i can't believe we're heading into a new decade...
last night, i had a pre-new year's eve celebration with some gorgeous friends...it was an evening of reflection & much laughter...i like the fact that dispite all that my friends & i have been through this last year...some much worse than others...what we reflected on was how it was that much easier because of us being there for each other...
i am so blessed...truly...i know that i say that a lot in my writing...but sometimes i sit back and wonder how i got the motherload in friendships...i do not take it for granted...
so tonite will be a quiet nite in that it will be spent at home with friends...no going out on the town this year...but that is ok...because having friends around...whether in or out...makes it a fun nite...
so as 2009 comes to a close...i reflect back on the year...the good...the bad...and the in between...it was a hard year...but in the same respect...it was a great year...i met some new incredible people, my family remained healthy (thank you Lord!), my relationship with my Savior grew in ways i never thought possible...with that...how could i dwell on the bad...in comparison...it doesn't even compute...
i wanted to share with you some thoughtful comments from the chairman of the worth collection, caroline davis...they were actually shared at the end of last year...but the words still have a big affect on me...
"This is a "time between times," a phrase that a favorite minister of mine used to describe those hours and days when time almost stands still; when we are anticipating a happening of some sort, or are between crises, or feel one is pending.
The New Year will be here in about 36 hours; in just over two weeks, a new president will be sworn in; the Middle East is again at war, and our great country's citizens are hurting. Our minds anticipate what is to come- hope, new leadership, a renewed economy, while at the same time we are bombarded by the press, television, and the Internet with horror and suffering around the globe and in our own cities and neighborhoods.
But a "time between times" can give us breathing space to look at the past and adjust our expectations for the future. I hope that you will take these days to reflect, look back, remember what was important about this past year for you personally; decide what you want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that '08 brought to us." <---- now 09!
so although we now have that new president sworn in...may we stop reflect and decide what we want to change in the year to come, and give thanks for the good things that 2009 brought to us!
while we cannot control what happens in the world at large, we can take positive action in our own space on things we can control...that would include such things as our personal imprint on the environment, our (gr)attitude, our contribution to our community, and the serenity in our homes...
january is typically the time we set our new resolutions for the year...as well as change out the old for the new...may we always be aware of what a difference we can make on every life we touch, and embrace whatever changes come with grace and good humor...
may the new year be full of much happiness & love to all of you my fabulous readers!
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