Friday, April 29, 2011

juxtaposition in a week...

i have been pretty surprised by all the hoopla of the royal seemed like no matter where you posts...all were a buzz about this big day...and of was a big day...but not enough to warrant for me to get up at some ungodly hour to watch a wedding...yes...even i have my limits...or maybe it was just that sleep rated higher in my struck me as odd when i read that the u.s. seemed more intrigued by the royal wedding then the brits...

when i woke up this morning...i checked out a few pics of the bride...and just as i suspected...she looked absolutely beautiful...

along with this beautiful day for the has been a week of devastation in other parts of the world...even in our own lovely u.s...friends of mine have been tornado watching...hearing warnings...and heeding the call...and some have family in alabama...where it hit hard...

during these is interesting to see good and bad all around us...that is the circle of friend adena said it best...

It is strange to contemplate the juxtaposition of the havoc wreaked by the weather on the MidWest and Southern regions of our country with the pomp beauty and happiness of the Royal nuptials. While many people claim not to care a whit (now there's a good Old English word, yes?) about the Royal wedding, for me, there's something very touching about all the tradition. And when it gets right down to it, it's still a ceremony between two people who are committing themselves to one another. Let's offer them our prayers for a long and happy life, while at the same time we offer our prayers for all those people who have been affected by the destruction of the storms in our country. Happiness and sadness co-exist at all times and we offer up our prayers in all circumstances.

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