Tuesday, February 2, 2010

pride or love...

"be the bigger person"...words i've heard so often...words i've spoken...words that when YOU are the one required to be a bigger person...can be tough...sometimes down right hard... =)

what is it about our nature that pride can seep in...when you know in your heart of hearts that YOU have done nothing wrong...or someone has been treating you or the ones you love horribly...and you just want to cut them completely out...because YOU have done nothing wrong...

often times i've heard my mind (yes...my mind) screaming "it isn't fair" as if by not saying it out loud...somehow keeps it hidden...but these thoughts...even the thoughts...can so corrode your heart and mind...if you hold on to them...

let's face it...life is hard sometimes...we have this picture perfect example of love & patience & truth in Jesus Christ...that none of us can or ever will be able to live up to...but that isn't the point...is it? it is how we handle each situation one at a time...fair or not...

i think i have mentioned this before...maybe...maybe not...but i will say it now...as a little girl there was a record album (yes...i wrote that correctly) that my mom would always listen to...i don't remember the album, the singer...only these words...that obviously had such a huge impact on me...because i think of it often...the words in the song were "your life's the only bible that some people read"

i experienced a little of that recently...in a person that has caused such havoc...and my prideful response was to just avoid them...ignore them...pretend they don't exist...

but...those words kept ringing in my ear...so i had a choice...be the person i so strive to be...Christ-like...or play this prideful game..of "i'll show them"
and really...i am not even going to dwell on the fact that i had this battle going on...because we are all human...and ultimately...it is what we choose to do in the end that matters...although...yeah...it would be a nice little post to say i didn't have these awful thoughts...but...i did...

so i chose to show love...and it was hard...but i knew that what mattered...was not my feelings...but my actions...because in this moment...they would scream the love of Christ in me...or they would scream something else...that i wasn't prepared to be attached to...

that evening...right before my eyes...i saw how this tiny act melted a hard heart...and i smiled...not because of what i had done...but that this person felt a little of God's love in their life...

there was no big transformation...no big love fest...no big orchestra playing in the background...but my heart was swelling...and in choosing love over pride...my heart felt whole...

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