Friday, September 2, 2011

relinquishing control...

i know as christians there are always areas in our lives that are easier to give to God then others...i think the easy part for me is giving God the chance to lead my life and direct me...and i've pretty much always trusted the Lord to take me exactly where He wanted me...and He's done that...

then there are other areas of my life that are very difficult to hand of those is my independence...i like to have a certain amount of control in knowing why things happen...and the order of things...that is something i've struggled with...with the Lord...because we don't always get answers as to why things happen the way that they do...

i can recount many times where i was going through a very difficult time...and although on the outside everything looked good...things weren't...i had alot of "whys" for God and didn't necessarily get alot of answers...

i struggle with letting Him have complete control of every area of my life because i want so much to remain in control...i'm learning that it is only in letting Him have every part...even my questions of "why" and "when" and "how..." that He can take my life and lead it the way it needs to be led...

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