Wednesday, January 26, 2011

words are a powerful force...

on monday evening during bible study...when we got around to the discussion of the exercises was to tell about a time that someone's words had a huge impact on a positive way...and in the same respect...a time that someone's words had a huge impact on you negatively...

as we went around the room was interesting to hear the impact that words had made to each life...some were so uplifting...some were spoken at the right moment...i believe...truly ordained by God...what other way is there?

what saddened me...was the affect that harsh words spoken...or criticisms...snide comments...or no words...and how huge of an impact they had on lives...things that were said recently...or long long ago...maybe in childhood...

i've really been thinking alot about this through this week...words truly are a powerful force...and we may just make a casual remark...not realizing the kind of impact it could have on someone's day...or life...

choose your words wisely...and as we have all heard...if you have nothing nice to say...don't say anything at funny as that sounds truly holds words of wisdom...

i'm not saying that sometimes...there won't be times where we may need to speak words that aren't all cozy and warm...but there are certainly different ways of delivering those words...

and encouragement? enough cannot be said about it...think about the times you have felt a sense of renewal...of wanting to keep going...just because of someone's words of encouragement...and then...pass that the children in your may not be apparent...but they hold on to every word that is much better to speak words of encouragement...words of beauty...words that will elevate those see who they truly are in the eyes of our Savior...

we are daughters & sons to the King...let's reflect that in our words...when we speak to each other...

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