Tuesday, August 9, 2011

reading beyond your means...

no doubt you know the troublesome phrase "living beyond your means," and the disaster and peril that await those who do...i am definately in favor of living within your means...but i am equally in favor of what i call..."reading beyond your means..."

it only costs a few dollars to buy a copy of architectural digest, town & country, or gourmet...it cost millions to try to imitate the lifestyles shown within...go ahead and indulge yourself with a few hours of peeking in on the lifestyles of the very, very rich...don't use this as an excuse to get all worked up about your lot in life...don't march out and charge something you saw advertised and saddle yourself with years of debt...do pay attention to the smaller things...the colors the rooms are painted in a palace...for instance...most of us can't really afford the jewelry, the clothes, or the restaurants...but you can find so much about living gracefully...about incorporating beauty and style into your own abode...

over the years...i've incorporated many things into my home & wardrobe...taking cues from these magazines...and doing it on a lower cost basis...it is possible...the idea of the magazines is to draw inspiration from...it is an inexpensive way to bring a bit of architectural digest gloss into your life and home...

try it...

...and while you are at it...when you can't travel to exotic places...you can always read about them...and soak in the lovely pictures...the next best thing to being there...

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