Monday, July 11, 2011

one step...then another...

have you ever had those moments...where there is just so much stress...or so much trauma...where you just feel like there is no strength left in you? i'm not quite sure why i am writing about this i am currently on a pretty "normal" maybe this is for a reader that is needing these words? or perhaps it it preparing me for something that is coming up...i'm not sure...but these words are on my i will write them...

one of my favorite verses when i'm going through a tough time is found in isaiah 40:31...

"but those who wait on the Lord...shall renew their strength...they shall mount up with wings like eagles...they shall run and not be weary...they shall walk and not faint..."

at my most stressful moments...i thought about soaring like an eagle and quickly ruled that out as a possibility...then i considered running without getting tired...i didn't think i could do that either...gladly i would settle now for walking and feeling faint...maybe i could do that...just until noon...

until noon...until bedtime...just for today...

i had finally hit on a coping step at a time...all i had to do was make it just until noon...i could do what i needed to do...just until noon i could put up another span of time and do what was needed...just until six o'clock...i made it through each day by focusing on small segments of time...

it is amazing how much strength it takes to carry the thought of tomorrow...and how much easier it is to deal with just today...or just half of today...

sometimes i think spiritual and physical strength is like get just what you need for the more...

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