Tuesday, February 16, 2010

you can count on me...

we often think of faithfulness in the context of marriage...without faithfulness, no one can have a solid marriage with trust and commitment as its cornerstones...but there is a lot more to faithfulness than that...

the dictionary defines faithfulness as: unswerving devotion, loyalty to one's promises, trustworthiness...

the bible says, "a faithful man who can find? and, "the Lord preserves the faithful."

faithfulness is a sterling quality...successful businesses always operate by faithfulness...my postman is faithful...delivering my mail daily...and i think we would be shocked if our grocery store were closed on a day when it should be open...children even learn this...for school starts and stops on time...and children are recorded if they are one minute late...

successful people are also faithful...whether able-bodied or not...the people who we really trust are the faithful...the "doers"...once they have a task and understand how to complete it...we never think of it again except to say "thank you" when it's done...

we need to work at being faithful for not only is it the mark of the successful...but it is also the mark of the godly...God is faithful...we plant a seed in the ground, water it, feed it, and know it will grow based on the laws of nature that God has laid out...

have you ever said, "i'll do it," only to disappoint those you promised when you don't do it? we are unfaithful sometimes to our closest friends, family...even our children...we give reasons for not following through...but the fact remains...we weren't faithful...

we need to work on being faithful to God and people...what a reputation to have, for people in our life to say, "you can always count on her to keep her word."

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