"The American Flag does not fly because the wind moves past it. The American Flag flies from the last breath of each military member who has died protecting it. American Soldiers don't fight because they hate what's in front of them...they fight because they love what's behind them."
i am thankful for the freedom we have in this beautiful country...i am thankful for all the soldiers who fight to protect our freedom...here are some tidbits of a speech i read recently by lt ellen engleman conners...if you would like to read it in its entirety...click here...
Our ability and agility will form the foundation of future war-fighting. Our determination to win, however, was forged over 200 years ago when insurmountable odds were overcome. The 4th of July is truly our Independence Day – a day of celebration, or remembrance and of re-dedication to our country.
I know that you share with me your pride in being an American. Our country has been criticized for being the richest country in the world. Let me suggest that we are proudly the richest country in the world – rich in our multi-cultural heritage, rich in our traditions, rich in our entrepreneurial spirit, our zest for the unknown and our reach into the future. The American colonies became the United States of America because of our determination, our self-discipline and most of all, our dreams. Our desire for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not a coined phrase, but a day-to-day philosophy celebrating free-expression, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right to be and remain free.
It is in this spirit of freedom that the 4th of July should be celebrated. Our soldiers and sailors are working all over the world to support the vision that became a reality over 200 years ago. They are willing to spend the 4th of July away from their families so that we can be with ours. So I hope between the softball and the BBQ and the picnics and the fireworks, each of you will take a few moments to send a prayer of thanks. Thanks to our forefathers for their vision and thanks to our soldier and sailors around the world for their dedication.
Happy 4th of July to each of you. May you continue to celebrate our freedom, in freedom.

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