Thursday, January 6, 2011

dream job...

i think one of the most incredible things we can do...if afforded the to travel and explore the rest of the gives us a sense of life outside of our self-imposed "comfort zones"...teaches us all the wonderful diversity that people can have and most important...teaches us that at some level or another we are all alike...even when we seem worlds apart...

i have been able to travel to some pretty incredible countries...the ability to learn about different cultures...try different foods...and of course...for see different fashion around the world is pretty amazing...

but even when i'm back home...i am always people watching...and looking at fashion...and how people put outfits together...some that should be together...and well...some that just shouldn't...

and although i love my job...being a fashion consultant...and helping people reach their true personal "other" dream job would be to do something along the lines of "the sartorialist"...i have admired this blog for a long long time...can you imagine being able to travel around the world...and take pictures of people and their own personal style? les sigh...a true dream job...

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