Friday, December 3, 2010

making the most of today...

rec'd the pastors email "from the pastors heart" and had to share with all of you...such a great reminder of how time not to dwell on things out of your control...or to worry about things that you can't change...this is obviously the time of year where we look back and think "where did the year go?"...i know i have thought it...and said it...pastor's words hold make the most of today...

From Pastors Heart

It is hard to believe that it is the first week of December. In fact, I find myself amazed at how fast the 2010 year has come and gone. Many of the recent conversations have included comments from other people regarding their amazement over the fact that we are once again in the middle of the holiday season.

“I can’t believe it is December.”

“Where has the time gone this year?”

“The older I get, the faster time seems to go by.”

The Bible certainly hits the nail on the head when James reports:

But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. James 4:14 (NCV)

Time is something we will never capture or control. Our lives are brief, described as a mist, a fog, a vapor. First it is there - then it is gone. All the effort, all the planning, all the worrying to control the days of our lives do precious little to grant even one more day to the time we have left.

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Luke 12:25 (NIV)

Scripture goes on to assure us that God has already determined the days and hours of our lives. So what is left for us to do? If all this has been determined, if life is so short, if time passes so quickly – then what am I to do?

Yours is not to count the minutes, hours, days or years – yours is to make them count. Time does move quickly – are you using it to the fullest? Are the days and hours of your life being spent in a manner that reflects the value of eternity? Will the choices and decisions of your use of time be a benefit to others around you in the light of eternity?

Today is December 3, 2010. You will never pass this way again. You have one shot to make today count. This is not a dress rehearsal – this is life. It passes quickly. It passes as quickly as a vapor dissipates. I encourage you not to waste this time or hope for a future date to arrive – it may never come. I would encourage you to spend less time today in worry – it doesn’t benefit your life. I would encourage you to spend less time in amazement of how fast time passes. Spend more time on how you can make your life count.

It is my prayer for you today that this time, this season, this very moment is lived to the fullest. Now – this is the time of your life.

From my heart to yours,

Pastor Bret Allen (Bethel Church - San Jose)


Refreshment in Refuge said...

Hello, Elena...

I am writing a book and have been going through my old posts as I write because, why redo something that was already done well before?

I saw a comment you made on one of my posts a couple of years ago and it was an answer to my prayer this morning wondering if I was doing what God had actually directed me to do or if publishing this book was just something I wanted and was attributing it to God's will.

I just love the way God answers prayer way before we even know we're going to pray! He's so good all the time!

elena said...

hi gina!
thank you for your comment...i agree...i love how He continually surprises us...and yes...He is good all the time!