Thursday, May 27, 2010

things that make you go...huh?

so last nite...watching the story is about a man who hid behind a church...and would go to senior "pray with them" and he was raping disabled senior women...huh?? this just sickens me...first the fact that he hid behind a church to get in...and then...just the fact that these poor women...most of which couldn't communicate...some in their 70's...were repeatedly raped...


then the next news story is about someone shooting a cat three times...and leaving it for dead...the cat survived...needed to have one of her legs amputated...but she is going to survive...


and now this...saw this video this morning on the news...a 2 yr old smoking about 40 cigarettes a day...and he throws tantrums if he doesn't get is the link to "smoking baby causes web controversy"

seriously...there are no so sad...this world we live in...there is so much evil around us...we need to then ever...

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