Wednesday, February 11, 2009

time well spent...

what a week! and its only wednesday!

had to take a few moments and write down a few thoughts...

i've been so busy squeezing work in between time spent with a friend from out of town...

what i am realizing is that the busier i am...the more productive i seem to is that possible?

takes me back to when i was knee deep working in corporate america....and traveling three weeks out of each month...somehow with all that crazyness...i was able to keep my place tidied errands run...and have a crazy social life...

when i started working for myself...those days that there was nothing going on...well...lets just say...i got kinda lazy...doing pretty much nothing at times...and wasting away my days that were given to me...

what i that each day given to us is not promised...and what a shame to waste any precious moments of it...the thing is...i really do understand balance...and i am really one that is completely for it...

for me it is the days that nothing is going on...and i plant myself on the couch to watch lifetime movies all day...when i know that i know that there are things i need to be doing...i just may not feel like it...but what happens to me at that that these small chores...turn into big out of control chores...and then i really don't want to tackle them...

i am really watching how my time is spent...not wanting to waste any minute of any day...and keep that balance between work and fun and everyday life stuff at an even level...

this far...i have seen how completely possible it is to do the stuff you need to with the little time you have in a day...maybe it is the knowing that i only have a few limited hours to get something done...that i don't procrastinate...and just do it...

so i'm off for another busy day...lets see what i can accomplish today!

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