Friday, August 27, 2010


it's friday!!!! can you feel my excitement?? i don't know what it is about weekends that i love so much...the funny thing is...that owning my own business allows me to pretty much make my own if i don't feel like working...i don't have to...if i wake up one morning...and feel like going on a hike...i can...

all that to say...that pretty much any day of the week can be my weekend...but...i guess the whole saturday/sunday thing for me is a sense of closure...closure of another week...relaxation before a new week...isn't it funny how our mind works?

it's kind of like...if i ever start a diet...i need to start on a monday...because it is the "beginning" of a week...when should just start...the sooner the better...right?

so dispite all these scenarios...and my little pea brain...i get excited on fridays...even when i don't have a whole lot of is just the sense of relaxation...

although...there have been times...i've worked harder over a weekend...then a week...

what is that all about?? need to stop that nonsense... =) i've just realized that this post really does take random thoughts about nothing to a whole new level...sheesh...

hope you are excited for the weekend...may it be relaxing...

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