Monday, October 17, 2011

a simple pleasure...

what is it that gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside? certain the aroma of homemade bread right out of the oven or the cinnamony smell of hot apple cider...makes you feel everything will be all right...

or maybe a crackling fire in the fireplace to chase away the damp chill on a rainy nite? although we here in the bay area have been having some incredible summer weather...and not really thinking about fires in fireplaces...

what about the whistling of a teakettle...ready to brew a pot of your favorite tea? or listening to a favorite recording of beethoven's "moonlight sonata"? when was the last time you sat outside to do nothing else but watch the sun set? simple pleasure is just laying on my couch...and having my kitty asleep on top of me...purring away...

when was the last time you gave yourself permission to be "nonproductive" and enjoy some of life's simple pleasures?

when we don't take time for leisure or relaxation...when we give our discretionary time away to busyness and relentless activity...we are living in a way that says..."everything depends upon me and my efforts..."

consequently...God prescribed a day of rest...the enjoy His give us time to reflect and remember all He has done for us and all He is...the sabbath is time to remember that God is God...and...well...we are not...

the sabbath doesn't have to be can take a sabbath rest anytime you relax and turn your focus to God and His creation...sometimes you have nothing better to do than may have something else to do...but you don't have anything better to do...

remember to relax and just enjoy God's creation...after all...He created it for you to enjoy...

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