Wednesday, April 27, 2011

lesson from my cat...

i was watching one of my cats was obvious that he was not really liking what was in the food bowl today...he sat in front of the bowl for about 15 minutes...just staring into as if somehow..the contents of it would change...he wasn't meowing to get my attention...he just sat...still...staring...but not eating...

now what do i know? i am assuming all this...but it was a great lesson was as if he had two choices...leave without eating...which would probably include walking after me...meowing till i somehow gave him something he really wanted...or eventually eat what was there...which is what he finally did...

but it got me to many times do we just sit...wanting something to change...but we do nothing...we don't ask for it...or for help to get there...and we don't change anything that we have been hopefully change the circumstance...and yet...we still sit and wonder why everything is the same...why our life is at a standstill...why we are at where we are at...

don't get me wrong...i know that bad things happen...and sometimes...circumstances are out of our control...but as much as is humanly possible...we are ultimately responsible for our lives...and where we find ourselves...or don't find a reflection of how much we are doing...or not doing...

so...if you are not liking your current situation...what can you do to change it? or what attitude adjustments do you need to make to deal with your current circumstance...i think that sometimes...we miss the lesson or blessing in our circumstance...because we are too busy wishing for something else...

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