Wednesday, February 15, 2012

what is it about?

the whole valentines day thing cracks me up...usually there are the two either totally loves the day...or absolutely hates it...which are you?

i mean is a deeply commercialized day...and hallmark, sees candies and flower shops make a killing...but i like the idea of a "love" day...although...i think love should be shown every single day...not just on february 14...

and then there are the singles...the ones who yearn for love think about be romantic with...and i won't lie...i yearn for that when i have an event to go to...and i would know that i have a date...because it would be someone who loved me...and would go to said event...not because they really wanted to...but loved me enough to go for me...but then there are those days...where i am plopped on the couch watching some marathon run of project runway...and i know that the remote is mine...and no one will be asking to change the channel...

but i don't lose sleep over what i do or don't doesn't always come in the way we expected it to come...

movies...the love stories...and in books...give us some perception of what we "think" love should be...but just because your life in no way resembles a scene from "the notebook" at this moment in time...or any time for that matter...doesn't mean you don't have a love just may look different...maybe it is unfolding...if you process, or whatever...

the thing life is full of is a gift that is at once and the same time both excruciating and means my heart is wrenched beyond what i think it can bear but it also means it is full beyond my own capacities...i am given opportunities to love all over every single day and even when i don't take those opportunities...even when i really suck at love...i wake up again the next morning and there are more chances...more opportunities...and i am refilled with love to magic...

and you know what? i'm ok...and i'm glad i'm ok...but it doesn't mean i don't doesn't mean i don't doesn't mean i don't want...and while it would be nice if that special someone was here already...i've got plenty to do until then...

maybe right now love feels scarce...but i promise's not...

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