Friday, August 14, 2009

God & twitter...

i believe that God speaks to us constantly...we hear only if our hearts are open...sometimes i have wondered...was that God speaking to me? or just me thinking things through...i think one of the hardest things for me...has been distinguishing whether something i feel i need to do or from the Lord...or just me take a step of faith...when you are so unsure...requires a boldness that i sometimes lack...but He remains by my side...even when i don't feel Him close...

then there are those moments in life that God speaks so loudly...and you know that you know...just how real...and how awesome...and how loving He is...and that He is speaking directly to you...

i have had 4 such moments in my was last week...

i was already in bed...and feeling very overwhelmed...not knowing what my next move should be...and frustrated...because i felt like my prayers were hitting the ceiling of my bedroom and stopping...i just didn't feel God...couldn't hear Him from all the noise in my head...and felt like He wasn't there...although intellectually...i knew He overwhelmed, frustrated, emotional side couldn't see it...and i cried out for Him to hear give me some kind of assurance....not for quick remedies...but just to somehow know that He was hearing me...

the next day...i had already forgotten my prayer...busily going through my day...i took some time off to go on twitter...and chat with some of my twitter friends...

brief lesson in twitter: when someone copies and reposts what someone else is called a re-tweet =)

so one of my twitter friends...caught my eye...not because she said something profound...but she had re-tweeted one of her friends...nothing uncommon here...but she never re-tweeted it got my curiosity...

here is what she re-tweeted:

i sat in my office chair...absolutely unable to was as if someone had been in my room hearing word for word my cry...every question i threw out to God the nite before was answered in this post...

coincidence? i think not...

it still overwhelms me...that God...with so much more going on that is bigger than my small woes...would love me enough...and deem it important enough to let me know in such a personal "just for me" moment...that He is listening...and He hears every word...and sees every tear...

and the best part...God is SO ahead of us...He even uses twitter to get my attention... =)

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