Tuesday, December 7, 2010


..."be still and know that I am God" psalm 46:10...

my girlfriend adena wrote this status update yesterday...
"Just Breathe" - words I saw today in an ad in a fashion magazine. Very appropriate for this season, when we've got hundreds of little demands on our time. It's surprising, but often we don't even realize when we're holding our breath, accompanied by tensed shoulders. So...let's just take a deep, slow breath and consciously relax. Doesn't that feel better?

this is usually the time of year where much of the world runs around stressed to the max...and we focus on everything except the true reason for the season...in this busy month...take time to reflect...not only of His wonderful gift to us...but how He has been there throughout the year...always by your side...

we need to not just simplify our lives and learn to say "enough" to so much we try to do...but learn to be quiet on the inside...make a quiet place inside and stay with Him during this time of year...don't let christmas pass you by...

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