Thursday, February 18, 2010

i love you...

i was getting my newspaper from the driveway this morning when my neighbor's son left for school..."love you, mom" he said as he ran off with his was heartwarming just to hear...three little words..."i love you," are the words that topple empires, shape destinies...make men and women risk their lives and unite millions of couples in holy matrimony every year...what power is in those words!

you can never say "i love you" too an old story a wife complained to her husband, "you never tell me you love me." he replied, "i told you when i married you that i loved you...if it ever changes, i'll let you know..." it makes for a good joke...but not a good marriage...

some people think if they say "i love you," they will look weak or lose untrue...when you say "i love you," you renew commitment and build is the mortar between the bricks of experience that builds relationships...

there are times when we feel less than loving...we might want to speak sharply or not at all...saying, "i love you," paves the way for forgiveness...forgiving others, or them forgiving you...Jesus went to the cross because of love...on the cross He released us by saying, "Father, forgive them..." He died so we could live; He forgave so we could be forgiven and forgive others; He loved so we could freely say, "i love you..."

the greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're alive... ~ oa battista

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