Thursday, October 16, 2008

cleaning...not my idea of fun...

i have a girlfriend who loves to clean...and hates to shop...

i's hard for me to grasp as well...

i, on the other to shop...and HATE to clean...

when it comes to cleaning...i have noticed that i will be able to find just about any other activity that needs to be done...just to avoid cleaning...

during a lunch with a few girlfriends a few weeks ago...we got on the subject of their husbands help or don't help in the cleaning process...we laughed at the stories of when they first got married...and the realization that one chore can be done more than one way...and in certain was unbearable to one for it to be done any other way than the way they were they then...inherited that chore...

for me...what i took from what i was taught in area i did make a complete mom...who is complete opposite of me...when it comes to cleaning...had this idea that the whole house was to be cleaned on saturday...the house had to be clean for sunday...and...of course...i helped in that...being the only girl in the family (other than my mom) i would clean the house as my brothers took off for a day of fun...yeah...there was a bit of jealousy there...i have to admit...

when i moved out...i refused to clean on saturdays...i would clean on a monday nite...or a wed morning...any day but saturday...

lately though...i have this massive job looming over me of doing a major spring cleaning...(i is now fall) do you now see my dilemma? i want to clean...i need to clean...but yet...i do not clean...

i have had many suggestions from friends...especially my one friend who "loves" to clean...

do a little every day
don't move from room to room - clean the one...and then move on to the next
i'll come over and help (yes...i have great friends)
make a list - divide each job into smaller jobs...

my suggestion? light a match and start all over ;o)

of course...i wouldn't do that...because i have so many things in my home that i love...

but as i have been cleaning up my life...the "last step" is to completely cleanup my home...i have accumulated so much "junk" in drawers and closets and shelves...

so today...i stand before you and is the first day of my home going through a complete overhaul...there will be lots of shredding...lots of trips to goodwill...and with my emotions set aside...i will get rid of things i have been holding on to...that do nothing for me...

time to make room for the new...time to live a clutter-free life...

this is a project that will take some time...but i already feel lighter just telling you about it...

1 comment:

Mitzie said...

I really think our mom's must have ruined us. My mom was the SAME way. Everything had to be cleaned on Saturday and It all had to be in a specific way. I very rarely clean now. Thank God John is so good at EVERYTHING and doesn't get on my case to much. I have no desire to clean. I like things to be clean but I don't want to clean or organize them.