Thursday, December 31, 2009

goodbye 2009...hello to a new decade...

i can't believe we're heading into a new decade...

last night, i had a pre-new year's eve celebration with some gorgeous was an evening of reflection & much laughter...i like the fact that dispite all that my friends & i have been through this last year...some much worse than others...what we reflected on was how it was that much easier because of us being there for each other...

i am so blessed...truly...i know that i say that a lot in my writing...but sometimes i sit back and wonder how i got the motherload in friendships...i do not take it for granted...

so tonite will be a quiet nite in that it will be spent at home with going out on the town this year...but that is ok...because having friends around...whether in or out...makes it a fun nite...

so as 2009 comes to a close...i reflect back on the year...the good...the bad...and the in was a hard year...but in the same was a great year...i met some new incredible people, my family remained healthy (thank you Lord!), my relationship with my Savior grew in ways i never thought possible...with could i dwell on the doesn't even compute...

i wanted to share with you some thoughtful comments from the chairman of the worth collection, caroline davis...they were actually shared at the end of last year...but the words still have a big affect on me...

"This is a "time between times," a phrase that a favorite minister of mine used to describe those hours and days when time almost stands still; when we are anticipating a happening of some sort, or are between crises, or feel one is pending.

The New Year will be here in about 36 hours; in just over two weeks, a new president will be sworn in; the Middle East is again at war, and our great country's citizens are hurting. Our minds anticipate what is to come- hope, new leadership, a renewed economy, while at the same time we are bombarded by the press, television, and the Internet with horror and suffering around the globe and in our own cities and neighborhoods.

But a "time between times" can give us breathing space to look at the past and adjust our expectations for the future. I hope that you will take these days to reflect, look back, remember what was important about this past year for you personally; decide what you want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that '08 brought to us." <---- now 09!

so although we now have that new president sworn in...may we stop reflect and decide what we want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that 2009 brought to us!

while we cannot control what happens in the world at large, we can take positive action in our own space on things we can control...that would include such things as our personal imprint on the environment, our (gr)attitude, our contribution to our community, and the serenity in our homes...

january is typically the time we set our new resolutions for the well as change out the old for the new...may we always be aware of what a difference we can make on every life we touch, and embrace whatever changes come with grace and good humor...

may the new year be full of much happiness & love to all of you my fabulous readers!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

a happy heart...

today i spent the afternoon with my lovely mamacita, my sister-in-law & my two nieces...the day was spent shopping...and although that always constitutes a "fun" day for me...the shopping was really about us...being together...

i was just coming along for the ride...but in reality...i knew that i wanted to get out of the house...and the combination of people listed above...pretty much guarantees a good time...

and that is what we had...we laughed...we teased...we talked...and yes...we even found some new items to take home with us...

i love these moments...the moments where no big plans are made...but time is spent with the ones you love...

my heart is happy...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

i am grateful...

"feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it..." ~ william arthur ward

wow...where to i reflect on 2009...once has been a year of happiness, hurt, new beginnings, closed doors, open doors...laughter, tears...

and i wouldn't change a thing...

sure, there are things i wish turned out differently, disappointments i would have liked to have done without...

but in the big picture...i can see how everything that happened this year...shaped me, molded me, taught me, and opened my eyes...

isn't that just the way God works? i am so grateful for His love to me...for His patience with me...when i still fight Him on things...knowing full well that He knows what is best for me...He waits...till i'm ready to follow...once again...

i am grateful for my salvation...for my personal relationship with Christ...that no one will ever be able to replace...there is nothing like greater love will i ever know...

i am grateful for wonderful parents...who have showed me what true love looks like...49 years together...the good, the bad & the ugly...and they have loved each other through it...may i be so lucky to experience that kind of commitment & love...

i am grateful for family...through the drama, the laughter, the tears, the fights, the make-up's...we are a strong unit...i am blessed with such an awesome extended family...

i am grateful for friends...friends who love me dispite myself...encouraging, loving, always there for me friends...friends that aren't afraid to tell me what i need to hear...friends who check in...friends who make my world a wonderful place to be...

i am grateful for this wonderful place we live in...a place of to choose how to worship, free to choose a profession, free to choose...something i don't take for granted...

most of all i am grateful for life...thank you Lord for giving me this amazing life i live...may i never forget that tomorrow is not promised us...that i may live each day to its fullest...that i may live out your purpose for my life...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus vs comparison...

JESUS is Better than Santa

Santa lives at the North Pole.

JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh

JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year

JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies

JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited

JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa

JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap

JESUS lets you rest in His arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"

JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too.

He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly

JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO

JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry"

JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.

Santa's little helpers make toys

JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but

JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree

JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison.

We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.

We need to put Christ back in Christmas.

JESUS is still the reason for the season.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2009

And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

the season of giving...

last nite a group of us headed over to daybreak house (youth homeless shelter) delivering a full blown christmas dinner...i am talking traditional...
turkey, stuffing, green beans, yams...and LOT'S of dessert...cookies, brownies, pies, chocolate...

as we sat around with the kids...getting to know them...there was so much laughter throughout the evening...

christmas carols were sung...i have to favorite part was when we all decided to sing "12 days of christmas" but making up our own words...and then trying to remember was pretty hilarious...but...we did it!

prior year...the kids had gotten a karaoke machine...and it was told that they used it constantly...but...the songs were old...and the counselors were tired of hearing the same songs...over and over...

so this year...the group bought the additional 900+ songs to add to their singing abilities...and a wii...and we stuffed all their stockings with goodies...

you always hear about these moments...when you walk away from an evening like that...and realize that the kids gave you much more than you gave them...

that is the spirit of christmas...these kids have such bright futures to look forward to...they have come from such bad circumstances...but are not dwelling on that...but looking forward...

and for those of us who have...and still want more...nothing wrong with long as your perspective is right...

dwelling on things that just don't matter in the long run...or blessed you are...are two very different perspectives...

i challenge you this christmas season...take the focus off yourself...and give to someone less doesn't have to be monetary...most people are just looking for some "time" spent with someone that truly cares for them...

merry christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

my grown-up christmas list...

as christmas quickly are getting bought & wrapped...plans are being is a great time of is my favorite time of year...

the day after thanksgiving...all that is heard in my home is christmas is set on i have no idea what song is next (i like that element of surprise) one song that i have heard for so many years...really hit me this much so...that i looked up the words to really read it and absorb it...

here it is...with my thoughts at the end...

Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee
I wrote to you with childhood fantasies
Well, I'm all grown-up now
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child, but my start still can dream

So here's my lifelong wish
My grown-up Christmas list
Not for myself, but for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end
This is my grown-up Christmas list

What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in that blind belief can we ever find the truth

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal our hearts
Every man would have a friend
That right would always win
And love would never end

This is my grown-up Christmas list
This is my only lifelong wish
This is my grown-up Christmas list

can you imagine this? i can...the great thing is that we as christians...we will experience that one day soon...but what can we do now? is there anything we can do? it still breaks my heart when i watch the news...and see families torn apart by violence, hatred, doesn't seem to get better...

the gift-giving at christmas is wonderful...i'm not going to lie...i am like a little kid at christmas...but it isn't only about the gifts for is so much more...the gift of Christ...who came to this earth so that i might have! what better gift is there??

but what i'm thinking this year...when you are wrapping your presents...keep in mind...the gifts you get & receive...although they are wonderful...they do lose their luster...that perfect pair of earrings, or handbag...or whatever the gift may be...after wearing that pair of earrings two, three times, you seem to lose the lust that made you crave for it in the first place...that ipod (or whatever) you wanted will remain unused and would just be an additional load to your bag! after squandering your $$'s with stuff you dont need anyway, everything turns to be bland again...until the next occassion...or the next edition...

suddenly this song is making sense....its not just the melody that satisfies my senses, but more the noble desire to pray for the more lasting "gifts" for our loved ones and those that affect and revolve around our lives...

the gift giving won't come to a hault - definitely not! but the bottom line of this is ...while we think about spending our hard-earned money to buy expensive gifts for our loved ones, families, friends, colleagues...lets not forget first and foremost to thank God for enabling us to earn and buy gifts...and then as we wrap those gifts with nice, fancy wrappers, i suggest we think well about these people and as we fondly write down our wishes and nice thoughts on those nice, small christmas cards...lets strengthen our bonds not only through material things but that which surpasses any other gift...the gift of sincere love shown by constant kindness and selflessness to those that we touch base with, everyday of our lives...

wishing you all a blessed christmas! may all the gifts that you wish for become a reality this year!!!

but more importantly...may you experience the true meaning of all of His glory!

Monday, December 21, 2009

the donald driver story...

for anyone who has struggled...or is is some inspiration...
( might need tissues)

Friday, December 18, 2009

from service dog to "surf"ice dog...

i have always loved animals...would love to own a dog...but my home doesn't permit for now...i'm happy with my two beautiful furry companions of the cat family...

i saw this clip....and it just reinforces how animals are such wonderful companions...but this can you not love??

oh...have some tissue may need it...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

my computer...friend or foe?

what i don't like about computers is that they do what i say...and not what i mean...

example: i mean to hit the "control" button but hit the "CAPS LOCK" BUTTON AND ALL OF A SUDDEN GIANT LETTERS DOMINATE THE SCREEN...i LOOK AT THE SCREEN AND SAY, "tHAT'S NOT WHAT i MEANT!" AND i correct my mistake...

here's another example: i want to correct one letter but i inadvertently hit the button that removes the entire word..."that's not what i meant," i mumble to the one-eyed monstor...and then i correct my mistake...

now i know i shouldn't be so hard on the mACHINE (OOPS, DID IT AGAIN)...after's just a can't read my mind (though considering what it should at least keep me from making the same mistake over and over)...a computer doesn't doesn't doesn't smile...shake its monitor, and say, "elena, i know what you are trying to don't intend to be hitting the delete button...removing the very letters you want to keep..if you'd look at your screen you would see that...but since you won't and since you and i are good friends and you leave me plugged in...i'm going to give you what you need and not what you request..."

computers don't do that...computers are legalists...impersonal pragmatists...push a button and get a response...learn the system and get the printout...blow the system and get ready for a long nite...

computers are heartless creatures...don't expect any compassion from your lap top...they don't call it a hard disk for nothing...

so...i'm sure you are wondering...where is she going with this?? it is...

some folks have a computer theology when it comes to understanding God...God is the ultimate desktop...the bible is the maintenance manual...the Holy Spirit is the floppy disk...and Jesus is the 1-800 service number...

call it computerized christianity...push the right buttons...enter the code...insert the correct data...and bingo...print out your "own" salvation...

it's professional do your part and the Divine Computer does need to pray (after all, you control the keyboard) emotional attachment necessary (who wants to hug circuits?) and worship?? well...worship is a lab exercise...insert the rituals and see the results...

computerized's great - unless you make a mistake...unless you err...unless you enter the wrong data or forget to save the manuscript...unless you're caught on the wrong side of a power surge...and then...tough're on your own...

religion by computer...that's what happens replace the living God with a cold system...when you replace inestimable love with pro-forma budget...when you replace the ultimate sacrifice of Christ with the puny achievements of man...

when you view God as a computer and the christian as a number-crunching, cursor commanding, button pusher...that is religion by the computer...

how it must break the heart of God...

by the computer still drives me crazy at still does WHAT I SAY, OOps, and not what i mean...i push the wrong button...i pay the price...for that reason...i refuse to call it what the manufacturer is not a personal is cold...detached...and could care less about my happiness...

a personal computer would be fact it wouldn't be a computer at would be a friend...a friend who gives me what i need instead of what i request...a friend who knows more about me than i do...a friend who doesn't have to be turned off at nite and on in the morning...

a computer like that? too much to ask...i know...

a God like that?? still too much to ask...but that's what He is...why else do you think He is known as your personal Savior?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

stealing an afternoon...

when was the last time you took yourself out to the movies? not with a date...not with your friends...not with your children...just you and you alone...

this is one of my favorite indulgences...and it is already planned for one day this week....ssshhhhhh...

choosing a weepy, romantic movie along the lines of the age of innocence or the english patient, and sitting alone in the dark sniffling and wiping your nose without worrying if someone might tease you is sheer heaven...

sneak out to see a movie some afternoon by yourself...without telling anyone where you are going...stop by the snack counter and load up on all of your favorite treats (mine are anything chocolate...)not only will you get to enjoy a movie that you chose yourself...but you also won't have to share your candy!!

settle into those plush seats, shut off your cell phone, forget your worries...and allow yourself to be completely absorbed in another world for just an hour or two...your life will still be there when you get back...but in the can be somewhere else and wonderfully alone with yourself...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

when you wish...

busy busy day of shopping...and now busy busy nite of wrapping...

so this may be cheesy...but i love the message on the starbucks cups this year...

"when you wish the world becomes brighter. so wish. it's what makes the holidays the holidays."

then a bunch of cool wishes!


Monday, December 14, 2009

making empanada's...

soooooooooooooo much going on...hardly anytime to write...but i feel i gotta say something... it is...spent the morning making empanada's with my mom...being the sweetheart she is...she helped me...i want to bring them to a christmas potluck tonite...thankfully we made extra for her & dad to have as well...

my mom & i have always laughed when cooking together...especially when it comes to something like empanada's...because you can always tell hers from mine...basically hers are wrapped perfectly...pinched properly...loaded up evenly...they all look the same...mine...well...not so much...

so she would tease she could tell hers from kidding mom...i can too!

but this morning...she paid me the highest compliment...half-way through she looked at the ones that were done and said..."i can't tell which are yours and which are mine"

wow! i have arrived...i now make empanada's that look like my mamacita's...that is pretty huge...for me...

and as always...the time spent together was & i making empanada' telling us stories...nothing better than these wonderful memories made...over a kitchen table...sipping coffee...laughing...

what a great start to the week... 8-)

hope your holiday preparations are not leaving you too stressed...remember to not get so overwhelmed with the doing...that you forget to focus on what the season is truly about!

Friday, December 11, 2009

be still my heart...

this week has been a lot about my girl...audrey...first the auction...did you hear about it?? here is my post from fabulous classy lady...some pretty fabulous stories about the beautiful audrey...

and then...topping off the weekend with two of my favorite the beautiful standford theatre...although it is rainy & cold...nothing warms the heart like a double feature of audrey...

so can you guess what i will be doing this weekend?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

joy joy joy...

"You will make known to me the path of Your presence is fullness of Your right hand there are pleasures forever...” psalm 16:11

presents to buy...presents to wrap...groceries to buy...parties to attend...people to see...wishes to fill...

so much to little time! we might have begun the christmas season with the intent of finding joy this year...yet lost our good intentions somewhere between the children’s case of the “gimmies” and the crowded parking lots at the mall...where is the joy we sing about in all those christmas carols? where is the christmas spirit we are supposed to have?

i read the above verse this morning...a simple reminder that it’s not in any of those things that fill our days this time of’s not in the candy-streaked faces of the little children...(as adorable as that is) it’s not in the guilt we feel that we can’t possibly see all the family we want’s not even in those moments of giving or serving our families...

we can’t manufacture joy...or create eternal pleasures...though we try so hard to...we might get glimpses of joy...but we won’t experience the fullness of joy unless we immerse ourselves in God’s presence...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

a blessing from my friday nite stress... i believe that good can come from every situation?

um...yes...i just think that sometimes we need to look a little harder...

in regards to the blessing i'm about to write about...i didn't need to look hard at all...but i surely recognized it as a nice lil blessing... friday nite last week was a nite of stress...if you missed is the link back... friday nite stress

now i realize as i write may seem pretty trivial...this blessing...but to was kind was pretty sa-weet... =)

since my light situation couldn't be worked on till monday...yes...because i do not...or i should say...i do not care to know or try and switch out the lights in my car...isn't that what a mechanic is for? love the auto body shop i go to...they are THE best in customer service! i think right about now...i should give them a good ole if you live in the bay area...and need a very customer service oriented, honest auto body shop...holland car care is the place!

so i get there...and am told it will take a few i head on upstairs to the waiting area...of a fashionista...i grab the one fashion magazine there...vogue...

but wait...could it be? it is the september issue of vogue for 2008! now...i is funny that it is over a year old...but it is a auto body shop...the fact that they had a fashion magazine was pretty

the thing is...i have wanted the september issue of 08 for my collection of vogue september issues...

you see...the september issue is THE biggest issue every year...and i did not keep my! talk about a blessing...

so i ask shawn if i could "steal" it...and he laughs and says..."of course...i'm not going to be reading it" see...another proven point...that good things come out of bad now i guess i have to be all thankful & stuff that i got pulled over on friday nite... =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

surprised kitty...

oh my gosh...i can watch this over & just makes me laugh...hands down...the to my two adorable kitties... =)

Monday, December 7, 2009

friday nite stress... is friday girlfriend invites me over for dinner & movies...what fun...right? was... =) but as the nite got late...i knew i had to get home as i had a busy busy saturday ahead of me...

so...i start on my drive tunes are blasting in my car...i'm feeling happy...driving along...minding my own business...get to a red to me...a cop to him...another car...

the light turns green...i take off...the other car takes off...the cop car doesn't...
i figure it isn't any of my i keep driving along my merry fa la la way...

until...lights are flashing...the cop is behind me...seriously...what could i have possibly done wrong sitting at a red light?

i pull over...he informs me that one of my headlights is out...which...surprises me...first...that i didn't notice...and second...that my car mechanism that usually tells me when something is "out"...didn't...

so he tells me to turn my lights on & then off...i do so...and as he walks to the front of my car...and then comes back and they are both out...


then he asks me if i've been drinking...seems like a normal question...procedure and all...i let him know that i wasn't...he asks for my drivers license, registration & proof of insurance...which i quickly hand over...and then he says that he will be right back as he heads to his car...

minutes pass slowly...i just want to get home...crawl into a nice warm bed...

minutes pass...10 to be exact...what in the heck is he checking?? seriously...

he comes back...and asks me again...have you been drinking?? so now i am kinda freaking out...not from guilt...but i'm wondering why he is asking me again...clearly he didn't believe me the first time...

so i let him know...that i was at my girlfriends house...watching movies, eating dinner and yes...drinking tea (does that sound like an alchohol induced friday nite of partying?)

so he says...that he wants me to turn my body to face him...and not move my head...and follow his finger...

sigh...yes...i'm annoyed & freaked out at this point...

so i follow his finger 5 times...5!!

all i could think of is...oh my gosh! he is going to make me get out of the car...and do all the silly tests on el camino!! a busy street! talk about being mortified...

i am praying now...and thinking...this is not good...but wait...i haven't been drinking...why am i freaking out?

probably...because he keeps asking me if i've been drinking...

he then heads back to his car...for another 10 minutes...and returns with a fix-it ticket...thank you very much...could we not have completed this transaction in say...oh maybe 5 minutes?

as i'm driving home...i'm playing it over and over in my head...i know that my eyes tend to dilate at the most strangest times...where my brother has looked at me and look like you are on drugs...ok...not the nicest compliment...for sure...but my point is...where my eyes doing that thing...where i look drunk? hmmm...when i told my girlfriends the of them then said...oh yeah...your eyes do do that...

what?? i thought my eyes were normal...and what is that "do" that my eyes "do"?

all this to say...that i started out having a most awesome friday nite...which ended alarmingly stressful...and when i finally got home to my nice warm bed...i was too wired to get any restful sleep...

my girlfriends predictions were...
a. he was trying to pick me up (seriously not the way to do it)
b. he was bored and needed something to do (seriously annoying)
c. my eyes were doing that wierd thing (i wish i knew what caused it)

in any event...i now have a fix-it ticket to deal with...hope your friday nite was more fun!

Friday, December 4, 2009

nestled in His lap....

my precious chester (my oldest cat) is requiring a lot of attention today...i have always called him "mama's boy" following me around the house...needing to be by my side...or at least in the same room that i am in...

but today is a little different...he stands and meows...and won't stop till i pick him up and hold him...and now...he is happily nestled in my lap as i type...he is a big kittie...and when sitting in my lap...although i welcome the warmth...he does get heavy...

reminds me at times...when i need a little extra time with my sweet Savior...the thing is...i know He doesn't get tired of it...or get i did with chester...

there is something about being able to "crawl" into the Lord's lap...and just be words need to be is the knowing...that He is matter what...

and just like a child needing that protection...i crave it sometimes too...

Thursday, December 3, 2009 a...

my mind this morning...totally blank...had an exhausting but fun day yesterday...pretty much set up a mini jana kos trunk show...then got dolled up for the event...mingled for 4 hours...then tore down mini jana kos trunk show...this meant...loading up two cars...unloading two the beginning of the day...and then...loading up two cars again...and unloading two cars the end of the day...i'm tired just typing it ;-) so please accept this as my earnest confession... a lazy blogger today...

and in that spirit...i point you to my other blog for pics of said event...

domenico winery christmas soiree

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

first day of december...

ok...reality is the first day of december...seriously...this year...where did it go? the older i seems time is just flying by...days turn into weeks...weeks to months...and before you know it...we are staring at the face of a new year...

i want it to slow down a bit...this is my favorite time of year...fa la la la la time of year...

yesterday i put up my tree...i guess i could summarize it as fabulously glamourous...i still need to decorate the rest of the house...but my home is already full of christmas music piping in the background...wrapping paper ready to be used...
egg nog lattes are advertised at starbucks...(i had my first of the year...yesterday) will need to keep that to a minimum though...

i love this time of year...but with all the hustle and bustle...i want to also cherish this time...when God sent His a babe...

the season is a happy time...but for is a lonely time as well...i am praying the Lord gives me opportunity to brighten someone's day...every day this christmas season...