Thursday, October 13, 2011

if i had it to do over again...

i was reading a study the other day...fifty people over the age of 95 were asked the question...'if you could live your life over again...what would you do differently?'

three general responses emerged from the questionnaire...
if i had it to do over again...
- i would reflect more
- i would risk more
- i would do more things that would live on after i am dead elderly woman wrote this about how she would live her life if she had it to live over again...

"i'd make more mistakes next time; i'd relax; i would limber up; i would be sillier than i have been this trip; i would take fewer things seriously; i would take more chances; i would climb more mountains and swim more rivers; i would eat more ice cream and less beans; i would perhaps have more actual troubles...but i'd have fewer imaginary ones...

you see...i'm one of those people who lives sensibly and sanely hour after after day...oh...i'd have my moments...and if i had it to do over again...i'd have more of fact...i'd try to do nothing else...just after the other instead of living so many years ahead of time..."

sometimes it semms life is lived backwards...when we are young and have only a limited perspective...we have to make the huge decisions of life that will shape the rest of our years...but we can...and are wise to...learn from those who have gained insight from life's experiences...

life cannot be all work and no play...and yet you want your life to be your loved ones...and to yourself...

reflect on your life today...ask God to show you the true meaning of your existence...what you are to accomplish...and how to have fun along the way...

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