Friday, May 14, 2010

under pressure...

looking back at my life...there have been so many moments where God was looking out for the midst of it...i didn't feel Him...couldn't hear Him...and even...started wondering...if He was clued in to what was going on in my life...of course...intellectually...i KNOW that i KNOW that He is always with me...but humans...we get so deep into the situation or circumstance...we may start "this" will end...and yes...if we are honest with ourselves...we may even question if God is around...or cares...

i know i have been there...sometimes my stress has felt so heavy...i think i can't go on...i have no breath or life left in is in these times...that His word gave me solace...His word says that "You make me lie down in green pastures....and Your goodness and love will follow after me..." i think back and remember in those times...when i had no words left...i held on to His words...they refreshed my soul and renewed my spirit....He was my ever-present help under pressure....and with Him...i knew that i could make it was the hope that i held onto...even if it was just a tiny was what kept me going...and in the looking back...which is always easier to do...i could see so He had His hand in the whole situation...

sometimes...God allows us to become pressured...not to terrify us or cause us undue pain...but to purify our's interesting that God uses pressure in our lives this the same manner...pressure is what makes a diamond pretty, precious, and are treasured stones that many desire...God wants you and me to become His treasured stones that shine with His glory...He uses the pressures in our lives to create in us a thing of rare beauty that many desire...when we allow the stress of life to purify our nature...we permit God to work for good and His glory...

in those moments...looking back...many was nothing short of a was God at His finest...sure...the pressure of my trial was hard...but learning to lean on God's goodness had its rewards...i saw a promise come to character and faith were sharpened...and i had the privilege of experiencing God at work in my life...

it may be different for you...God's goodness under pressure may show up in a job offer that you weren't may be as simple as someone buying you dinner or offering to baby-sit so you can have some time to yourself...whatever the form, it's His goodness showering you with care in your time of distress...acknowledging these acts of kindness...which flow from God's heart...builds our character and our faith...before we know it...our life shines with the brilliance of a diamond that draws others to our God...and a good thing...

"surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life..." psalm 23:6

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