Thursday, May 5, 2011


a few weeks ago...i was just mindlessly looking out the window of an airport watching a few seagulls dart about overhead while airline workers were busy loading bags...nothing about the scene outside the airport window spoke of danger...but then suddenly i remembered the flight from new york a while ago that was brought down by a few geese...that seagull that faded into the background just moments before became a point of extreme interest to me...what if?

it's amazing if you stop to think about it that a huge airplane could be brought down by just a few birds...

birds...who would have thought? it makes me think about other seemingly small things that can cause great destruction as well...

words vented in frustration can seem so small...

slightly disrespectful attitudes can seem so small...

complaining about lack of finances can seem so small...

but each one of these seemingly small things can so easily and tragically wedge itself into the core of a relationship...and more between your relationship with the Lord...and send it screaming toward destruction...

i pray the Father help me to realize that with each word i speak...i am making the choice to bless or to curse...and that even when my emotions run high...i can still speak words that are pleasing to Him...

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