Monday, December 5, 2011

how love is spelled...

saw this on my girlfriends facebook page...had to share...

As he opened his [business] journal, the old man's eyes fell upon an inscription that stood out because it was so brief in comparison to other days. In his own neat handwriting were these words:

"Wasted the whole day fishing with [son] Jimmy. Didn't catch a thing."

With a deep sigh and a shaking hand, he took Jimmy's journal and found the boy's entry for the same day, June 4. Large scrawling letters, pressed deeply into the paper, read:

"Went fishing with my dad. Best day of my life."

...we all have many priorities competing for our time, But there's nothing more
important to remember than: To A Child, Love is Spelled T-I-M-E. [One could say this applies to all those we love...]

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