Wednesday, September 7, 2011

pauses in your life...

never put a period where God has placed a comma...God's pauses in your life are never permanent...God's delays are not always God's denial...

i read this sentence about a week was in the mix of one of those emails that encourages you to send to a certain amount of people...blah blah blah...this sentence just stuck glaringly...

i remember reading it several times...remembering the times that i have done just that...being so sure "i" knew what God had just decided on my life...and really...all it was...was me not getting something i had asked for...prayed for...and instead of talking to God...and getting to the heart of it...i assumed...i knew what God was doing...

it is so human to do just that...isn't it? when really...we should be thinking...there is a pause in my life...what is God trying to tell me? teach me? is there perhaps something that i need to work on...before the next step...

i am learning to stop when something happens...and right away ask God...what are You trying to tell me? is there an obstacle that i have placed in the way of Your will? the great that if you really know...that means to stop talking? stop analyzing...stop assuming...but really listen...God will let you know exactly what the next step should be...

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