Monday, September 12, 2011

in remembrance...

in some doesn't seem like the terrorist attacks on american soil on september 11...happened 10 years other seems like a long time ago...i spent most of the weekend watching all the coverage of it on about an emotional weekend...

the thing didn't happen here in our backyard...but i recalled all the times i had been in those main clients there were cantor fitzgerald...many many years ago...and my girlfriend who worked across the street from the world trade center...we spoke this weekend...she said that when she started seeing all the coverage...she could smell it...and feel all that smoke...and it was happening again...

although i enjoyed the beautiful stories that came out of that horrible day...most of it was horrific...and even scary...they say hindsight is 20/20...and when hearing of all the miscommunication with the faa & other can only imagine had some things been handled differently...

after a weekend of saturation...i realized that this is how it was then...10 years some point you had to remove yourself from the tv...or you could literally get sucked in for hours...and start feeling the horror...the sadness...the evil that exists in our world...

the thing matter what facts came out of the commission report...all the errors...that day can never be brought back...there is no "do-over"...and those people that lost their lives...the families that lost loved ones...can never get that back...we can only learn from it is in long as we keep learning...reaching...for a higher purpose in life...and realizing that this life is for a moment...

my heart goes out to the families...even now...10 years later...the children who have lived without a parent...or both parents...the parents who lost children...and the countless thousands who gave of their time to help in the rubble...and who many now...are facing deadly illnesses because of the toxin air they were breathing in...all those affected...may the peace of the Lord be on them...

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