Wednesday, May 26, 2010

special time with g...

if someone were to ask me what is most important to me...i would & two cats fall under "family"...but if i were really friends fall under "family" as well...isn't that truly what they are? ok...i guess i need to say ( is my fashionista side...) that my shoes are important as well...but never before family & friends... =)

monday nite i got a call from my girlfriend is a little of our background that i posted in to g...with love...when i met her at the age of 2...well...i was almost 2...

she lets me know...she is driving to the bay area with her sweet hubby of 10 yrs...he is going to the dentist (to much information?) and am i free to spend the day with her? well...ding ding ding...number one reason i love owning my own business...ok...maybe not the number one reason...but it does rank high on the list...i can easily declare it a day spend with a good friend...and that is what i did...

i know i've said this so many times before...but i have truly been blessed with some incredible friendships...friendships that have spanned 20, 30 even 40 years...and they are strong friendships...

i think the wonderful thing with these friendships is how they stay strong...i mean...obviously when g got married...and then moved 2 hours away...we couldn't hang out the way we used to...and although the priorities they should have...our friendship didn't suffer because of i know some reading this...may say...yeah...ok...big deal...but i have seen so many relationships crumble...when there were major changes brought on...actually...sad to say...i have seen friendships crumble for very stupid i do not take these things lightly...

so as we sat together eating my heart...i was smiling...because our conversation was as if we had just been together the day before...and the day before that...when in had been quite a while since we had seen each other...

and lucky me...gets to see her...and spend time with her again...this holiday weekend...

love you and always...thank you for being such an incredible friend to me...

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