Monday, March 14, 2011


not sure what happened on friday...except that i somehow didn't write a post...which means i didn't wish you all a happy weekend...sorry...i hope it was lovely... =) i know mine was...filled with lots of activities...birthday celebrations...friend awesome sermon...some sun...some rain...lunch with the mamacita & papacito...and the browski...who did the cooking...

oh i remember was a long long day...on the road being away from the computer...and getting home late...yes yes...that was it...for a moment...i really couldn't remember what i did...just a blur...

boy...can you believe all the tsunami trouble? my heart goes out to all those poor poor people in japan...what devastation...chaos...uncertainty...

it still blows me away...that although this happened in hit santa cruz & the bay area as well...crazy stuff...of course...not even an inkling close to what japan is going through...

as i was watching the struck me as funny that some of the owners that had boats in the santa cruz harbor...were very upset with the boats sinking...and as i get that a boat is a pretty hefty is a "pleasure" item...they are not looking for the bodies of family members...or wondering where they are going to sleep...or worried about radiation...or even now...volcanic eruptions...

perspective...funny two people can look at a situation and see different results...diffrent outcomes...different scenarios...

i pray for healing in japan...i pray that good can come of this...and God's name be glorified...

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