others...

i would have loved for the Lord to teach me this little life lesson in another way...meaning not through my car... =) i am glad and thankful for the reminder...and as i go through my day...i will think about each choice and decision i as not to end up like the car's chain a big mess...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

how would i know?

i honestly don't remember the last time i listened to a full cd of one particular music is always set to "random"...i think mostly for the element of surprise...and always by genre...

so yesterday a song came was in my i must have heard this song at one time or another...the thing is...i don't remember it...but wow...the words really hit home yesterday...

there are many times we may want to ask why things turn out the way they do...or why we may need to go through a rough time...if we didn't have those would we ever know how He has come through for us...time and time again...

hope you enjoy!

Kathy Troccoli
Words and Music by Jackie Gouché-Ferris and Andrew Gouché

If it wasn't for the times that I was down
If it wasn't for the times that I was bound
For all the times that I wondered
How I would ever make it through
All the times that I couldn't see my way
And I had to turn to You

How would I know You could deliver
How would I know You could set free
If there had never been a battle
How would I know the victory
How would I know You could be faithful
To meet all of my needs
Lord I appreciate the hard times
Otherwise how would I know

I remember all the times I had to cry
And at the time all I could do was wonder why
Why would a God so kind and loving
Allow me to go through all this pain
If I could see into the future
Then I would know the joy I'd gain

Repeat chorus

How would I know that you could make a way out of no way
How would I know if I never had a need
Brother I know what you're goin' through
Sister I know cause I've been in your shoes
But I can truly say that I know what God can do

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

i love how He loves me... Father in heaven...who never ceases to amaze me...i cannot tell you the number of times i have broken down in tears...yes...i am a very emotional person...cry at movies...cry in church during worship...cry during commercials...but putting all that aside...His love overwhelms me...time and time again...

i know there are a lot of people who don't believe...and friends who don't understand my can you explain what you can't see...but feel...all the time?

He lets me know He hears me...He lets me know He understands...whether it be in the song that comes on...with the words so eloquently sung...and pertain to the moment you are in like no other...or the scripture that burns in your heart...with the feeling that it was just for you...or the call that comes in...right at the moment you need it...or the funds that arrive...when you had no idea how you would pay a bill...

these are all those moments...that are so important to a person...and God then makes it important enough to let you know...that He knows...and understands...and hears...

i love how He loves me...

Friday, October 21, 2011

new addition...

my girlfriend and her hubby had to put there cat down a while back...they had had lovable smoky for almost as long as i've had my chester...didn't think they would be getting a new least that wasn't in the plans...

and then i received the call baby...i just had to go over and meet the new addition to the family...9 weeks old...i didn't get a pic...but he is ever so and white...nothing more classic then that...right?

he has beautiful big bold black & white stripes...we are still thinking of a name...(isn't it wonderful that they asked for my input?)

i'm most excited for when they go away...since i have always been the official babysitter...i love my two babies...although they are far from being babies...but they are to me...but when you see a true kitten...a part of you always wants one...

although i ended up coming home and loving on my two fur babies...

enjoy the weekend...give your pet an extra hug or two...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

time to stop...

i am going on day 5 of a massive is not a migraine...but close...really limits my ability to do much...and yet...i'm in one of my busiest weeks...

it may seem odd...but the busyness kind of keeps my mind off the headache...but...the busyness...when i slow when i realize how bad the pounding has gotten...

when your body is telling you to slow down...i think it is wise to today...i have canceled all plans...and spending time quietly at home... 6 will have no headache...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

say what you mean...and mean what you say...

...seems like such a meaningful statement...i guess i have really been surprised at how many people...don't do this...i don't understand when someone says that they are going to do something...whether it be something minor...or something big...your word is your word...why say something you have no intention of doing?

do you really want to be known for that?

i know i don't...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the spider monkey...

ok...confession favorite animal at the zoo has always been...the monkey...they amuse me...really =)

so the other day...i was flipping channels...should have been the first clue that i have things i need to be doing...but am avoiding by desparately trying to find something on tv to occupy my time...

i came across this little tidbit on the spider monkey...and was mesmorized by the information...and of course...i don't even know why i'm surprised...a lesson came out of the show... =)

the spider monkey is a tiny animal native to south and central america...quick as is a very difficult animal to capture in the wild...for years...people attempted to shoot spider monkeys with tranquilizer guns or capture them with nets...but they discovered the monkeys were nearly always faster than their fastest draw or quickest trap...

then somebody discovered the best method for capturing this elusive creature...they found that if you take a clear narrow-mouth glass bottle...put one peanut inside it...and can catch a spider monkey...

what happens? the spider monkey reaches into the bottle to get the peanut and he can't get his hand out of the bottle as long as it is clenching the peanut...the bottle is so heavy in proportion to his size...he can't drag it with him...and the spider monkey is too persistent to let go of a peanut once he has grasped can dump a wheel barrow full of peanuts or bananas right next to him...and he won't let go of that one peanut...

and then came the lesson...

how many of us are like that? unwilling to change a a little flexible...try a new method...or give up something we know is bringing destruction to our lives? we stubbornly cling to our way...even if it brings pain and suffering?

today...don't cling to a negative situation that may be draining you of your full enthusiasm for the well-known phrase advises...and one i say often..."let go...and let God..."

trust the Lord to lead you to the wise counsel and new opportunities He has for you...have faith in Him to provide what you truly need to live a peaceful...balanced and fulfilling may never lose your taste for peanuts....but with the Lord's help you can discern when they are trapped in glass bottles...

Monday, October 17, 2011

a simple pleasure...

what is it that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside? certain the aroma of homemade bread right out of the oven or the cinnamony smell of hot apple cider...makes you feel everything will be all right...

or maybe a crackling fire in the fireplace to chase away the damp chill on a rainy nite? although we here in the bay area have been having some incredible summer weather...and not really thinking about fires in fireplaces...

what about the whistling of a teakettle...ready to brew a pot of your favorite tea? or listening to a favorite recording of beethoven's "moonlight sonata"? when was the last time you sat outside to do nothing else but watch the sun set? simple pleasure is just laying on my couch...and having my kitty asleep on top of me...purring away...

when was the last time you gave yourself permission to be "nonproductive" and enjoy some of life's simple pleasures?

when we don't take time for leisure or relaxation...when we give our discretionary time away to busyness and relentless activity...we are living in a way that says..."everything depends upon me and my efforts..."

consequently...God prescribed a day of rest...the enjoy His give us time to reflect and remember all He has done for us and all He is...the sabbath is time to remember that God is God...and...well...we are not...

the sabbath doesn't have to be can take a sabbath rest anytime you relax and turn your focus to God and His creation...sometimes you have nothing better to do than may have something else to do...but you don't have anything better to do...

remember to relax and just enjoy God's creation...after all...He created it for you to enjoy...

Friday, October 14, 2011

a reason to smile...

enjoy the weekend...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

if i had it to do over again...

i was reading a study the other day...fifty people over the age of 95 were asked the question...'if you could live your life over again...what would you do differently?'

three general responses emerged from the questionnaire...
if i had it to do over again...
- i would reflect more
- i would risk more
- i would do more things that would live on after i am dead elderly woman wrote this about how she would live her life if she had it to live over again...

"i'd make more mistakes next time; i'd relax; i would limber up; i would be sillier than i have been this trip; i would take fewer things seriously; i would take more chances; i would climb more mountains and swim more rivers; i would eat more ice cream and less beans; i would perhaps have more actual troubles...but i'd have fewer imaginary ones...

you see...i'm one of those people who lives sensibly and sanely hour after after day...oh...i'd have my moments...and if i had it to do over again...i'd have more of fact...i'd try to do nothing else...just after the other instead of living so many years ahead of time..."

sometimes it semms life is lived backwards...when we are young and have only a limited perspective...we have to make the huge decisions of life that will shape the rest of our years...but we can...and are wise to...learn from those who have gained insight from life's experiences...

life cannot be all work and no play...and yet you want your life to be your loved ones...and to yourself...

reflect on your life today...ask God to show you the true meaning of your existence...what you are to accomplish...and how to have fun along the way...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


many people are familiar with the "serenity" prayer...although most probably think of it as a prayer to be said in the morning hours or during a time of crisis...consider again the words of the prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change...courage to change the things i can...and wisdom to know the difference..."

can there be any better prayer to say at the end of the day? those things which are irreversible or fixed in God's order...we need to relinquish to Him...true peace of mind comes when we trust God knows more about any situation than we could possibly know...He can turn any situation from bad to good in His timing and according to His will...

those things we can change...we must have the courage to change...furthermore...we must accept the fact that in most cases...we cannot change things until morning comes...we can rest in the interim...knowing the Lord will help us when the time comes for action...

the real heart of the serenity prayer is revealed in its conclusion...that we might know the diference between what we need to accept and what we need to change...that takes wisdom...

"if any of us is deficient in wisdom...let him ask of the giving God [who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly...without reproaching or faultfinding...and it will be given him...only it must be in faith that he asks...with no doubting..."(james 1:5-6)

at the end of the day...we must recognize the Lord's wisdom may not be given to us before we sleep...but perhaps as we that when we awaken...we have the answer we need...many people have reported this to be true...they went to bed having a problem...turned it over to God in prayer...and awoke with a solution that seemed "plain as day" in the morning light...

ask the Lord to give you true serentiy tonite...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

the learning...

"in order to do all that God wants you to do, you must learn how to be criticized, misunderstood, rejected and be able to forgive those who are behind it..." ~ joyce meyer

i saw this quote a few weeks back...and i have to has really been on my is interesting that while some have a hard time receiving praise...and in that need to learn how to accept is a whole different ballgame to learn to accept criticism...rejection...being misunderstood...and to forgive...

i think it is interesting that God calls us to forgive...the one thing that many struggle with...that i have struggled with at times...but ultimately...what it has boiled down to for that if i seek the Lord's forgiveness in my own can i then not forgive?

i don't deserve forgiveness...and yet He gives it to can i not extend the same to those who have hurt me? to those who have criticized me? to those who have spoken ill of me?

it is a learning process...and although i would be lying if i said i forgive as quickly as the Lord does...because i don't...sometimes i process it...wonder how i could forgive...but the Lord is teaching me...

and in the learning...i am doing what God wants me to do...not only in the exercise of forgiveness...but all that He has planned for my life...

Friday, October 7, 2011

meet bentley...

i wish i could start this post by saying that this is the newest addition to my furry family...but alas...i cannot...although i did have the fun of babysitting 3 week old bentley...

so strange how you can fall in love so quickly...and it made me want a puppy that much more...someday...soon...

here is his close-up...don't you just want to squish him?

may your weekend be fabulous!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

emmanuel kelly...

i guess i should start by warning you...kleenex will be needed for this one...saw this video for the first time today...and cried...there are really no words to add...heart moving story...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

second chances...

it was about 3 weeks ago...that i received a call from my girlfriend...she let me know that her nephews daughter had just suffered an aneurysm...a young girl...only 23 years old...and that same sweet friend and family member "r" responded to my email for prayer for this 23 year old...saying she was praying...and could i keep her husband in prayer who was just being taken into emergency...not knowing that he as well would suffer an aneurysm...same day...he was healed...and we praised our Father...for His wonderful goodness...and healing power...

meanwhile...the 23 year old...was declared brain dead...with absolutely no chance of survival...her parents were not believers...but overwhelmed in hearing about all the people that they did not know...praying for their daughter...

grappling with the decision to take her off life support...they couldn't do it...and kept holding out faith that something would happen...

and today...a new doctor has told them...that she will have full recovery...

to say that this is anything short of God's amazing healing can't be done...He is alive and well...and still healing...

i am overwhelmed...and beyond gratefulness for God's gift of life...and second chances...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


this last family celebrated the 80th birthday of my was such a fun time...being among family and friends...and seeing all the people that so love my aunt...

there were some surprise visits...which made it that much more fun...and just a time to catch up with those that you don't see often...

and then the next nite...we celebrated my mamacita's birthday...although it was a much smaller venue...i liked the idea that the whole weekend was dedicated to celebrations... much we have in life that we can celebrate...i guess it is all in how you view you try and not take things for the fact that someone may or may not be around in a year...or even the small pleasures...not always focusing so much on the "big" things...that we miss out on so much of the beautiful small things...

they are all is meant to be what have you celebrated recently?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

the details...

the love of our Father still amazes He cares for us...protects us...and prepares much of which i think we will never even know or realize...

case in point...when i spoke to a sweet dear friend...and family member...her husband suffered an aneurysm...scared everyone...obviously...everyone starting praying...and God miraculously healed Him...and if that is not amazing enough...speaking to "r" today...she started telling me of all the little details that took essence...God taking care of her prior to getting to that moment...during the time her husband was in the hospital...and the care afterwards...

i think sometimes we miss so much of what God is doing for us...when we stop paying attention...or only focus on the big things that we need...or want...or are dealing with...we miss those incredibly moments of God being at our lives...24/7...

He is into the details...every single detail of our life...i for thankful for that...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

shield of faith...

the end of ephesians 6:16 says: above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one...

now...i know we are never to take a portion of a scripture...but read all that is before and after...and i have...and i hope that you will as well...but today i wanted to focus on those fiery darts...

well...not specifically the fiery darts...although i feel like they keep flying my way...left and right...but for me...the focus is on "taking the shield of faith"...

because..believe me...if i hadn't taken the shield of faith...i'm not quite sure what my attitude would be right now...

the bad news is...we have the enemy who is after us...

the good news is...God knows it!

so what is this shield of faith? faith is...believing God...simple...and it is a choice...a choice we make...are we going to choose to believe...or not...

my faith is based on who God is...not my circumstances...

and although there are times i get a little afraid of some of my circumstances...i know that "fear" is the opposite of faith...because when i fear...i am not believing that God is with me...fear makes me take a step makes me take a step forward...and since i really don't want to be taking steps back..i "choose" to have believe God...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

who i am to who i can become...

have you ever felt like you weren't amounting to much? or that where you were in life...wasn't exactly where you thought you'd be? i've had those moments...and i've had those moments where it was really hard for me to comprehend the Father's love for me...

i was reading an interesting excerpt from a zig ziglar book...i think it was a book on child rearing actually...but this specific section that was sent to me...was on the subject of how we look at people...specifically children...but can be applied to anyone in your life...and God used it to completely change my perspective as a woman and as His's what i read:

Andrew Carnegie was the wealthiest man in America in the early 1900s, so wealthy that he employed over 42 millionaires! One day a reporter who was intrigued by Carnegie's wealth asked how he developed these men to become so valuable that he would pay them that much money. Carnegie explained, "Men are developed the same way gold is mined. When gold is mined, several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold, but one doesn't go into the mine looking for dirt — one goes in looking for gold. And the more he looks for, the more he finds."

after this story...ziglar challenged parents to look past their children's mistakes and mine for gold in them...and although i don't have children...i'd been buried in the dirt that discouragement and feelings of failure as a daughter...friend...sister...left me so disappointed in myself...i was also convinced God felt the same way about me...

pity set in and i started wishing i had a gold-miner in my life who could see beyond my mistakes and find the gold in me...that's when God whispered to my heart..."elena...i am that are the one who is so critical of are the one who focuses on your faults...but i see the gold of My image in your heart...and i want to bring it to the surface so your family & friends can see Me in you..."

as i sat there trying to process what God was whispering to my heart...stories and promises from the bible started flooding my thoughts helping me believe that God really does see beyond who i am to who i can would take time for those truths to sink in...but that day God used His thoughts to give me a new perspective...of Himself and of myself...then He challenged me to look for ways to transfer that perspective to my family & friends...

it's easy to get buried in the dirt of discontentment...disobedience and may even be thinking...where's the gold in it all? i wondered...too...but after reading carnegie's story and hearing God speak to my heart...i wanted to become a gold-mining woman...

as i thought about the gold i'd like to portray...character traits like patience, kindness and contentment came to the weeks passed...i'd find a new character trait and bible verse...think about ideas to live it out and make them part of my daily walk...God's Word became a part of my everyday life as He taught me to take my eyes off of others...and focus on their hearts. God had given me a new perspective, and a whole new sense of purpose...

i thank You Lord...for not focusing on the dirt in my life but seeing beyond who i am to who i can me believe that...receive that and give it away to my family & me look at their hearts and encourage the glimpses of You that i see in them...that is my continual prayer...

Monday, September 26, 2011

unprecedented favor...

i heard the most awesome sermon this sunday by joel osteen...he was talking about unprecedented when God blesses us...He does more then He has done for example...if you had been blessed with a raise of 10%...His next blessing would blow that out of the water...maybe not necessarily in another raise...but something that far surpasses the last blessing...joel gave some incredible real life scenarios of this at work...

it filled my heart...

i want to wake up every morning and thank the Lord for His unprecedented favor in my life...i am excited daily of the wonderful things He does...but mostly in the little surprises He gives me...those moments that you know that you know how much He loves you...

the definition of "unprecedented" is: adjective without previous instance; never before known or experienced; unexampled or unparalleled: an unprecedented event

how exciting is that??

Friday, September 23, 2011

happy first day of fall...

while it is a little bit hard to believe that it is the first day of fall...not only because the year has flown by...but also because of the while on my hike (2nd one this week! the weather demanded it...) it hit about 89 degrees here in the lovely bay area...who is thinking about fall??

but mostly...what i think about during the changes of season...the reminder...of the seasons in our life...while i love summer...the warm weather...i love fall because of fall fashion...but i can't have one...if i'm clinging to the old...

so while in this case...the weather is not permitting me to pull out my cozy sweaters and boots...the plaids...the rich colors...the clothing i love to wear...i am not quite ready to give up warm sunny days for cold ones...

as in the seasons of life...some are hard seasons to go through...think of them as the winters...the cold harshness of it all...and as much as i was tired of the cold last winter...summer eventually came around...

a reminder...that sometimes...during the hard times...when we think we won't see a happy day...a sunny will eventually come around...and during the season...when we aren't loving our circumstances...if we hold on to the fact...that we are not alone...but mostly...He makes beauty from ashes...those ashes in certain seasons of our life...they help strengthen us...make us more of who He wants us to be...if we let Him...

photo source

Thursday, September 22, 2011

who am i?

...that you would love me so gently? i am overwhelmed by the Father's love for me...

who am i? ~ watermark
(one of my favorites...)

Over time you’ve healed so much in me
And I am living proof
That although my darkest hour had come
Your light could still shine through
And though at times it’s just enough to cast
A shadow on the wall
Well, I am grateful that you shine your light on me at all

Who am I that you would love me so gently?
Who am I that you would recognize my name?
Lord, who am I that you would speak to me so softly
Conversation with the love most high
Who am I?

Well, amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind, but now I see
And the more I sing that sweet old song the more I understand
That I do not comprehend this love that’s coming from your hand

Who am I that you would love me so gently?
Who am I that you would recognize my name?
Lord, who am I that you would speak to me so softly
Conversation with the love most high
Who am I?

Grace, grace, God’s grace
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within
Grace, grace, God’s grace
Grace that is greater than all our sin

Who am I that you would love me so gently?
Who am I that you would recognize my name?
Lord, who am I that you would speak to me so softly
Conversation with the love most high
Who am I?

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing love, now flowing down
From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree
His grace flows down and covers me.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

nice surprises...

...i've had a few lately...did i mention how much i love them? mostly...when they are a direct hit from the Father up above...thankful for His tremendous patience with me and my human-ness...for although i speak of His goodness...His love...His grace...His mercies...i am still often surprised when things happen...

this week...healing that came only from Him for a friend...unexpected sale...unexpected visitor...unexpected invitation...and the week is only half way done...

i am so undeserving of His love...yet He gives it so freely...thank you Jesus...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

house guests...

one thing that i absolutely having the occasional house guest...being a single kind of get used to a quiet home...which in and of good at times...

however...there is something about having lots of activity going house guest arrived early sunday morning...which was thrilling enough...but then on top of meant that my weekend was officially extended...(being my own boss...easy decision to make)...and...we had some of our best summer mid september! high 90's graced us these last few days...

so...we got in a hike...some shopping...lot's of eating...kind of sounds like my weekend away a few weeks is looking like a pattern is forming...

but then...the house guest leaves...and the house is once again...quiet...the first day is a little hard to get used to is a snap back into reality...

but i know...soon enough...hopefully...another house guest will be arriving...

Friday, September 16, 2011

oh friday...

oh friday...i welcome you with open arms...after a very emotional weekend...last weekend...totally my own fault...too much 9/11 tv watching...i am SO ready for this weekend...friend is coming out to stay with me...lots of activities planned...hoping for some sunny warm weather...and fun fun fun...

but before that all happens...lots of don't have the time to post much today...

may your weekend be fabulous...with whatever you choose to do!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

soldiers in your cup...

One morning, a grandmother was surprised to find that her 7-year-old grandson had made her coffee!

Smiling, she choked down the worst cup of her life.

When she finished, she found three little green Army men at the bottom.

Puzzled, she asked, "Honey, what are these Army men doing in my coffee?"

Her grandson answered, "Like it says on TV, Grandma...The best part of waking up is soldiers in you're cup...

photo source

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

self promotion...

...shameless...aren't i? but it is my 2 year blogaversary over at my "business" in case you've never ventured over there...why not do that today? i mean...doesn't everyone want a little fashion tidbit in there day?

Monday, September 12, 2011

in remembrance...

in some doesn't seem like the terrorist attacks on american soil on september 11...happened 10 years other seems like a long time ago...i spent most of the weekend watching all the coverage of it on about an emotional weekend...

the thing didn't happen here in our backyard...but i recalled all the times i had been in those main clients there were cantor fitzgerald...many many years ago...and my girlfriend who worked across the street from the world trade center...we spoke this weekend...she said that when she started seeing all the coverage...she could smell it...and feel all that smoke...and it was happening again...

although i enjoyed the beautiful stories that came out of that horrible day...most of it was horrific...and even scary...they say hindsight is 20/20...and when hearing of all the miscommunication with the faa & other can only imagine had some things been handled differently...

after a weekend of saturation...i realized that this is how it was then...10 years some point you had to remove yourself from the tv...or you could literally get sucked in for hours...and start feeling the horror...the sadness...the evil that exists in our world...

the thing matter what facts came out of the commission report...all the errors...that day can never be brought back...there is no "do-over"...and those people that lost their lives...the families that lost loved ones...can never get that back...we can only learn from it is in long as we keep learning...reaching...for a higher purpose in life...and realizing that this life is for a moment...

my heart goes out to the families...even now...10 years later...the children who have lived without a parent...or both parents...the parents who lost children...and the countless thousands who gave of their time to help in the rubble...and who many now...are facing deadly illnesses because of the toxin air they were breathing in...all those affected...may the peace of the Lord be on them...

Friday, September 9, 2011

God lives under the bed...

received this story in an email today...touched at my heart have this child like faith...what a wonderful thing...and a simple life...i think one of the things i love the spending an afternoon with a see their excitement over the most mundane things...the way we should look at life...every day...


I envy Kevin. My brother, Kevin, thinks God lives under his bed. At least that's what I heard him say one night.

He was praying out loud in his dark bedroom, and I stopped to listen, 'Are you there, God?' he said. 'Where are you? Oh, I see. Under the bed....'

I giggled softly and tiptoed off to my own room. Kevin's unique perspectives are often a source of amusement. But that night something else lingered long after the humor. I realized for the first time the very different world Kevin lives in.

He was born 30 years ago, mentally disabled as a result of difficulties during labor. Apart from his size (he's 6-foot-2), there are few ways in which he is an adult.

He reasons and communicates with the capabilities of a 7-year-old, and he always will. He will probably always believe that God lives under his bed, that Santa Claus is the one who fills the space under our tree every Christmas and that airplanes stay up in the sky because angels carry them.

I remember wondering if Kevin realizes he is different. Is he ever dissatisfied with his monotonous life?

Up before dawn each day, off to work at a workshop for the disabled, home to walk our cocker spaniel, return to eat his favorite macaroni-and-cheese for dinner, and later to bed.

The only variation in the entire scheme is laundry, when he hovers excitedly over the washing machine like a mother with her newborn child.

He does not seem dissatisfied.

He lopes out to the bus every morning at 7:05, eager for a day of simple work.

He wrings his hands excitedly while the water boils on the stove before dinner, and he stays up late twice a week to gather our dirty laundry for his next day's laundry chores.

And Saturdays - oh, the bliss of Saturdays! That's the day my Dad takes Kevin to the airport to have a soft drink, watch the planes land, and speculate loudly on the destination of each passenger inside. 'That one's goin' to Chi-car-go! ' Kevin shouts as he claps his hands.
His anticipation is so great he can hardly sleep on Friday nights.

And so goes his world of daily rituals and weekend field trips.

He doesn't know what it means to be discontent.

His life is simple.

He will never know the entanglements of wealth or power, and he does not care what brand of clothing he wears or what kind of food he eats. His needs have always been met, and he never worries that one day they may not be.

His hands are diligent. Kevin is never so happy as when he is working. When he unloads the dishwasher or vacuums the carpet, his heart is completely in it.

He does not shrink from a job when it is begun, and he does not leave a job until it is finished. But when his tasks are done, Kevin knows how to relax.

He is not obsessed with his work or the work of others. His heart is pure.

He still believes everyone tells the truth, promises must be kept, and when you are wrong, you apologize instead of argue.

Free from pride and unconcerned with appearances, Kevin is not afraid to cry when he is hurt, angry or sorry. He is always transparent, always sincere. And he trusts God.

Not confined by intellectual reasoning, when he comes to Christ, he comes as a child. Kevin seems to know God - to really be friends with Him in a way that is difficult for an 'educated' person to grasp. God seems like his closest companion.

In my moments of doubt and frustrations with my Christianity, I envy the security Kevin has in his simple faith.

It is then that I am most willing to admit that he has some divine knowledge that rises above my mortal questions.

It is then I realize that perhaps he is not the one with the handicap. I am. My obligations, my fear, my pride, my circumstances - they all become disabilities when I do not trust them to God's care.

Who knows if Kevin comprehends things I can never learn? After all, he has spent his whole life in that kind of innocence, praying after dark and soaking up the goodness and love of God.

And one day, when the mysteries of heaven are opened, and we are all amazed at how close God really is to our hearts, I'll realize that God heard the simple prayers of a boy who believed that God lived under his bed.

Kevin won't be surprised at all!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

where are you God?

have you ever asked that question? i know i have...the thing is...looking back...i realize the problem wasn't where God was...but where i see...He doesn't leave us...we leave Him...

and then there are the times where we haven't left Him...but it feels like He is no where to be seen or heard...i've had those moments too...looking back...i realize that it was a time of true growth...of really living what i said i believed...

believing in things that i couldn't see...and sometimes...couldn't was in those times...those times of complete aloneness...even from least that is what i felt...that the relationship between God & i grew stronger...

and prepared me...for times when that would happen again...what i know for that He has never left me...He has never deserted me...He has always had my best interest at heart...

how can i doubt? even in the times that i do not feel His presence...i know He is near...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

pauses in your life...

never put a period where God has placed a comma...God's pauses in your life are never permanent...God's delays are not always God's denial...

i read this sentence about a week was in the mix of one of those emails that encourages you to send to a certain amount of people...blah blah blah...this sentence just stuck glaringly...

i remember reading it several times...remembering the times that i have done just that...being so sure "i" knew what God had just decided on my life...and really...all it was...was me not getting something i had asked for...prayed for...and instead of talking to God...and getting to the heart of it...i assumed...i knew what God was doing...

it is so human to do just that...isn't it? when really...we should be thinking...there is a pause in my life...what is God trying to tell me? teach me? is there perhaps something that i need to work on...before the next step...

i am learning to stop when something happens...and right away ask God...what are You trying to tell me? is there an obstacle that i have placed in the way of Your will? the great that if you really know...that means to stop talking? stop analyzing...stop assuming...but really listen...God will let you know exactly what the next step should be...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a much needed weekend...

i did not realize how much i needed the long weekend...until i got back home today...and i even gave myself an extra if...maybe...i did know how much i needed it...but what does it matter? the fact remains...i got it...and it was splendid...just absolutely fabulous...

a nice mixture of good eating always makes for a good weekend...

and now...i have no excuse but to hit the ground running this much to do...the list is endless...but somehow it seems a little bit easier to handle with the memories of laughter & fun...

hope your weekend was fabulous...

Friday, September 2, 2011

relinquishing control...

i know as christians there are always areas in our lives that are easier to give to God then others...i think the easy part for me is giving God the chance to lead my life and direct me...and i've pretty much always trusted the Lord to take me exactly where He wanted me...and He's done that...

then there are other areas of my life that are very difficult to hand of those is my independence...i like to have a certain amount of control in knowing why things happen...and the order of things...that is something i've struggled with...with the Lord...because we don't always get answers as to why things happen the way that they do...

i can recount many times where i was going through a very difficult time...and although on the outside everything looked good...things weren't...i had alot of "whys" for God and didn't necessarily get alot of answers...

i struggle with letting Him have complete control of every area of my life because i want so much to remain in control...i'm learning that it is only in letting Him have every part...even my questions of "why" and "when" and "how..." that He can take my life and lead it the way it needs to be led...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

each day...

i seriously cannot believe that it is september...the 1st day of september...which means christmas will be here in less then 4 months...where has the year gone? on the one hand...i feel like so much has been accomplished...and on the other hand...i feel like it was new years day...i blinked...and september 1st appeared...

time...something you really don't want to waste...for you know not how much time you will be i say...make the most of every day...with childlike wonder...and gratefulness for each opportunity...each day...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

surrendering to the author of our lives...

from time to time...i suppose each of us stops to think about the direction our life is never could have imagined ten...fifteen...or even five years ago where you are where you are...doing the job you're now doing...engaged in relationships with specific people...the losses...achievements...sorrows...and joys...

had we been the authors of our lives...we certainly would like to rewrite some parts...perhaps edit out a chapter or two...and condense or expand others...but we don't hold the power of the red pen...that role rests alone with the sovereign author of life...our Lord Jesus...that role is what the psalmist part...when he wrote "my times are in Your hands..." (psalm 31:15)

i was reminded of this recently when finishing a book by corrie ten boom...a longtime hero of mine...the way corrie interwove her life and faith sets her apart...but it's an interesting fact that corrie lived 52 relatively uneventful...obscure years before God placed her in the center fact...corrie...along with her also-single sister...still lived in their childhood home with their father and quietly ran a watch repair shop until the outbreak of world war II...(you can read all about it in the classic "the hiding place".) who would have figured the course God intended for their family...including corrie out of holland and sending her crisscross around the world for the next 35 years? certainly not corrie...and our author...God writes our life's chapters and determines our direction...

i can't imagine that age 52...would have believed it if she could have seen what God had planned for the rest of her life...but that's why surrendering to the author of our lives is always the most exciting and safest story...

kind of makes you wonder...if we were able to look ten...fifteen...or even five years into the future...could we imagine how the Lord will choose to use us?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

time for a treat...

woke up this morning at 6:30am...all ready for the day...had no desire for that extra 30 minutes i would normally be clinging 7am is usually the time i crawl out of bed...

so...feeling this incredible burst of energy...i figured i might as well make the most of it...working through my morning routine...i figured why change things up? just start on it a bit earlier...

and then it happened...i got the cleaning bug in was SO sudden...and believe you me...that doesn't happen i figured i would tackle my least favorite the bathroom...

this was no ordinary cleaning...i scrubbed down the walls...scrubbed down the tiles...with toothbrush in hand...went in for the know...the tiny crevaces in the tile...corners etc...that you normally can't get to? yeah...i got to them...from ceiling all the way down to the floor...not an inch of space was neglected...

so now...i have an exceptionally clean bathroom...and i am exhausted...really exhausted...being that it is only 1:50 pm...i'm wondering how long i will last till bed-time...

oh this the first sign of old age? the moment where you do one task...and you are done for the day??

hopefully not...but now i'm thinking for all that hard work...i need a nice treat...deciding what that treat will be...hmmm...should it be edible?? or something that lasts a bit longer?

my mind is racing with all the possibilities...

and then on the other hand...i'm thinking...really elena? was it really such an exceptional feat that you finished that requires such grand recognition??'s my life...and so i say...yes!

bet you are wondering what that treat will be...

Monday, August 29, 2011

the window from which we look...

A young couple moves into a new neighborhood.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast,
The young woman sees her neighbor hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean", she said.
"She doesn't know how to wash correctly.
Perhaps she needs better laundry soap."

Her husband looked on, but remained silent.

Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry,
The young woman would make the same comments.

About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a
Nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband:

"Look, she has learned how to wash correctly.
I wonder who taught her this."

The husband said, "I got up early this morning and
Cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life. What we see when watching others
Depends on the purity of the window through which we look!

Friday, August 26, 2011

what prompts people to do what they do... this is not a "deep" post...although the title may have suggested that...was it a ploy? hmmm...

as i was running around town this morning...doing my struck me as funny...and this happens all the time...i might add...but this seemed to happen everywhere i stopped...

my car has a "whistle" type sound when it locks...which i have always laughed about...saying that my car whistles at me every day...

what is how many people decide to imitate that sound when they walk by...and everyone seems to smile...

which i would say is a good thing...although i'm trying to think if i would mimmick a sound from a my outside voice...

...probably not...but if my car whistle brings a smile to a few faces...then i guess it is all good...

enjoy your weekend...and if you hear a car just may be mine...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

happy 3 year...

...blogaversary to me... =) wow...after three years...and 716 posts...that is a lot of random thoughts about nothing and everything...thank you to all my readers for coming along for the ride...

photo source

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

hold on...

i have had many friends going through a lot of "stuff" lately...with much of it...unexpected...unplanned...and the midst of "stuff" we forget...maybe for a moment...that there is someone always with us...even when we don't feel Him...

this song came through my "random" shuffle on my ipad this morning...i love the way the Lord can bring a song to you...or to someone you know...who needs to hear...

be encouraged...

hold nicole nordeman

It will find you at the bottom of a bottle
It will find you at the needle's end
It will find you when you beg and steal and borrow
It will follow you into a stranger's bed

It will find you when they serve you with the papers
It will find you when the locks have changed again
It will find you when you've called in all your favors
It will meet you at the bridge's highest ledge

So baby don't look down, it's a long way
The sun will come around to a new day

So hold on
Love will find you
Hold on
He's right behind you now
Just turn around
And love will find you

It will find you when the doctor's head is shaking
It will find you in a boardroom, mostly dead
It will crawl into the foxhole where you're praying
It will curl up in your halfway empty bed

So baby don't believe that it's over
Maybe you can't see 'round the corner?

To hang between two thieves in the darkness
Love must believe you are worth it

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

where has the time gone?


that has been my week this week...and it is tuesday? sheesh...the good that the week seems to be flying by...actually...the month is flying that i think of it...the year is flying by...a little to quickly...

wouldn't you say?

i went to the movies today...and during the of the movies stated..."coming this december" and for a moment it hit me as so odd...but then i is really not that far off...

so i'm thinking during this busy busy week...i really should find some time to pull out my 2011 goals...and see how i've been doing...

i do know...that one of the things i planned to get done 1st quarter of the just getting started now...better late then never...right?

Friday, August 19, 2011

catching up with an old friend...

...and in old...i mean...long-time...friend... =) because we still consider ourselves least i do...

this friend..."g" and i went to grade school together...on all the way through high school...we had such a lovely morning/afternoon...catching up on life...dreams...hopes...and was the perfect combination of talking...over coffee...then looking through her beautiful watercolor paintings that she does...which still amazes me...because i can't even draw a decent stick figure...and then...she started showing me a lot of her mom's clothing...vintage clothing from the 50's...many of it hand sewn by her mom...

here is the thing...this stuff never gets old for is like stepping into someones life...seeing the clothes they wore...imagining what party...or wedding...or church function this piece was worn to...i even got to see the dress she had worn on her incredibly beautiful...

then we had some lunch...chatted some more...and before you knew it...over 4 hours had passed...just like that...

driving home...once again...i was just so thankful to the Lord...because He has put such incredible people in my life...friends that have remained in my life for years and years and years...some we may have lost touch...but once that connection was made again...mostly through facebook (which for that i am ever grateful for fb) it was like we started right where we left off...hopefully just a little bit wiser...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

that's what faith can do...

you know those songs that the words just pierce your heart? the songs that you feel as if the words are directed just to you? that is when you know a song comes annointed by the Lord...

and this one...the latest from can listen to it over and over and over...what a beautiful description of what faith can encouraged...

What Faith Can Do Lyrics ~ Kutless

Everybody falls sometimes
Gotta find the strength to rise
From the ashes and make a new beginning
Anyone can feel the ache
You think it’s more than you can take
But you're stronger, stronger than you know
Don’t you give up now
The sun will soon be shining
You gotta face the clouds
To find the silver lining

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do

It doesn’t matter what you’ve heard
Impossible is not a word
It’s just a reason for someone not to try
Everybody’s scared to death
When they decide to take that step
Out on the water
It’ll be alright
Life is so much more
Than what your eyes are seeing
You will find your way
If you keep believing

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do

Overcome the odds
You don't have a chance
(That’s what faith can do)
When the world says you can’t
It’ll tell you that you can!

I’ve seen dreams that move the mountains
Hope that doesn’t ever end
Even when the sky is falling
And I’ve seen miracles just happen
Silent prayers get answered
Broken hearts become brand new
That’s what faith can do
That's what faith can do!
Even if you fall sometimes
You will have the strength to rise

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

festering hatred...

i have been seeing a lot of what festering hatred could a a a generation...and to many generations to come...

and most times...there is nothing one can do about it...but pray...

but what you want to shake that person...and plead with let go...because that hatred keeps you...keeps you locked up in a prison...keeps you from flourishing...keeps you from blessings...keeps you from growing...and mostly...keeps you stuck in mire that is just not worth it...ever...

festering it breaks the heart of God...this is not how He intended His children to is one thing to see it in the lives of unbelievers...but when you see this in the body of Christ...what can you say?

what can you say to those who know...what can you say to those who have heard the word...and choose to ignore it...or choose to apply the parts they want to apply...but not all...

God's way of living is not a "i'll take a dash of this...and a portion of that...but this no...not for me" kind of we choose to take all of His commandments...and live the life He asks of us...or do we pick and choose? and ultimately lose...

God's word not thy neighbor as is plain and two hundred ways to intrepret that...just basic..."do not hate..."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

He will make a way...

yesterday i finished off my prayer time...i gave out a big sigh...really to myself...but i know God heard i had gone through my prayer just seemed like so many people on my list were at a place where they really needed God to come through for them...whether for the cancer...or the restoration of a relatonship...or the need for just seemed like there was no way out for those that i was praying for...

and as is soon as my devotional time and prayer time is done...the ipod goes on...always set to "random" so each song is a nice surprise... i always say...there are no coincidences...and in my last count i had somewhere in the range of over 6000 songs...

...and this is the first song that comes on...after my oldie...but what a reminder...that with God the things that look impossible...are in fact possible...

hope these words encourage you...because wherever you are this very moment...He hears you...He knows you...and He knows the right timing...and He will make a way...where there is no way...praise His wonderful name!!

He Will Make a Kathy Troccoli

I know that you’re discouraged
But you’re not alone
There is absolutely no situation
Out of His control
One door may close
Another will open
Jesus is healer of all that is broken

He will make a way
Where there is no way
He will bring His peace
Where there is no peace

Watch Him put together
What’s been torn apart
He can soften up the most
Hardened of hearts

He will make a way
Where there is no way

Don’t you go believin’ lies
He’s not forgotten you
There’s gonna be another
Higher, greater place He will take you to
Watch Him move mountains
Ride you through the waves
He can deliver in the darkest of days

Repeat chorus

There is no war
He doesn’t win
When you’re at your end
He’s just beginning

He will make a way
Where there is no way

Our only hope is in Him
No matter what this life can bring
Jesus stands alone
As the God of impossible things

Repeat chorus

Watch Him move mountains
Ride you through the waves
He can deliver in the darkest of days

Repeat chorus