Wednesday, December 22, 2010

lost integrity...

it is funny how the disappointments of some people affect want to believe that they have some integrity...not only the integrity they talk about...but actually live...and you want to believe that there is a bit of goodness left...but for whatever isn't there...and the person you thought they were...and hope they are...isn't even close...

i've always thought i was a pretty good judge of character...but i have to the last few years...those that i thought would be the ones who stood out as good & honest...and trustworthy...were what is left to do? really nothing...for i have learned that i can only control my own actions...and hope for the best in others...

but still...i'll be honest...there is that tinge of have to acknowledge that who you thought someone was...well...they are nothing close...except maybe to some...

i'm rambling...i know...just have a lot on my a life of integrity is a whole lot different that writing about living a life of integrity...people are always watching us...especially when we call ourselves christians...i wish more people understood that...

in other news...with that disappointment came a wonderful visit from an out of town friend...and a reminder...that those who truly live a life of is like leaps and bounds of blessings...i am thankful for those friends...

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