Monday, March 7, 2011

pot of chili...

my good deed for the weekend...making a HUGE pot of turkey chili...and cornbread...and distributing it throughout the neighborhood...ok...well...maybe not the whole parents got brother got girlfriend got some...and there was even some left over for me...wouldn't that have been funny if i distributed all the chili...and came home to an empty pot? too funny...

there is something about good ole comfort food...for me...on a cold rainy day...a bowl of chili does the trick...warms you up...fills you up...the problem that i love a lot of comfort food...mash potatoes...mac & know...the stuff that you shouldn't be eating too much of...

so with the chili...i felt it was pretty healthy...turkey is good...the beans are good...the tomato sauce is good...just good...all around...

but now that i have a little leftover chili...not enough for stocking up...i'm wondering what the next "comfort food" meal will be...because right now...the thought of making something from scratch...doesn't appeal to me...

hmmm...maybe someone will make a big pot of something and bring me some =)

one can only hope...

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