Thursday, October 7, 2010

surprises like that...

yesterday was the last day of "the savvy chic event" in our new boutique...getting close to closing time...adena & i were already packing up some of the merchandise to send back to the vendors...i was just telling adena a few hours before how i was looking forward to my skype date with my niece who is in the east coast attending college...

so we are packing up the boxes...when the door opens up...and we see a girl standing there...i'm looking at her...thinking...why does she look so familiar...while at the same time thinking...a we are tearing literally took me a few moments for it to register...that standing there at the door was my lovely niece...from the east coast...that should explain how exhausted i was at this point =)

what a surprise...sneaky thing that she is...she knew all along that she was flying she planned the skype date...looked up the boutique hours...etc...and here she was...

we went out for some catching up done...she is here for a short time...but back for thanksgiving...i have to tell much as i love our skype dates...nothing compares to sitting across the table from her...chit chatting away...

gotta love surprises like that...

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