Monday, June 20, 2011

catching up...

finally got home yesterday after being gone for 10 days...and even though i got home...there was no time for it was father's day...AND my parent's 51st wedding anniversary...

so off we went to celebrate these two wonderful occasions...i seriously love my parents so much...for all the sacrifices they have made for me...which has allowed me to live the wonderful life i have lived...i am thankful that i grew up in a christian home...with two committed parents to their is funny how much fun an evening could be just chatting it up with the two of them...

and the best part...i think they really enjoyed themselves...which was the goal...

after being with the most adorable puppy for 10 days straight...i have to say...i am missing her like brother & sister in law keep telling me that she misses me too...haha...isn't that sweet...

but as hard as it was leaving was good to get home to my own two boys...although they don't require too much attention when i'm gone...i could tell they missed me...and were glad to have me home...

at least that is my story...and i'm sticking to it!

blogging should get back to normal here pretty soon as i go through the pile of mail my lovely postman left me =/

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