Friday, April 1, 2011

nothing short of glorious... my description of this week...les sigh...

after two weeks of torrential rains...wind...and cold...enough that the news declared that we were no longer in a drought...can you imagine how much rain had to fall to get to that level? but i degress...

all i knew...was that i was longing for the sun...any sun...for longer then an hour...not to much to ask for...right?

well...this! talk about glorious...and the best part? i didn't have very much going i was able to partake of all my favorite things...

...gardening...although i did more clean-up than actually a few hikes...the one today was a whopper...we even got a little lost...more chatting then paying attention to the markers...but alas...we made it out alive...and with no sightings of mountain lions...phew... i write is a gorgeous 86 degrees outside...can you say perfection? my body is getting it's much needed vitamin d...and that makes me...well...just happy...

it's calling for rain tomorrow...with temperatures dipping down 20 degrees...i'm in denial about that...but whether it happens or not...i'm thankful for a week of sunny bliss...

may your weekend be blissful!

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