Wednesday, October 12, 2011


many people are familiar with the "serenity" prayer...although most probably think of it as a prayer to be said in the morning hours or during a time of crisis...consider again the words of the prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change...courage to change the things i can...and wisdom to know the difference..."

can there be any better prayer to say at the end of the day? those things which are irreversible or fixed in God's order...we need to relinquish to Him...true peace of mind comes when we trust God knows more about any situation than we could possibly know...He can turn any situation from bad to good in His timing and according to His will...

those things we can change...we must have the courage to change...furthermore...we must accept the fact that in most cases...we cannot change things until morning comes...we can rest in the interim...knowing the Lord will help us when the time comes for action...

the real heart of the serenity prayer is revealed in its conclusion...that we might know the diference between what we need to accept and what we need to change...that takes wisdom...

"if any of us is deficient in wisdom...let him ask of the giving God [who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly...without reproaching or faultfinding...and it will be given him...only it must be in faith that he asks...with no doubting..."(james 1:5-6)

at the end of the day...we must recognize the Lord's wisdom may not be given to us before we sleep...but perhaps as we that when we awaken...we have the answer we need...many people have reported this to be true...they went to bed having a problem...turned it over to God in prayer...and awoke with a solution that seemed "plain as day" in the morning light...

ask the Lord to give you true serentiy tonite...

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