Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the spider monkey...

ok...confession time...my favorite animal at the zoo has always been...the monkey...they amuse me...really =)

so the other day...i was flipping channels...should have been the first clue that i have things i need to be doing...but am avoiding by desparately trying to find something on tv to occupy my time...

i came across this little tidbit on the spider monkey...and was mesmorized by the information...and of course...i don't even know why i'm surprised...a lesson came out of the show... =)

the spider monkey is a tiny animal native to south and central america...quick as lightening...it is a very difficult animal to capture in the wild...for years...people attempted to shoot spider monkeys with tranquilizer guns or capture them with nets...but they discovered the monkeys were nearly always faster than their fastest draw or quickest trap...

then somebody discovered the best method for capturing this elusive creature...they found that if you take a clear narrow-mouth glass bottle...put one peanut inside it...and wait...you can catch a spider monkey...

what happens? the spider monkey reaches into the bottle to get the peanut and he can't get his hand out of the bottle as long as it is clenching the peanut...the bottle is so heavy in proportion to his size...he can't drag it with him...and the spider monkey is too persistent to let go of a peanut once he has grasped it...in fact...you can dump a wheel barrow full of peanuts or bananas right next to him...and he won't let go of that one peanut...

and then came the lesson...

how many of us are like that? unwilling to change a habit...be a little flexible...try a new method...or give up something we know is bringing destruction to our lives? we stubbornly cling to our way...even if it brings pain and suffering?

today...don't cling to a negative situation that may be draining you of your full vitality...energy...creativity...and enthusiasm for living...as the well-known phrase advises...and one i say often..."let go...and let God..."

trust the Lord to lead you to the wise counsel and new opportunities He has for you...have faith in Him to provide what you truly need to live a peaceful...balanced and fulfilling life...you may never lose your taste for peanuts....but with the Lord's help you can discern when they are trapped in glass bottles...

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