Monday, May 10, 2010

the why's...

have you ever noticed how God has a way of using the ridiculous to teach us things if we will let Him?

i have always been a pretty patient person...for the most part...when those around me complained about waiting...for traffic...standing in line...or people...i would just smile...and go with the flow...

as i've gotten older...traffic does annoy me...but i can still deal with it...standing in line...i just find it a great time to people waiting for people does annoy me at times...if those people are constantly late...just sayin...

but the whole waiting truly a mystery to me...when waiting on things to happen...

have you ever stopped at the store to get milk and ended up spending $200 on groceries? that is a lot how life just stopped to run in and grab a little of this & a little of that, but you walked out with arms full of more than you had is how He works...of course i’m not talking about groceries...i’m talking about the life lessons...wisdom...people...struggles & storms that we encounter along the way...

what we see as “stops” along the journey are so much more than that...what we see as detours really aren’t detours at all...He loves us too much to take us from A straight to will never be able to STAY at Z if you don’t learn what E and Q and T taught you...

if you look back and saw His fingerprints on the “no’s” in your life...would gratitude arise? if you saw the waiting as proof of His loving kindness and not as punishment or neglect...would contentment overwhelm you?

He knows more than you do...His timing is best...

why can’t i be rich, God?

when will things happen for me, God?

what about my dreams, God?

why can’t i be famous, God?

why can’t i find the right man/woman, God?

why can't i get pregnant, God?

when can i move to a better place, God?

He gently answers, “you aren’t ready...but you CAN have more of me while you wait, if that’s ok?”

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