Friday, March 4, 2011

who do you fear?

the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...psalm 111:10 - wasn't it in hebrews where it is said...the One who spoke all of that into existence is the One who has promised to be with us always?

so with that said...why are we afraid when we know that God is leading us to do something...say something...whatever the situation may be...confronting something in your marriage...or other relationship...if He says..."i want you to be free from clinging to money and possessions as your security"...whatever He says to do...whether it's facing temptation...getting rid of an addiction...beginning a new career...moving to a new place...or anything else that seems frightening...we can do it because we know who He is...

why is there fear?

i believe that we are always going to be afraid of something...but i would rather fear God...than fear people or circumstances...the reason many of us won't take risks is that we're afraid of losing people...things...or security...when we face one of those windows of opportunity for radical faith...we'll often find that the decision is between doing what God wants and maintaining others' opinion of us...if we try to please God...we won't please them...and if we try to please them...we won't please God...we will seek the favor of whoever we respect and honor (ie., fear) the most...

the fear of God is a novel concept today...but it is leads to wisdom...understanding how God has arranged life...what His priorities are...and how to do everything else His way...

why do you fear?

if you're afraid of what other people will think...why? what is it about their opinion that matters so much? and why doesn't God's opinion matter more? the worst that can happen to you by fearing God is offending people...the worst that can happen by fearing people is offending God...and in that...missing out on many blessings He wants you to experience...

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