Thursday, May 6, 2010

seasons come and seasons go...

isn't that the normal cycle of things? i feel like i have been in this season for so long...and i'm just tired...oh so prayers sound like a broken record...i just keep saying the same different ways...i really just have to laugh at myself at times...

my saving grace? i know that i know that He understands...even when i am so far from being eloquent in my prayers...or in those instances when i can barely mutter a word...He understands...

and THAT...keeps me going...well that...and the fact that no matter what...i know He is with me...every single day...every single minute...there in lies so much strength to hold on to...

i have often wondered how someone with no faith makes it through hard times...i can't even imagine it...really...there is such comfort in talking to my Lord and Savior...every day...sometimes constant...knowing He is listening...knowing He hurts when i hurt...knowing He loves me...despite myself...despite my "sometimes" wrong decisions...despite my "sometimes" needing to do it my way...

if it were up to me...i would so close the chapter on this season of my life...but for whatever reason...He seems to think i need to be in it...still...and that's ok...because He has never failed me...AND He knows what is best for me...

so although season is ending...and beautiful spring/summer is "winter" life will need to muddle through...

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