it was an interesting dynamic to see my dad...hanging out at one of his favorite restaurants...and seeing how basically everyone around us knew i was introduced to the owner of the restaurant...chilo...of "tio chilo's grill"...i have heard this name for so so was great to finally meet him...and put a face to the name...i met chilo's daughter...who is an absolute sweetheart...
it was kind of endearing...when we were driving to the dad says..."this isn't a really fancy place..." which was ok by walking around the little neighborhood in the mission district...all these people were yelling out to my dad when they saw was really quite sweet...i've always joked with my dad about his "hood"...but it was an actuality! haha...
as we were walking back to the car...he pointed out where he gets his haircut...and of course when they owner saw him...she ran out...smiling from ear to ear...calling him "senior" victor...
so...during lunch i was asking my dad about the neighborhood and how close was our old house to where we where...he tells me that after lunch we will cruise through the i saw the elementary school that my older brother went to...and...we did a drive-by by the house i lived in for the first 5 years of my life...
that was pretty wild...i remember little bits and pieces of my grandparents living in the upstairs unit...and we were in the downstairs unit...when i saw the stairs...i remember that our family took lots of pictures on that stoop...
my dad must have said to me at least 10 times "thanks for your company today"...i don't think he realizes...that it is me that is thankful for his company...
so here it is...where i lived...way back when...good ole folsom street...

that's baba's old house san fran? I've never seen it before.
yep...i showed the pic to your dad and he recognized it right was pretty cool to see it...
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