Tuesday, September 20, 2011

house guests...

one thing that i absolutely love...is having the occasional house guest...being a single woman...living alone...you kind of get used to a quiet home...which in and of itself...is good at times...

however...there is something about having lots of activity going on...as well...my house guest arrived early sunday morning...which was thrilling enough...but then on top of it...it meant that my weekend was officially extended...(being my own boss...easy decision to make)...and...we had some of our best summer weather...in mid september! high 90's graced us these last few days...

so...we got in a hike...some shopping...lot's of eating...kind of sounds like my weekend away a few weeks ago...it is looking like a pattern is forming...

but then...the house guest leaves...and the house is once again...quiet...the first day is a little hard to get used to again...it is a snap back into reality...

but i know...soon enough...hopefully...another house guest will be arriving...

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