Thursday, February 12, 2009

playing truth or dare...

truth or dare...

now here is a game that has always intrigued me...playing it years and years amazed me how much people sided towards the dare avoid truths...or maybe just to be able to be put in ackward situations where you are pretty much made a fool of...

me...not so much...i always went for the was simpler...and easier for me...

i played a semi version of this game this week with a friend...just for some laughs...and i always chose the truth vs the dare...

there were some difficult questions asked...but it was therapuetic...and it really opened up some interesting conversations...some intense...some funny...some endearing...

i learned some great truths about my friend...and i think he did of me as well...

it really got me thinking about my relationship with the Lord...i have always held on to the saying that..."there is nothing you can do that will make the Lord love you more...and there is nothing you could do that will make the Lord love you less"...

what an incredible invitation to really let all your walls down when coming before the Lord...that love that He has for us...well...i will never claim to understand it...and i have to say...there have been times that it was hard to even accept it...

but i know that i know...that no matter what...He loves me...and it gives me such freedom to kneel before Him...and be honest...with my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my highs...and all my goof-ups...because no matter what...He will still love me...

and seriously...those times i've come before Him...not wanting to share some truths in my heart...who was i kidding? as if He didn't already know...

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