Monday, July 19, 2010

when we need heart surgery...

one of my closest friends found out this week that her dad has leukemia...we talked alot about she is feeling...and how her dad is feeling...does she want her dad to be well? absolutely...but more then that...she has a is a tiny portion of her email...God is already at work!

"There was a tremendous shift in my father's voice last night, and I truly believe that the healing of his heart has begun. I love my father and I am believing that he will come out better than ever! I want him to experience what a miracle feels like when God heals the mind, body and soul. I am confident that God will do this and that he will be glorified!"

God is so good...who are we to question how He works? His timing is perfect...when we choose to listen...God is speaking to us...the day that i spoke to my good friend...before we knew it was leukemia...i read this that evening...

"the heartache no one sees" by sheila walsh...

whether we are looking for sign and wonders...physical healing...or a balm for our wounded souls...underneath it all...what we are longing for is God...we might not recognize that...but we are made to be in intimate relationship with Him...when we are not...we try to fill that void with whatever we perceive to be our greatest felt need...underneath it all we want God to be real to touch us...

God moves in many different ways...and who am i to say what God will do for anyone or how He might choose to manifest His presence? i have learned enough to know that God's ways and thoughts are outside my human capacity for reason...what troubles that we seek what God might do instead of seeking God himself...what troubles me is that we are more after God's hand than God's face...

you could have every tooth in your head turn to gold...but what would it profit you in the long run? what we need is heart surgery...we need God to heal our broken hearts...God could heal your body...but if your heart is still full of pain...bitterness...and disappointment...the healing is limited to what would show up in an x-ray...

God asks that we be hungry for Him, seek Him, kneel down and roll our burdens onto Him...the greatest gift that you and i can give ourselves is to fall in love with Jesus...everything else in this life is temporary...only life with Him has any lasting meaning...let's not occupy our lives chasing after the latest craze...let's chase after the God who is crazy about us...

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